I seem to remember from the original posting about this that the FADS made their appearance after Charles Russell had died. So without saying so, they are saying that anything that Russell said was his own speculation, which is why he got so much wrong. It is meant to show witnesses that the holy spirit only began flowing on the governing body after Russell's death. There has been so much exposing Russell on the internet they had to find something to cover themselves. This new light has done that.
Posts by alanv
First mention of "new light" may appear in July 15, 2013 Watchtower
by cedars ina trusted source informs me that the "new light" about the faithful slave is to make its first printed appearance in the july 15th watchtower, which should be available for download online three weeks from now, on around april 15th.. i'm led to believe that the references to the new understanding are made in such a manner as to suggest the "new light" isn't that new at all, which suggests to me that little or no effort is being made to explain the doctrinal connotations.
my source and i are hoping to get a key paragraph posted at the earliest opportunity.
watch this space!.
Watchtower potentially receives at least $2.1 Billion a year in revenue by prohibiting holidays, etc...
by Calebs Airplane inso we all know that the main reason the watchtower corporation prohibits holidays, extra-curricular sports, higher education, etc.
is that this money could potentially become "voluntary donations" with just a little guilting and manipulation.
in the minds of the brooklyn brass, money that isn't spent on all this worldly stuff is potential liquid revenue (at least some of it anyway).. now let's go extremely conservative for a minute and say that the average "worldly" person only spends a total of $300 a year on christmas, birthdays, st. valentines, father's day, mother's day, extracurricular school sports, higher education, and all the other stuff that the wt frowns upon.... we all know that the real number is much higher than $300.
No doubt about it the society want to isolate people, as there is more chance they will stay witnesses that way. If it was all about money they would be encouraging witnesses to get a good job or good education to increase the chance to make a lot of money. In fact the society do the very opposite. There is no encouragement at all for witnesses to better themselves or go to college to make more money. Little and often is their way. Just a few dollars a month, but received from 7 million witnesses seems to be the way that works for them
Honesty in The "Wicked World": What Can One Expect? .. Here's A Look
by Room 215 inhttp://www.wallettest.com/lost_wallet_test/results_page.html.
i don't think this will be showing up at any of the awake!
"watching the world" segments.
You're right the society seem to hate any good new that is going on around the world. This is a link to an interesting site, that concerntrates on all the good news in the world. The society would hate it lol
Dutch news paper about reformation in 1517 and my thoughts @ a Sunday morning
by Gorbatchov inthis sunday morning i choose to read the weekend newspaper instead of going to the local kh.
and this is the result:.
i read a nice quote in a dutch news paper about luther's reformation in 1517. .
Personally I cant see any difference beteen many churches and the JWs. Both have got loads of things wrong over the years. Lives have been lost by the churches following certain doctrine and the same is true for JWs.
The koolaid sipping aint far off now....
by sosoconfused inso today after the meeting an older pioneer sister was outside as people were talking about the wonderful experience from the yearbook of the family in nigeria or wherever that went to the meeting and the plane destroyed their neighborhood.
but since they were at the metting they lived..... .
so she says, "you heard about the ones that died in a bus crash on the way to the convention????
Lois, you are so right. The demonstrations outside assembly halls, only reinforces the idea that witnesses will be persecuted. It is a great boost to their faith when they see such things. My real turning point was when I read Ray's books and from there to the internet to quietly check whether I had been told the truth or not by the org. The internet is the way forward to helping people, not waving placards outside an assembly hall or kingdom hall.
Public talk today on evolution today - real doozy
by Comatose innotes:.
bible says god created us.
scientific principle says - simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
I really feel for anyone who has to sit through that drivel. The trouble is most dubs will nod in agreement without thinking about it at all. They are simply conditioned to accept what they are told. I even thought the arguement about a watch not making itself was brilliant lol.
What a horrible, horrible religion we were all part of. I really am feeling very tearful thinking what this poor woman has gone through. How could I have spent 20 years lapping up everything they said. I hope and pray my own grown up son sees the light one day soon and gets out of this truly awful cult.
14 months after printing the "Steve and Selma" article, guess what the Society's latest Awake is about...
by cedars inyou guessed it.... .
Cedars why not just fade. I know it will make you feel better if you formally withdraw, but I dont believe any 'preparing' of your family or friends will stop many of them ever speaking with you again. Most witnesses will always go by what the societry say rather than anything you may tell them, even if what you say is totally true. It will always be mother knows best.
Personally I was able to fade and as you know I write many words against the society, yet can still speak with witness family and others, as they are unaware ofwhat I say and write about the the society.
i got to say "i'm not interested"
by joyfulfader in2 sisters came to the door and since i dont live in the territory they dont know me and i got to say "i'm not interested" for the first time :).
it felt awesome.
didnt have a chance to engage in conversation as i was quite busy but it was a nice first for me..
Haha I remember as a pioneer when someone said to me I'm not interested', I retorted 'What aren't you intersted in,' the householder thought for a moment and said Jehovah's Witnesses. I replied ' we are not hear to talk about them', I am here to speak about the bible'. When they said they were not interested in that either, I felt I had done my job. Another goat found ready to be annihalated at Armaggeddon.
There are witnesses knocking my door right now
by not bitter inthey know i'm here and have just knocked a 2nd time but i'm in my pyjamas and its saturday morning so i'm not answering.
Probably best advice for any ex witness, is to have something prepared before they get to your door. Something maybe you feel strongly about, and know they have no proper answer to. Oh and keep your dressing gown handy. lol