Posts by alanv
Australian Total Publishers for 2016 Compared to 2015?
by awake!watcher indoes anyone know what the publisher totals were for 2015 compared to 2016 for australia?
i can't find them anywhere and was wondering if the royal commission hearing had any effect on the numbers.
Australian Total Publishers for 2016 Compared to 2015?
by awake!watcher indoes anyone know what the publisher totals were for 2015 compared to 2016 for australia?
i can't find them anywhere and was wondering if the royal commission hearing had any effect on the numbers.
Australian Total Publishers for 2016 Compared to 2015?
by awake!watcher indoes anyone know what the publisher totals were for 2015 compared to 2016 for australia?
i can't find them anywhere and was wondering if the royal commission hearing had any effect on the numbers.
Just go to for a complete report on all the service reports going back many years. The actual average publishers for Australia in 2015 was 66753, and for 2016 was 66689, so a loss of 64. Baptisms were 1235 so even if you allow 1% for deaths, they lost a lot of people last year
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The carts or trolleys are going to be around for a long time yet
by pepperheart ini say that because it works for both the people doing field service and the watchtower.
for the people its easier standing than having to walk and you can have a chat with other jws as well.
for the watchtower they tell the drones that the general public must make the first move(to stop the general public complaining about being pestered) but in doing so it means that they are not giving many magazines etc away but that suits the watchtower because magazines and even single page trats cost money and that seems to be one thing that the watchtower dont have .
Are people free to leaving the Witnesses, and shunning.
by ThomasCovenant inis it true, as bro jackson testified to the australian royal commission, that people can leave the religion freely?.
in my own case, yes.
i just stopped going and was never announced as ''no longer one of jw's''.
Are people free to leaving the Witnesses, and shunning.
by ThomasCovenant inis it true, as bro jackson testified to the australian royal commission, that people can leave the religion freely?.
in my own case, yes.
i just stopped going and was never announced as ''no longer one of jw's''.
Are people free to leaving the Witnesses, and shunning.
by ThomasCovenant inis it true, as bro jackson testified to the australian royal commission, that people can leave the religion freely?.
in my own case, yes.
i just stopped going and was never announced as ''no longer one of jw's''.
if you were baptised after the new 1985 baptism questions, you agreed to work with the organisation. All they have to do is ask you if you believe Jehovah is using the gov body as his channel. If you say no, you are in effect dissasociating yourself. At least that is how they will view it.
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Born in baptisms to avoid embarrassment
by Spoletta ini noticed a recent commenter mention an assembly that had only one baptism, a born in.
the last assembly i went to had three baptisms, of which two were born ins.
could part of the motivation for youth baptism be to avoid the embarrassment of an assembly with no baptisms at all?
Are people free to leaving the Witnesses, and shunning.
by ThomasCovenant inis it true, as bro jackson testified to the australian royal commission, that people can leave the religion freely?.
in my own case, yes.
i just stopped going and was never announced as ''no longer one of jw's''.
JW.Org claims they have fullfilled Jesus command to preach in all the inhabited earth.Have they really done that ? I dont think so.
by smiddy inapart from the fact that they have mainly followed in the footsteps of christendom before them what virgin territories have they ever gone to that christendom before them has not gone to .
i would think none.. how many lands ,countrys ,are their that they have never made any significant inroads into ?.
we are not talking about token service in any of these countrys in major cities , but a real door to door witness to every individual householder that gets it every few months as in western lands.. some that i can think of : north korea ,mainland china , bangladesh ,india , pakistan , jordan , israel , iran , syria ,burma ( sorry cant think of the new name ).
Nearly everything they say, you will find an opposite statement somewhere in their literature. That way whatever happens they can say it was right what they wrote.
The above is one example and another one, is where they say how bad the world is getting with more wars and violence, then somewhere else they will say the bible says there will be a cry of peace and security before the end.
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