Their complete arrogance in demanding that they alone have the truth of the bible, and the fact that you have to agree with what ever they say, and if you don't, they will kick you out with the likelyhood your old friends and family will never speak to you again. So loving!!!
Posts by alanv
What is the main issue you have with this religion?
by Quillsky infor me there are many obvious issues, but the big one is......... the big daddy of the universe, the father of all this incredible creation, is not about to annihilate everybody who is not a member of this late 1800's american religion, jehovah's witnesses.. that's it for me.. what is your big issue?.
Legal Department....
by on the rocks injust curious to know how big is the legal department in brooklyn??
is it headed by a gb much influence they have over the teachings of the society?.
The vast majority of work is done by non governing body members. There is certainly no need to have them in the legal department.
The vast amount of articles are written by non gov. body members, indeed many non teaching articles are written by women.
As I understand it a few of the members simply have to initial a teaching article to show that they agree with it.
Mother's Day
by cry inso tomorrow is 'mothering sunday'.
this is the first one i will have 'celebrated' in over 30 years.
my youngest took me out for a meal today - it was lovely, just to be 'normal' and so warming to see my son feeling that it was ok to recognise his mum.
I and my family will be going out tonight for a mothers day meal. My JW son is coming but he doesn't know that it is a mothers day celebration. hehe
How would you describe your Congregation
by Truthexplorer ini would describe my congregation on the whole as quite wooden ad robotic.
though there are some genuine sincere and loving brothers/sisters, there is overall something missing in my hall.
i dont feel incited to love and fine works by the brothers.. i find the boe as a whole - to be quite distant.
Most people stay in the organisation for support and a social life. What you describe is a long way from what he taught his followers to be like.
Why are you still hanging around? I know it's not always easy to make the break but boy is it worth it to get the idiot governing body out of your life.
I need you help! When I was a child my dad exposed himself at work, but older elder just told me it never happened.
by life is to short inok i came from a very crazy family.
lots of abuse.
my dad exposed himself to me from the age of three until i left home at 18. my dad did lots of gross things but that is not the jest of this post.. one of the things my dad did that i clearly remember was exposing himself in the elevator at work to woman twice and he almost got fired for it.
It really doesn't surprise me what the elder said to you. They are taught to protect the org. at all costs. I live in the UK where the policy is to report it to the police.
I don't see that scriptually it matters if you live in a non reporting state. It is always going to be wrong to cover up serious sins or crime in a congregation.
I totally agree with the others, get out and seperate yourself from these people. It is clearly not a religion that God approves of.
Have They Ever Given a Figure of How Many Are to Die at Armageddon?
by cameo-d inhas wt ever published a number of how many they expect to die at armageddon?.
will it bring the population down to the georgia guidestones advice for a manageable level?.
To my knowledge they have never said that. Just that it will be the vast majority of mankind. Seeing that they expect the big A any day now, and that you have to be under the shelter of the WT, then JWs would expect about 7 billion to slaughtered.
i sent my sister inlaw a letter
by looloo inmy husband has been so upset at her ignoring him in the street lately (he was disfellowshipped 15 years ago but , she has only just started ignoring him ,shes 19 and about to get married ) i know she must find it hard to start ignoring him all of a sudden and wonder if its her future husband to be influencing her already or just the fact that she feels "guilty"for talking to her own brother , she walked past with her fiance and they both looked at my husband but looked away when he spotted them , so he can not even be introduced to his future brother in law , like normal people .
my husband approached his parents about it and they said it is "her decision" but he is welcome to start coming to their home again as they miss our daughter since he was banned from the home a year ago .i wrote to his sister pointing out there are other girls like her who think they are doing gods will by ignoring relatives who have been disfellowshipped from the "one true religion" and these girls went on to write books when they themselves were eventually disfellowshipped also , escape by carrolyn jessop was one book and another was not without my sister by christina jones , they were brought up in the flds and children of god religion s that they thought were the "truth" and i hope she reads these books as she will be amazed at the similarities to the jw religion .
i told her her brother would welcome her with welcome arms if she ever wants to be in his life again , its so sad , i feel helpless ..
I can just about go along with having no contact with someone who is totally anti God and lives a life of sex and drugs etc. But there are very few ex witnesses in that category. The vast majority either before or after disfellowshipping realised the falseness of the Watchtower org, and had no wish to stay in it any longer. I guess we just have to remember the reason why the society keeps to this unchristian way.
It is simply because that it scares the pants off them that current witnesses will start talking to ex members and leave the org. themselves.
What to do
by JWinprotest inwe haven't been to a meeting or turned in a field service report for 2 months, so we don't know where our cong's memorial will be held this year.
we have 3 options.
either 1)we attend a meeting before the memorial and get the info, 2) we call one of the elders and get the info or 3) we wait to see if they contact us and if they don't we just miss for the first time ever.
I would agree with option 3.
You may get a visit afterwards. You don't have to invite them in, just say you have some personel things to sort out.
If you want to carry on fading the important thing is not to give them any ammunition for a judicial committee. Just keep everything vague and non commital. Good Luck
Too Many In The Car
by Broken Promises infor a period of time when i was a jw, i lived with a family of jws.
they had 2 young children under 12. the family were good friends with another jw family who had 3 children under 12. .
so were talking about 5 kids under 12, this will be important later.. .
You were totally right in what you said. These women should know what the bible says about obeying the law. It certainly does not surprise me though. Many JWs don't care about the law. My JW son never keeps to the speed limit.
Apart from that I'm sure in Australia they would have thrown the book at you if you had got caught.
Sex Offender in Court for Right to Go Door to Door
by jamiebowers in
imo, this jerk doesn't have to go door to door.
he could get his time in by informal witnessing.
I think this case is a little different to what we have seen among some witnesses over the last few years.
He made a mistake and immediately apparantly gave himself up.
The only thing I would say, is that the org. do not demand anybody HAS to go out on the doors twice a week.
I agree it is not ideal but there are many witnesses that go from door to door regularly that are probably a lot worse than him.