Posts by alanv
Another kingdom hall up for sale
by pepperheart inhi another kingsom hall is up for sale if you look in the rightmove property website and look for bradford in the uk you will see that its priced at £170,000.. but why should they need to be selling a kingdom hall off espically when they are not printing about 50 million magazines a month they vant be that short of money can they ?
2 BOE's You might want!
by Atlantis inoclam-2018-april-2-30--answer sheet march announcements and reminders!.
Yet another cutback. Love it! They couldnt care less that some congregations will have to travel many miles to collect their literature.
by Freedom rocks indoes anyone celebrate valentines day since leaving the borg?
and which other celebrations if any do you now take part in?.
I still dont like xmas at all. its just so commercial, although I know its great for kids. I tend to celebrate friends or families special birthdays, rather than everyone's. I often send good wishes to people via Facebook. When my mother was alive I would celebrate mothers day. No need for valantine's day at my age though lol.
Cart Witnessing at Library
by M3tadata69 inhello everyone, i live here in the states, and over the past summer and fall, i noticed that several times when i went to the public library there were witnesses sitting outside next to the door with their cart.
usually a couple of old geezers just sitting there racking up field service time.
my question is, do they have to get special permission from the city to do this?
There is certainly nothing wrong with you standing near them outside the library or anywhere else for that matter. And you are right if people knew more about Watchtower's doctrines they would be appalled.
Often when ex JWs do stand near the JWdubs with a placard or flyers they will move on, or even just call it a day.
So go for it.
Has Watchtower taken the joy out of 'the good news of the kingdom'
by UnshackleTheChains ini ask this question for the following reason.
i was sitting at the kingdom hall thinking about all the rules, procedures, policies, teachings that each member must follow ......or else!.
at the watchtower study we are reminded of the paradise earth where we will all be the same and happy.
They are victims of Watchtower just like we were. But we also had our own brain, but chose to give it over completely to Watchtower. What we should have done is checked independently, if what we were being told was true. But many of us including me, liked the little bubble we were in.
Cart Witnessing Is Getting People Baptzed!!!🐑🐑
by minimus inrecently i talked to an elder about this type of witnessing.
i’ve known him for many years and he is a very honest upright man.
he marveled at how many people have become baptized in the last couple of years because of cart witnessing.
The increase has been going down over the last few years, not going up. This year it was 1.4% In europe there are more that have left than have joined. I would say the carts are a complete failure.
by Atlantis injanuary-18-2018--boe.
donations for 2019 international convention travel.!
What do the governing body think donations are for? JWs are already sending Watchtower money for all sorts of different things. Full time workers are paid out of donated money already donated. That money should pay for any needs these full time workers have. Disgusting money grab yet again.
Crisis of Conscience where to find?
by Jules Saturn indoes anyone know where i can get a pdf version of this book?
i’ve always wanted a physical copy but those seem really hard to come by, and if you look online they’re super expensive.
thank you.. -jules.
I bought both Ray's books years ago at a reasonable price. Also have the PDFs -
Are JWs capable of a genuine discussion?
by stuckinarut2 ini was just pondering whether jws are capable of having a calm, in depth discussion about religious or faith topics?.
i have just finished listening to a great podcast by "dogma debate" (dan) episode 333. this fantastic, in-depth conversation between a theist and an atheist was a masterful example of how a dignified conversation can take place without it resorting to abruptness or even nastiness.. jws on the other hand seem incapable of having such discussion without ending up in the following ways:.
1)they get dogmatic and defensive if a differing view is presented.. 2)if the conversation doesn't go their way, they cut it short saying something like "well, we had better agree to disagree" or the like.. so why the arrogance?
I think the evidence is that now the org dont want witnesses to engage in two way discussions. It nearly always goes the same way. They tell the person to go to jwdotorg for answers. The ministry school has been scrapped so witnesses are not being trained now to discuss Watchtower doctrine.
Jw carts
by Jrjw ini was just thinking it would be funny if apostates set up jwfacts carts and placed them in areas where the jws do their metropolitan witnessing to unwitness to people the witnesses have spoken to.
it would probably get the jws backs up like or it would stop the cart witnessing altogether.
I really dont know why they could think cart witnessing is a good way to get new members. Particularly since their introduction JW membership has been going down and down. The last two years, Europe has seen more leave the org than they have gained. In fact just about every first world country that has the internet has been going down hill.