In fact all JWs that came from another religion can be described as apostates. That is what it means, to leave your religion for another one.
It's good to remind JWs of that now and again.
hello friends,.
the july 15, 2011 issue of the watchtower and its hard line on "shunning" of the disfellowshipped has generated much discussion on this board.
i thought i would start a thread on a related issue because i would appreciate getting your thoughts on this.. we all know how liberally the wts uses its favorite curse word, apostate, to describe those who have left the organization.
In fact all JWs that came from another religion can be described as apostates. That is what it means, to leave your religion for another one.
It's good to remind JWs of that now and again.
i found this page very informative.. .
i dont know if it has already been posted.. .
Hey Jean thanks for that. I have never seen those sites before. Especially the first one is good, as it is not just having a go at the society.
It is clearly about anyone who got it wrong over the years.
the second jw woman is the typical "i'll show you", jw know it all.. .
I actually thought the woman did well up to that point.
She showed there were indeed many gods and lords. But only one true God and one true Lord.
You probably would have done better if you had showed her the holy spirit scripture earlier.
As it is, she showed that she could answer your questions. However once JWs decide you are there to prove them wrong she and others will flee.
You were right of course you are not an apostate, but as far as they are concerned, you are tarred with the same brush for being anti 'Jehovah's organisation.'
this is one of the most aggressive watchtowers i think i have ever read.. four study articles on not "following the crowd" not following unrealities(page 13) not following false teachers, meaning apostates of course(p 15).
avoiding false teachers means "refusing to read their literature, watch tv programs that feature them, examine their web sites, or add comments to their blogs.
(para 7, pg 16).
For those of you who are interested there is a thread on the 'Jehovah's Witnesses Topix website about this.
It will be interesting to see if the JWs there pay the society any attention about not commenting on 'false teachers' blogs.
I hope they stay, it's so much fun exposing the society to them.
beginning with the july 15th 2011 edition of the watchtower, the society are producing a simplified version of the study copy.. this is apparantly for the many people whose first language is not english, and yet they live in a predominantly englsih speaking county.. the normal study edition will still be produced but it looks like the cong.
will be able to ask for a supply of the simplified version each month.. this simplified version can be downloaded from the watchtower site..
Beginning with the July 15th 2011 edition of the Watchtower, the society are producing a simplified version of the study copy.
This is apparantly for the many people whose first language is not English, and yet they live in a predominantly Englsih speaking county.
The normal study edition will still be produced but it looks like the cong. will be able to ask for a supply of the simplified version each month.
This simplified version can be downloaded from the Watchtower site.
i was terrible at prayers.
it was hard for me to talk to someone i can't see or hear.
everyone else put their heads down at the dinner table so i needed to do the same or i'll look suspicious.
I could never understand what it meant to get God's blessing before we had a meal. I could understand saying thankyou, but what does ak God's blessing on a meal mean?
I was also against praying in public like at a restaurant. I felt that should be saved for when you are at home. After all that is actually what Jesus said. I seem to remember he said not to make a showy display of prayer
it is easy to understand why some could have nagging doubts when seeing world events.. "maybe it is the truth after all?".
i came accross this site and realise ( well i knew already) that there is no shortage of prophecy, or prophets.. in 1970, i was just a boy, i remember hearing on the radio.
"by 1978 there will be no water left that is fit enough to drink, but we shouldnt worry because by 1977 the air will no longer support human life".
It's not easy after being in such a depresing religion. The problem is that most people who are attracted by the religion are fairly vunerable. I believe it attracts lazy people who are quite happy for someone else to give them all of lifes answers.
Since leaving years ago I have realized that there has always been famine, wars, unrest etc. Not just things that happened in our generation.
Strangely enough yesterday I had a look at Wikopedia at all the wars that have gone on in past centuries. I couldn't believe it, there were so many.
And yet I used to believe it had been a preaceful earth before 1914.
Today there is no excuse for anybody not to know their history. It really is so easy with the internet now available.
So that is my advice. Check for yourself if you have any doubts. The Watchtower works for many because they are ignorant about the past and the truly terrible things that went on in past centuries. .
There is always a reason that a talk is given by a member of the gov body. Clearly they are having problems with witnesses who not being humble.
Basically he was saying that witnesses should be moldable, always willing to accept council from the organisation.
He implied that a good time for people to accept the JW message is when they are vunerable. Maybe something serious has happened in their life, and they are looking for something different.
I hate the way they group everyone who is not a witness as a worldling. The organisation always like to make it appear that only they are truly humble, and everyone else in the world is proud and arrogant.
Stephen Lett is a good speaker, which helps the sheep accept what he said without question.
It was hard work but I did listen to the whole talk, and I am so glad I am no longer a member of this religion.
the population bomb: how we survived itapril 1, 2011.
"in spite of 50 years of the fastest population growth on record, the world did remarkably well in producing enough food and reducing poverty," said university of michigan economist david lam, in his presidential address at the annual meeting of the population association of america.. lam is a professor of economics and a research professor at the u-m institute for social research.
the talk is titled "how the world survived the population bomb: lessons from 50 years of exceptional demographic history.".
This always makes me smile when a JW talks about the terrible population explosion.
What they fail to realise is that people are now living longer, and in most areas there are less infant and child mortalities. Probably less dying through wars as well.
Also because of improved healthcare many couples do not have to produce loads of children these days, in the hope that one will survive and be able to look after them in their old age.
My father in law came from South America. He had 5 brothers and sisters but he was the only when who lived to old age. All the others died very young through very little decent heathcare.
the elders have been spreading lies about me to jw friends and they are panicked.
they don't know what to make of it.
i've never given them reason to doubt my faithfulness or to make them think i talk against the organization.
Remember the main question you will prbably get, is do you regard the FADS (GOVERNING BODY) as God's channel. Any sign that you don't will be curtains. Especially as you probably vowed to work with them in the second baptism question. Look forward to seeing how you get on.
Good Luck