Thanks Fokyc I really appreciate seeing the Kingdom Ministry each month.
I thought it so typical of WT to try to get the sheep to witness to people who were vunerable at the time, like when they are ill or lost a friend or relative. Sick
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Thanks Fokyc I really appreciate seeing the Kingdom Ministry each month.
I thought it so typical of WT to try to get the sheep to witness to people who were vunerable at the time, like when they are ill or lost a friend or relative. Sick
i need a link to an elders letter about uncleaness with greediness.
Thanks for that Yknot.
Any chance you could repeat your magic and let us have a scan of Kingdom Ministry for November?
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here are some highlights from the 2010 annual meeting;.
branch overseers/representatives from around the world gave greetings from their branch and gave some encouraging experiences from the field.
'Many older ones already are telling the younger ones how they regretted not getting an education, pursuing a lucrative career, saving up money or not having a retirement plan.'
After saying the above the society then say how bad it is to have an attitude like this.
They totally disregard the misery and financial hardships that has come on witnesses for the past 130 years.
The truth is that it is very good advice to plan for the future. The society are so hypocriticle. They plan well ahead themselves but tell the sheep not to.
it is a well known legal fact that in order to be a wittnesses that party must have a true and correct name on file with the with no b.s.
im stateing plain simple fact here jehovahs wittnesses are doing nothing more than runing a non profit organization, doing, bussiness as,[jehovahs wittnesses] because they do admit jehovah is not known to be gods real name but onley a ficticious name based on a guess!
their claim of restoreing gods name has not and is not takeing place!
Good point. Like any successful business it needs to have something different to enable it to stand out from the rest. The name Jehovah is a made up name but it serves the purpose of the Watchtower. They are able to say they are the only one pushing this particular product. (Although I doubt they would use those words!)
wt december 15, 2010. snippets from this watchtower are below.
keeping in mind that all articles are written with an agenda, to address problems in the organization or to pave the way for new guidelines, look at what i highlighted.
my conclusions are:.
Hi DS. I guess you downloaded the latest Watchtower from
I had a look at it myself yesterday and actually made mentel note of the things that you have found.
I totally agree with you. The reason they say anything to the sheep is because the sheep are not doing what they should.
Once again they push the point that you must have the right attitude toward the gov body, i e you need to support them wholeheartedly or you will be bird prey at the big A.
I think now that the mags are available to all, that is going to show even more the societies attitude of only they are right, and everybody else is wrong.
I'm sure we will see many more articles commented on in the future.
i noticed a few days ago that a guy going by the moniker propagandatechniques on youtube was nowhere to be found.
then after a little digging, i saw that his account had been suspended.. he had some good stuff and i generally enjoyed watching his daily rants.. does anyone know what happened to him?.
Just had a look on youtube and propergander tecniques is there on one video saying that his channel has been closed down by the DMCA. This is the link to their site
Also here is propergander tekneeks (note his new spelling) last video?!?!
i just stumbled over the october issue of our kingdom ministry in norwegian.. the service report numbers are no longer printed.
why not?
and do they still print the numbers in your language?.
I believe that Norways publishers are going up on average 1% per year. Certainly nothing to write home about.
The society have stopped publishing all the figures monthly because there would be a lot of discouragement if they showed the numbers going down. Europe in general is making next to no progress these days, whereas other parts of the earth still show a small increase
i was wondering about this.. i'm doing a slow fade, i don't want to lose friends and family - but it's frustrating.
wasting time going to meetings etc when my heart and head isn't in it anymore.
it feels like a game played by everyone elses rules but mine.
There are several ways to fade. Personally I simply stopped going to the meetings and on the odd occasion the elders turned up I just gave a non commital answer. In time they just left me alone. Of course if they new I regularly post on ex JW forums they would soon disfellowship me.
It is hard having to stay under cover as it were, but if you have family in as I have, then I feel it is better not to formally disassosiate yourself
Just my own view.
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Thanks Fokyc. I missed seeing this KM this month, so thanks for the link
i realize that this is pretty much a non-issue, i just found it to be interesting.. as we know, the watchtower often uses a qualifier for christianity by using the term "true christians", which of course jw's know is synonymous with " jehovah's witnesses", all others would be the opposite, or "false christians".. october km, page 2 in the article "new brochure to be offered!
", introducing a november campaign to offer the brochure the bible - what is its message?, mentions in paragraphs one and three people of "non-christian religions", in a sense, isn't the watchtower acknowledging that the opposite of non-christian would be christian religions?.
i just thought this was interesting, even though it isn't meant to be understood that way..
Hi wannabefree Yes I guess they could have been clearer about it, but all JWs know what they mean.
Any chance of a scan or a link to the October 2010 Kingdon Ministry?