Having never been a JW, it kind of boggles my mind when I hear someone ask if they can still KEEP YOU anyway, even if you don't want to be a JW any more. And that they would have the "go-nads" to try to harrass you in to staying, after you have decided to leave.
I think I would include a little tid-bit such as: "I am recording all phone calls and logging all visits. If I am harrassed or hounded, I will get a restraining order. I have made my descision based on the reasons I have given, so please respect that. You will not change my mind."
I've left former congregations (not WTS) and simply explained (when asked) that I felt I was suppose to be in another place. They wished me well and invited me to visit any time or return any time! I still feel loved and accepted. Never been shunned. Never been harrassed.
Just an observation of someone on the outside looking in. It seems so intrusive and cold hearted.