I just emailed Atlantis to see if he knows what has happened to the yearbooks. They surely must be available in USA by now. Hopefully someone will post some figures as soon as they know
Thanks in advance
i know the yearbook isn't on jw.org yet?
but in the past, some have gotten a yearbook gift sent to them by now?
things seem 'quiet' about the 2012 worldwide service report too..
I just emailed Atlantis to see if he knows what has happened to the yearbooks. They surely must be available in USA by now. Hopefully someone will post some figures as soon as they know
Thanks in advance
i am in a very rotten mood and i am very pissed off today.
i just want to smack a certain someone right now.. now let me back up and explain why.
my husband was laid off from his job, but that is not why im angry.
Hi Tameria, yes that was not very nice. Everyone is feeling the pinch, and 6 days late is hardly a massive problem. They treat it as they are doing you a favour lending you money, when in fact they are making a mint from you probably. This site is always good to chat to people and vent your feelings. Hope you have a good holiday.
i was listening to the candace conti interview on youtube and they mentioned out of court settlements the society has made to pedophile victims using funds donated for the world wide work.. does anyone know of a list showing how many cases there has been and who the society settled out of court with ?
is that kind of thing something you can find on record somewhere ?.
Barbera Anderson, an ex bethel worker has documented around 16 cases which I believe were settled out of court. Have a look at the link and see if it is what you are looking for. http://www.watchtowerdocuments.com/docs/jw-secrets.html
i received this article from a friend:.
watchtower changes concerning the anointed 144,000. there has been a major change concerning the 144,000 (the anointed) and for many years the anointed has played a major role in the teachings of the watchtower (wt).
the 144,000 is the most crucial teaching to the witnesses; however, the teaching on this belief has changed over the past few years.
I think that probably although the society know the number of supposed annointed ones by who partakes of the emblams each year, they possably do not have the names and addresses of those ones. That is why they can say they do not keep tabs on WHO the annointed ones are.
I know this information is on the record cards, but probably they do not extract that info from the congs.
So they know the number of partakers but do not know or care who they are. After all they only wanted that figure each year to show the sheep that the anointed ones were gradually dying off. Of course that no longer helps them, now that the figure goes up each year, so I fully expect them to stop publishing it this year or next.
I may well be wrong though with these thoughts, and would welcome other peoples view on this.
not really good at introductions.
i am an active jw who has my doubts about certain things like the bible as a whole but im slowly but surely wading through them.
just of curiousity: what on earth has happened to this board?
Hi facethefacts, welcome to the board. Anyone is welcome on this board providing they show respect, and accept that there are people with differing views here.
This site has been going for quite a few years, so over that time many subjects have been covered. If you want to know about anything special just type into the search option, and I am sure you will find a discussion on it.
Feel free as well to start a subject for discussion if there is something special you wish to talk about.
Look forward to hearing more from you in the coming days and weeks.
it was a big thing in 70's and 80's, but seemed to have died down during the 90's up until the time i left.
i was wondering with the arab spring and increased unrest in the middle east, whether the brothers are speculating about this again?.
When things in the world look bad, they peddle the end is near because things cannot go on like this, and then when there is a feeling of peace and security in the world, they peddle that.
They always have and always will speak out of both sides of their mouth. They will say whatever they think will get them more members.
i notice in ray's books he has a disdain for the more vocal dissidents of the watchtower organization.
with this being said, did ray franz go on shows like merv griffen, oprah and other "talk mediums" to attack the watchtower society?
i remember as a kid my mother running up and turning off shows apostates were to appear on, and i can't remember if ray was one of the 'bashers'?
Whether he did or did not go on the show makes no difference. His books are available for all to read and more importantly to check. Most of the time Ray simply showed his readers what the society had said in print, regarding dates, doctrine and policy. I have yet to find anyone who can show that he lied or tried to deceive anyone. As an ex gov body member he was in a perfect position to tell his readers what happened at their meetings, and how doctrine was decided.
a friend told me something recently that i thought was a bit strange.. aprrarently at a recent circuit assembly it was sai:.
"we have an announcement from the 'teaching commitee'; you don't have to stay in your seats during the baptism".
two strange points actually the reference to the "teaching commitee" and the change of "policy" in not having to sit and watch the baptisms.. any thoughts?.
I supose it is possable someone said that at one assembly, but I dn't believe that it would be anything from the gov body. To them, baptism is the one thing they want all JWs to engage in, so they become truly a part of the org. If they just let people walk around, sort of take it or leave it, there would soon be a lot less baptisms, and a lot smaller organisation.
just nothing more than a 'share'..... i was in pittsburgh on business and took a day off and paid a visit to russells grave.. i haven't stopped laughing since.
i'm worried i'm going to break ribs.. had i seen this as a young kid/adult.....i surely would have thought "wtf???".
folks...if you ever needed confirmation this whole thing is a laughable cult......make your way to pittsburgh and see chuck's resting spot.......its worth it just get pictures with his pyramid.. lol.
This is one of the reasons that the society have distanced themselves from Charles Russell. They now say that the gov body was only around from 1919 onwards, so anyone who said anything earlier than that was not representing God and did not have his spirit backing them.
So I think now that any of us who expose Russell's words and deeds, will not get anywhere with a JW, as he is now not thought of now as anyone special. Just one of many who had certain ideas about the bible. Some things he said were true and other things were complete rubbish.
i was surprised this week by calls from active jws complaining about the new magazine format, and more begging for money from the platform.. frankly i was surprized by this reaction since this is old news to jwn members.
i guess actually shuffling to the bookroom and grabbing the new "awake tracts" minus the inside cover forward ...awakened many sleepy, catatonic, bored jws who never read the things or go on the internet anyway.. any feedback from other areas?.
All I know is that it is so much easier being a JW these days than 30 years ago.
Less time spent at the meetings, less time spent as a pioneer, half size magazines (so much less to read,) No Friday night at the circuit assembly, 3 days at the district assembly instead of four. Hey maybe I shouild rejoin. Only joking lol