Actually, this was something I kind of struggled with, when I first became a Christian. I thought Jesus was pretty cool. I thought God was mean and angry. One wants to squish me over petty little things, the other wants to love me no matter what. I kind of thought of Jesus as a nice guy Who died a terrible death, and somehow it was suppose to be for me.
"But I'm not a "bad" person! I do nice things. I don't think I have done anything so bad that you would have to kill a guy for them. Jesus must have died for those really terrible people you hear about." That was the way I thought of it.
Then, finally...I got it!
1Peter 2:24--He bore (carried) our (PERSONAL pronoun) sins IN His body...... (Also, Isa. 53:5-6.) What did Jesus carry "in" His own body? "OUR sins." What sins would those be? Let's see: Have I ever stolen anything in my life? Have I EVER used God's name? Have I ever lied, ever? Have I ever lusted after someone? (Jesus said it is the same as adultry in your heart.) Basically, have I ever broke any of the 10 Commandments? Ever?
Ezekiel 18:4---"The soul who sins will die." So, I am responsible for those commands that I personally broke. Not for what my Dad did, not for what my brother did, not even for what Adam did, but for what I personally did to break God's laws. Which, being honest about it, I broke ALL of them. (I know, you are thinking, "Did you really KILL someone?"----Yes, I did. I loaned a friend the money to get an abortion. Also, I have hated a few people, and Jesus said if you ever hated someone, you are guilty of murdering them in your heart. I'm guilty.) I have a double condemnation of death. Not only have I inherited Adamic sin, but I have my own personal sins as well.
John 5:39-40----What did Jesus say we must do in order to have our sins forgiven? Read the Bible? No. He said "bear witness of ME,.... come to ME". Had I done that? Not really. I gave Him lip service, believed He existed, but never really trusted solely in Him to forgive my sins.
John 14:14 "...ask ME anything in MY name and I will do it." Jesus said ask HIM in HIS name and HE will answer.
John 10:28 "...I give eternal life to them..." JESUS gives eternal life, NOT "the Father gives eternal life "through" Me."
JOhn 6:45 "... Everyone who has learned from the Father, comes to ME." I am obeying the Father, by coming to Jesus.
Jesus has the authority to forgive sins. God gave him that authority, so we can have our sins forgiven. To look at Jesus as just a "nice teacher", or someone who did something so long ago, that it can't possible mean anything for me today, is dismissing Who He is and what He has accomplished.
After I finally understood these things, and truly did accept Jesus and trusted Him with my salvation, I finally got the peace and joy that eluded me my whole life. I have heard it said that there is a God-shaped hole in all of us. Jesus can fill it and I am living proof. People who knew me before, barely recognize me now. I was bitter and angry, depressed all the time, suicidal, hateful, nervous, uptight, filthy-mouthed. I didn't even want to be around myself. NOW I am a new person. I don't tell everyone I meet that I am a Christian, but sometimes they will just come right out and ask...."What is up with you? You are so warm and happy, and you were never like that before!" All I can say, is "It's Jesus!" It was certainly nothing I ever accomplished on my own.