All anyone has to do is read the scripture in context. I think a 10 year old would be able to understand its meaning.
Posts by alanv
Proper grammar and "This Generation"
by Crazyguy ini was never good at spelling and probably worse at grammar.
so if jesus really ment that the phrase "this generation" was an over lapping of generations then what would of been the proper way of saying it, if at all????
Who kills more trees? Wt vs. power company?
by DS211 ini have to share an interesting experience with my wife this morning (not a bedroom story...sinners ;-)).. we were driving to work and my wife asked why they havent changed the wooden power poles to concrete.. me: well i think they change them as they start to give out.. wife: but they kill so many trees doing this!!!!
why wouldnt they figure that out?.
(what i wanted to say)me: how many trees do the watchtower kill printing magazines and bibles????.
Hi fact finder I must admit I forgot about newspapers that are printed every day in their millions, but I gueess apart from newspapers the Watchtower must be one of the biggest users.
USA, Oklahoma | Jehovah's Witness church elder Ronald Lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to 1980s
by jwleaks inusa, oklahoma | jehovah's witness church elder ronald lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to the 1980's.
a 76-year-old mcalester man was arrested tuesday on 19 counts of sexual abuse after police received claims he molested several children while in a position of authority more than 30 years ago.. mcalester police detectives were alerted to the alleged sexual crimes conducted by ronald lawrence back in august when his first accuser reported abuse at the hands of a jehovah's witness church leader.. a woman now in her 40s told detectives lawrence, an elder at mcalester's kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses, abused her when she was just eight years old, inviting her to his home, where he fondled her and raped her in his bathtub, according to her testimony found in lawrence's arrest warrant, which was issued tuesday.. two other accusers, also in their 40s, then came forward with similar stories of abuse.
both said they were very young, with one telling investigators the molestation took place from the time she was 10 until she was 13 years old.
I had been practicing immorality as a mini servant and no one new about it. I only confessed to it when I realized the elders were thinking of appointing me as an elder and I did not want that. No holy spirit anywhere to be seen.
USA, Oklahoma | Jehovah's Witness church elder Ronald Lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to 1980s
by jwleaks inusa, oklahoma | jehovah's witness church elder ronald lawrence arrested over sex abuse claims dating back to the 1980's.
a 76-year-old mcalester man was arrested tuesday on 19 counts of sexual abuse after police received claims he molested several children while in a position of authority more than 30 years ago.. mcalester police detectives were alerted to the alleged sexual crimes conducted by ronald lawrence back in august when his first accuser reported abuse at the hands of a jehovah's witness church leader.. a woman now in her 40s told detectives lawrence, an elder at mcalester's kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses, abused her when she was just eight years old, inviting her to his home, where he fondled her and raped her in his bathtub, according to her testimony found in lawrence's arrest warrant, which was issued tuesday.. two other accusers, also in their 40s, then came forward with similar stories of abuse.
both said they were very young, with one telling investigators the molestation took place from the time she was 10 until she was 13 years old.
Data dog. There was nothing magical about his appointment. The elders simply went by the qualifications laid down in the bible. As it is believed the bible was written under inspiration of the holy spirit they can say he was appointed by holy spirit. Does that mean he was a pure and honest man when he was appointed? Not necessarily, there could have been all sorts of things he kept quiet about and no one else new. So yes a man can certainly be appointed even though he has a lot of hidden guilty secrets.
Who kills more trees? Wt vs. power company?
by DS211 ini have to share an interesting experience with my wife this morning (not a bedroom story...sinners ;-)).. we were driving to work and my wife asked why they havent changed the wooden power poles to concrete.. me: well i think they change them as they start to give out.. wife: but they kill so many trees doing this!!!!
why wouldnt they figure that out?.
(what i wanted to say)me: how many trees do the watchtower kill printing magazines and bibles????.
Considering the Watchtower and Awake are the most circulated magazines in the world, there is no doubt they are one of the main culprits. It is only recently that they have cut back on the paper they use, by having smaller magazines and not printing them so often. Plus much info is now online so the circulation may well fall even further. But certainly for decades they have been responsable for the destruction of millions of trees.
Jehovah's Witnesses MOST FEARED VIDEO 220,000 views
by Watchtower-Free in220,000 views.
Yes I agree with the others. There are not enough similarities for it to connect with a JW. For a start the society did not say a specific month. Most times even 1975 was not mentioned as the time when everything would be done and dusted. Also the paster did not change any doctrines that were wrong, whereas JWs will say that they have gradually been getting rid of wrong doctrine.
Meeting for those wishing to be appointed
by PrincessCynic ini heard recently that a nearby congregation which some of my family attend are having this.
basically the elders are arranging an open meeting with all those who would like to be appointed.
is this happening everywhere?
I guess there could be good reason for having such a meeting in some areas. If brothers are really showing little interest in taking a position, this is going to affect the congregation, and they are going to start losing members and dollars.
What is the best for the child if father knows TTATT and mother is a devout JW?
by Daniel1555 inhi friends.
i would like to know your opinion on the following:.
Thanks Kate. I know the expression but never saw it abbreviated.
WT gearing up to dump Russell and come clean on early history?
by Comatose inwe've discussed this on lots of threads, but i've noticed a few things lately.
they seem to be talking about the early days on a very regular basis, almost constantly.
the change to fds happens and this involved a dive into early history and a few knocks on russell.
I think that is a really good point. It is damage control. If the society just mention something that went wrong at least the sheep will be aware of it and can say that to anyone who mentions it. It will all be put down to new light, and the sheep are quite happy with that explanation.
What is the best for the child if father knows TTATT and mother is a devout JW?
by Daniel1555 inhi friends.
i would like to know your opinion on the following:.
I have no idea what TTATT means, but certainly I would not want any child brought up as a JW. You can instill good morals into kids without the massive downside of following all the JW rules and regulations, and the massive lack of love if that kid decides to leave sometime in the future.