The language now from the society is exactly the same as it was in the late 60s. At that time my best friend and I were persuaded to give up our jobs and become regular pioneers. As my friend said to me ' what is the point if this system is soon to finish. We did car washing 2 days a week to support ourselves. A few years later we both got married ( to different girls I hasten to add) So we then had to stop pioneering and get full time jobs. But it was hard and we had to rely on government benifits as we had no money saved.
Posts by alanv
The GB really do not want us to think for ourselves Mar 15th WT
by life is to short ini know that some of you might think that i really should be reading the wt but with a husband still in and being that i am still very tied to the religion though him i want to know what is up with them in some ways.. the march 15th wt made me feel sick.
on page 5 it was talking about how we need to wait on jehovah.
it was really the same old stuff but i feel with a different twist.
by cantleave ini have just recieved a call from emma, she has been in-undated with emails and has pointed out that as she simply a presenter for bbc radio somerset, a local station, please only email her only if you live in south west england.. her editor has seen the magnitude of the response and realises that this could a big story and looking at escalating to a national level, so the point has been made.. also she wanted to point out that she is only the presenter and the interview and research was undertaken by tammy macallister and she deserves the credit.. it's great to see the exjw community spring into action, but please respect emma's in box!.
As usual JWN does brilliantly. We really are a force for good. I am sure they realize they have a potentially excellent story. Let's hope this issue is spoken about all over the UK, and then hopefully in other countries.
What were the brothers obsession with 'The Big A' ? They wanted it so badly (and still do)
by Joliette ini've been doing research for about a year, (omg all the things that i'm finding out.
its right around the corner!
i know that life can get bad, but how is the big a gonna make things better?
I think you have to remember that as JWs we were indoctrinated. Over and over again we heard abpot the wonderful paradise earth. Very little is said about the actual big A. Many JWs are the sort of people that like to be told what to do. They have very little ambition. I can see now why I was attracted to them. It was a cop out. You did not have to worry about the future, as God would sort it all out for me.(sigh)
How does it feel to be reinstated ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen ini've been disfellowshipped for about 2 years now and i was wondering whats it like to be reinstated ?
Every year some that get disfellowshipped apply to be reinstated. The main reason is that they want to be close to their family and friends again.
What you have to decide is whether it is worth going along with a religion that you probably disagree with.
It is a horrible feeling sitting at a meeting knowing that a lot of what they are telling you is total rubbish. Also when you are talking to witnesses, you will probably need to bite your tongue for the rest of your life.
Personally I would find that totally unacceptable, but obviously you have to decide. Good luck
Members of Governing Body preach door to door?
by ZionsWatchTower indoes anyone know if they still make this work?.
*sorry for my bad english.... .
Hi illuminator, just need to correct what you said. Jesus actually said those words in Luke 10:7. Easy mistake to make as I believe Luke wrote both bible books. A good scripture certainly to show to witnesses.
WT Article on Gambling completely dishonost
by Lore in
in fact, the new catholic encyclopedia.
says that gambling is not considered sinful.
Surely investing in stocks ans shares is a form of gamnling. You put money into them in the hope that you will get a lot more back.
Doesn't always work of course many have lost money by doing this, including me.
April 15th 2011 Watchtower
by alanv inif a brother has been baptized at least one year and to a reasonable degree meets the scriptural qualifications.
for ministerial servants outlined at1 timothy 3:8-13, he can be recommended for appointment.. .
interesting comment in the latest watchtower.
Thanks minimus. I feel a right idiot now. It really is amazing how ex jws get all the important points often before the sheep.
April 15th 2011 Watchtower
by alanv inif a brother has been baptized at least one year and to a reasonable degree meets the scriptural qualifications.
for ministerial servants outlined at1 timothy 3:8-13, he can be recommended for appointment.. .
interesting comment in the latest watchtower.
If a brother has been baptized at least one year and to a reasonable degree meets the Scriptural qualifications
for ministerial servants outlined at1 Timothy 3:8-13, he can be recommended for appointment.
Interesting comment in the latest Watchtower. Looks to me like they are now willing to lower their standards for those who qualify to be ministerial servants
First they are saying that the brother only needs to be baptised a year, and secondly only needs to a reasonable degree to meet the qualifications outlined in 1 Timothy 3
It has been said before on jw discussion sites that they are short of men who are willing to be mini servants or elders. Maybe that is true.
Ireland: judge orders baby to be given blood after dramatic court hearing
by behemot ina judge ordered the baby son of a jehovah witness couple to be given a life-saving blood transfusion after a dramatic court hearing in his home in the early hours of the morning.. judge gerard hogan said barristers for temple street children's hospital arrived at his house at 1am on december 27 and argued the desperately ill three-month-old boy needed urgent treatment.. neither the infant nor his parents were identified in the high court judgment, which was published today.. judge hogan ruled that while parents have the constitutional right to raise their children to their own religious and philosophical views, the state has a vital interest in ensuring children are protected.. "but there is absolutely no doubt but that the court can intervene in a case such as this where the child's life, general welfare and other vital interests are at stake," he added.. judge hogan heard that when the baby boy was born in september 2010 he had been a twin, with a sister who did not survive.. on christmas day the infant was suffering from acute bronchiolitis when his condition deteriorated.
at one point he stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated.. he was transferred to temple street the following day where his condition became critical.
his liver was distended and by that evening his haemoglobin level plummeted to the point where a transfusion was necessary.. the judge said while the boy's parents were clearly anxious for his welfare and had allowed the use of blood products earlier that day, as committed jehovah witnesses they were steadfast in their opposition to this procedure.. the hospital made contact with the court's duty register at 10pm that night and the high court hearing was swiftly arranged.. consultant dr kevin carson, clinical director of intensive care, argued the youngster's life was in danger and there were no medical alternatives to a transfusion.. the parents were not legally represented at the judge's house, but were aware of the issues as the court had previously sanctioned a blood transfusion for another child of theirs.. judge hogan continued: "there is no doubt as to the sincerity of the religious beliefs of the parents.. "they struck me as wholesome and upright parents who were most anxious for the welfare of their child, yet steadfast in their own religious beliefs.
Hey black sheep that's a really good point. Independant research has shown that, as you say only one out of three witnesses brought up in the faith will stay with it.
That means of course that most kids not given blood and died would actually not have stayed in the JW org.
That's quite a sobering thought, and one we should remind witnesses about when we have any contact with them.
by fokyc in.
Interestingly Irelands average publishers for 2008 were 5485
2009 were 5713
This was a 4% increase and yet this last year (2010) there was no increase at all. Yippee
Let's hope they close some more branches.