Every day that goes by sees an increase in ex witnesses. The more there are, the more the Watchtower will be exposed.
Bring it on!
so i went out dancing again and as i usually do i like to talk to people at the end, this time i started chatting with a couple of girls.
while having a conversation with one of them the issue of toasting came up.
i told her i had no idea how was exactly done, since still i am not that familiar with the whole whishing thing.
Every day that goes by sees an increase in ex witnesses. The more there are, the more the Watchtower will be exposed.
Bring it on!
8 pages of spiritual wonderment!.
Thanks a lot fokyc.
I cannot believe how much control the society has over the dubs. They have rules for everything, even going as far as telling convention delegates to tip the housekeeper each day if they stay at an hotel. It really makes you wonder why on earth they go to meetings. I thought the idea was to make the individual a better person with a bible trained conscience. That is rubbish. This KM is full of rules telling (not suggesting) the witnesses what to do.
yesterday i spoke with an elder i worked closely with just up to a year and a half ago for 3.75hrs about doctrine, gb, teachings that jehovah/jesus/anointed/holy spirit aren't working to well and have been giving us mixed signals (evidently?
) ha ha evidently get it!!!
ge apparently everyone is getting brighter as the day draws near.. since ive been inactive 3 months coming from the so called top 2.5 years ago pioneering and eldering and never missing meetings, i don't believe i could fade and live a lie.
September 1, 1980
Dear Brothers:
Keep in mind that to be disfellowshiped, an apostate does not have to be a promoter of apostate views. As mentioned in paragraph two, page 17 of the August 1, 1980, Watchtower, "The word 'apostasy' comes from a Greek term that means 'a standing away from,' 'a falling away, defection,' 'rebellion, abandonment. Therefore, if a baptized Christian abandons the teachings of Jehovah, as presented by the faithful and discreet slave, and persists in believing other doctrine despite Scriptural reproof, then he is apostatizing. Extended, kindly efforts should be put forth to readjust his thinking. However, if, after such extended efforts have been put forth to readjust his thinking, he continues to believe the apostate ideas and rejects what he has been provided through the 'slave class, then appropriate judicial action should be taken.
hi i need some help to show that the scriptures used to uphold the disfellowshipping policy are actually only meant to apply to those that deny the christ blah blah.
not for me but someone close to me.
parents have disowned her.
I would say that since 1985 the second baptism question you have to answer is
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism."
So you are in effect agreeing to abide by what the spirit directed organisation tells you.
Clearly if you later disagree with their interpretation of the bible and you want to speak your mind on it, they are within their rights to no longer treat you as a Jehovah's Witness. I guess they can say you have disassociated yourself as you no longer accept 'God's channel'
Of course scriptually this is wrong, unless you openly practice sins that are condemned in the bible.
you probably never developed skills like this 12 year old.... .
Fantastic skill shown in the second video.
I wouldn't completely knock the boy giving a talk though.
I know when I was a witness I became a lot more confident when speaking to people, and in front of people on a platform.
When I later went to college and then took a job as manager, I was able to use the skills learnt in the Ministry school.
For instance this lad in his next talk could work on audience contact, as for most of the time he was just reading a script.
answer: greediness for control.
answer: greediness for money.
3 :15) answer: greediness for domination of others.
I noticed in the latest June Watchtower, there is a section about baptising young ones. They have an example of a 12 year old. Then they showed a series of pictures again showing a lad who I would say looks about 12.
They actually confronted what some say about getting baptised too young. Needless to say they said it is better to get baptised as soon as possable because of the coming of the great tribulation, and it would not be good to be an unsure person at that time.
So yes it is about power. They want everyone to think and act as they do.
from 2010 service year.
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There was an email going round the witnesses about a talk given by Jack Barr of the governing body several months before he died.
He said quite openly there that half the world have not heard the JW message.
The society say that the fact that JWs have a small presense in nearly every land is the important thing.
Hi Kristi, yes many of us on here find this site addictive. It is because it is so open and regularly shows us how we used to be deceived by the Watchtower.
I was wandering what the JWs would be saying about the earthquake.
We have been having interesting discussions on the JW topics website.
We have shown the JWs that the experts say that earthquakes have been constant since they could be measured accurately.
Even the society begrudgingly admit this now after all the years when they assured witnesses that earthquakes were much more frequent theses days.
Interesting link I found to the experts. Checkout earthquake myths.
jws in japan has had no increase for several years.
now with the disaster i expect there will be some increase or maybe a lot?.
I believe there was a slight increase in JWs after 9/11. The same could be true here. But as stated there will possably be deaths of witnesses as well because of the earthquake. According to figures I have there has been no increase there since 1997.
so i attended a funeral for a jw who passed away (non-"annointed) and i would have to state that although i have heard the standard funeral talk outline for dozens of funerals i've attended, i never really took the time to listen.
and my god, i was cringing.
the outline is essentially broken down like this:.
If you really want to hear a funeral service that talks about the individual, then the humanist funeral is hard to beat. The speaker takes time before the service to find out all the good things about the deceased from family members. Also any funny stories that can be remembered.
It really is very good. I've got my name down for one!