Been there and done that, so I am speaking from experience....YES! It is a sign of BOTH.
Everyone has their drug of choice: Some over-eat, some are alcoholics, some beat the crap out of their kids,......everyone has a sin that they migrate toward when they have "issues" in their lives that they don't know how to deal with. Sex can be used just like any other drug.
It makes you feel wanted, special, confident, and empowered. But like any other drug, when the feeling wears off, you feel miserable and sick. A lot of people think it is because you were used, but in many cases, I believe that you feel just as bad about using someone else. Sometimes they are under the impression that you must really think they are great, when actually you just want them to leave you the heck alone. Why can't they just act like nothing happened? Not everyone is wired that way. It's hard to grasp when you live that kind of lifestyle.
Now that I am on the other side of it and see it for what it really was, I am relieved that I made it through without anything really bad happening, although I had few close calls. I can tell you that every time I had sex with someone, it took a piece of my soul away. Nothing I could do would ever fill the gaps. Thankfully, Jesus did what I could never do. My soul is repaired, and my sanity returned!
What I find very upsetting now, is when I run into one of my old "flames" and they think I must still be like that. It was a long time ago and I grew up and got a life. Time for them to do the same! I own my past, but that was who I was then, not who I am NOW!