Hi found sheep. Can I direct you to the Jehovah's Witness forum on TOPIX website.
You will find a lot of ex witnesses and witnesses there who regularly debate the latest ramblings of the governing body. Hope to see you there.
i started a topic about jw's on a local chat room.
www.etater.com i am not a good writer and could use help.
Hi found sheep. Can I direct you to the Jehovah's Witness forum on TOPIX website.
You will find a lot of ex witnesses and witnesses there who regularly debate the latest ramblings of the governing body. Hope to see you there.
i'll start -.
i have officially gotten 2 out so far, which is more than i ever got into it, with the exception of my son that i begged not to get baptized.
he, however, is disfellowshipped now and wants nothing to do with the organization.
I think it is very hard for us to know definately who we have helped out, but I do know I saved my younger son from joining when my eldest son joined them.
Also many of us write on JW forums and I know there are many who are helped there by all the ex witnesses who expose what really goes on in the tower.
at what point do they stop being spiritual food dispensed at the proper time, and start being "apostate .
To be honest, there is going to be some truth in any of their magazines. It's just the further you go back the more things you will find wrong.
As has been said, with their publications, things change all the time, but that does not mean everything is wrong. Particularly in the Awake there are many good articles about life on the planet. On the doors I used to say to poeple that the Awake is more of a Readers Digest magazine.
"when bread becomes a dollar a loaf, it will be too expensive to live!".
anyone remember that being said by the jws?.
i am wondering if was a quote from an article or book, or something the jws came up with on their own?.
Never heard that one before but certainly the type of comment you could read in a Watchtower.
Over the years the society have made all sorts of remarks aimed at showing that soon we will not be able to cope because of the mounting problems coming upon man.
And hey, guess what everything they have said in that regard has proved totally false.
this message is important!
timing is critical!.
those of you who have read my previous postings about the lawsuit over the remodel and potential sale of the menlo park, california kingdom hall are aware that i have been trying desperately to contact someone in the area who can help me get more information on this case.. .
If this is so important to you why don't you wait until you have more accurate information. I realize you want to visit the area when you are in the vicinity, but maybe you should make the trip again, when you have a fuller understanding of what is going on.
Did you contact Rick Fearon, as he did a conference call on it. Sorry I can't be more helpful but if the story is as big as you think maybe it is best to wait until the true picture emergies.
it only takes one short sentence from the bible to thoroughly demolish the watchtower religion and the doctrine they claim is their most important one.
this sentence is so crystal clear that there is no way the wts can weasal out of it.
that's why they don't even try.. although their real most important doctrine is that the governing body speaks for god, their claimed most important doctrine begins with the notion that jesus took kingdom power and began reigning in 1914. if that doctrine can be shown to be false, the entire watchtower theology scam crumbles into the trash heap where it belongs.
The WTBTS teaches that Christ will rule for a thousand years. They also teach that he began his rule in 1914. Yet they teach the thousand year reign hasn't started yet. How did we miss that? It's so obvious!
cd. I'm not sure a JW would worry over that scripture. I think they would merely say the thousand year rule is simply a special time when Jesus is ruling to turn the earth into a paradise with all the resurrected anointed ones.
Farkel. Yes that does seem to rather make the point doesn't it?
i really have been trying to fade quickly and with little amount of noise or rukus!.
this past month has proven to be one of the most stressfuly ever.. my mom and i are 'discussing' just about everyday me not going to the meetingsand my reasons why.. she keeps pushing me to go.
even tonight asked me to go with her to her.
I agree it is very difficult for you. I presume you are living in your parents house. I don't know how old you are but certainly it will be a lot easier for you when you set up your own home. In the meantime you just have to tell your parents as it is, that it is your life and you wish to make your own decisions.
JWfacts website is indeed very good. There is masses of info. there which can all be checked and proven true. I wish you well.
how good and great it is, to see that the new elder instruction book can be downloaded from the internet in the same month of release.
an example that people inside the organization are changing.
So true. It must drive the gov body absolutely mad to know that their every word will almost immediately be available to the whole world to know.
There are so many elders out there that are disgruntled with the society that they are happy to post secret Watchtower imfo on the net.
The internet is the best thing since sliced bread in my opinion. And it is doing a great job in limiting the WT societies hold over people.
reiteration that the below is a discussion of chapter 5 from 'shepherding the flock of god' which is published by the wts of penn/ny.
the wts is a non-profit that distributes it's publications free of charge worldwide.
this particular publication while not for sale (well none of the wts publications are either technically) is not distributed broadly but is still nonetheless part of their bible educational work, while not required donations are joyful accepted by all jws for the purpose of this work....... here are the previous discussion threads:.
September 1, 1980
Dear Brothers:
Keep in mind that to be disfellowshiped, an apostate does not have to be a promoter of apostate views. As mentioned in paragraph two, page 17 of the August 1, 1980, Watchtower, "The word 'apostasy' comes from a Greek term that means 'a standing away from,' 'a falling away, defection,' 'rebellion, abandonment. Therefore, if a baptized Christian abandons the teachings of Jehovah, as presented by the faithful and discreet slave, and persists in believing other doctrine despite Scriptural reproof, then he is apostatizing. Extended, kindly efforts should be put forth to readjust his thinking. However, if, after such extended efforts have been put forth to readjust his thinking, he continues to believe the apostate ideas and rejects what he has been provided through the 'slave class, then appropriate judicial action should be taken.
As can be seen in this letter just disagreeing with a WT doctrine can end up with judicial action being taken.
and i feel good!
it was a long time coming.
i stopped going to meetings june 09. the reason i left it so long is because my husband is still in and for this reason i see witnesses from time to time.
If they have received an email then job done. If they want you to confirm it tell them over the phone or send a confirmation email. That's it end of.
Don't forget to post here if you need help with anything. Lots of people here who have been in your situation.
Good Luck with the rest of your life. Enjoy.