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Posts by alanv
LOL: just have share a convo I just had with my PIMI wife
by goingthruthemotions inso my wife and i just went on a walk, remember right now she has been listening to her convention.
so she starts in with the world is getting bad and will end soon.
what started it was we were talking about the economy and such.
What Do You Think About The Government Going Door to Door To Get You Vaccinated?
by minimus ini hate anyone bothering me going door to door and house to house.
maybe it’s my jw background?
i dunno..
Vaccinations are literally saving the lives of millions of people worldwide. The more people that get vaccinated the more freedom we will all have in the future. I think its a great idea to find people that for whatever reason have been hesitant about getting the jab. There is a lot of misinformation out there, so having someone who cares about you coming to your door to answer your questions is a great initiative in my opinion.
Are You Enjoying living in Jesus Christ`s Paradise after 40 years of his reign ?
by smiddy3 init has been 40 years since 1975 when 6000 years of human creation took place according to wt theology,when jesus christ was supposedly to begin his 1000 year reign in which earth was supposed to be turned back to an eden like paradise.. 1975 was the second attempt of the wt to predict when 6000 years of human creation took place,the first time it was supposed to have occurred was in 1872 .. so by that reckoning we should be living 40 years into jesus christ`s 1000 reign .. on the other hand wt theology states that jesus returned in 1914 to do what ?
sit at his fathers right hand until 1975 ?.
of course this all hinges on jehovah`s witnesses / watchtower belief that a creative day was 7000 years long that they taught for decades .. do they still cling to this belief ?
They no longer say that each creative day was 7000 years long. like every other failed announcement they simply change it, and the sheep meekly follow.
Will there be a sense of urgency in 30 years?
by neat blue dog init's pretty easy to see how current events would have any jw convinced the end is imminent, but i just don't see how there could be a major push for zealous service, pioneering, etc.
decades into the future.
even if (when) world events happen periodically that could scare the r&f, there are now countless hours of hd video of jw leaders saying how close the end is.
JWs are under mind control, so most of them will believe anything they get told, including the end is nigh. Just look at the way their preaching has almost ground to a stop last year and this year. Its meant to be one great push before the end comes, but the complete opposite is true. So they will carry on, and grab any headline that will further their cause.
Money for sell of KHs
by asp59 inhas anybody seen a chart or documents abouth money they supposedly spending in africa building halls?
as there selling millions worth of halls around the world.
they claim it's for africa.
i suppose the only hint we can get is where there is any increase in the world. If there are large increases in Africa they will need somewhere to meet, and may not have enough of their own money to build a hall.
by Atlantis inthe manual is 32 pages long.. 2021-june-covid-instruction-manual.
direction related to covid-19 pandemic for bodies of eldersjune, 2021this document contains instructions related to the covid-19 pandemic for elders in the spain branch territory only and is an update to all previous guidelines received.this is confidential and should not be distributed to others.
̶ titus 1:8english and spanishzipped folder:https://www.filemail.com/d/qsbzmlxmquqjmhp or.
Interesting that although its advertised as June 2021, the figures for deaths and cases are well out of date. According to the latest update from the org, 17000 JWs have now died up to May 15th 2021, not 5000 as this letter said
Did you think this was it for the Watchtower-(Covid)- Well-They are coming back with even greater ZEAL!
by pistolpete inso you all probably heard that the awake magazine is back, .
and one of my jw relatives said they were told by some elders that meetings and field service will resume before the end of the year.. they said this covid virus was a test, like when the romans breached jerusalem and retreated, only to come back later and sack jerusalem.
I know the question i will be asking them when they finally resume door to door work. If the org has Jehovah's protection, how is it that 5 times more witnesses have died per million cases than the rest of the world? Also if we are on the brink of armaggeddon, how come the preaching work has gone down so much, and that in most lands they are losing members.
What did Jesus Teach the "Kingdom of Heaven/God" is?
by truth_b_known inthe books of matthew, mark, luke, john, and the beginning of acts are filled with what the authors purport are statements of jesus.
jesus is quoted as making several statements about "the kingdom of heaven" or "the kingdom of god".
those statements are often given as parables that start with a phrase something like "the kingdom of heaven is like...".
God moves in mysterious ways lol
Are There Any Interesting Videos or Comments Coming From Bethel?
by minimus inevery once in a while someone will post a video or a talk that was heard that shows how weird the watchtower society really is.
governing body vids are usually interesting or animated cartoons showing how strange the cult is entertaining.
Anyone interested in recent interesting videos from headquarters can see them being rebutted on the Lloyd Evens channel
Anyone know a link to the leaked music video the cult is so upset about?
by mickbobcat ini have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
Lloyd Evans has just done a video about it, including the actual video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8Osu1lz2gQ