Give the guy his day in court. If found guilty by a jury of his peers on the worst of the 27 counts, then punish him to the fullest extent of the law.
Posts by Cygnus
by Nathan Natas in
published: nov 09, 2005 12:30 am.
modified: nov 09, 2005 07:40 am.
can't sleep... clown will eat me...
by in a new york bethel minute inanyone have any good natural cures or "remedies" for insomnia?
reading watchtowers doesn't count
Drinking booze or lots of beer always worked for me. Since I quit drinking a nice cool bedroom with late night sports talk radio works as it gets my mind off everything else. When all else fails, over the counter sleeping pills work nice. I took an Ambien once and it made me jumpy and I had to hop out of bed 5 or 6 times.
A Long Post About MY SISTER. Shows up after 5 Yrs just to SHUN some more?
by lisaBObeesa inbackground:.
my sister and i have become estranged because of the tension and hard feelings around this shunning of mom.
it has been several years since i have seen her or heard from her.
Stories like these make me so incredibly thankful how fortunate I am that my exJW family is all warmly received by my JW family and we have no such problems.
About a Funeral i went to...
by Dune inso i went to a funeral for a classmate that died recently.
she wasnt a witness, so the service was in a church.
it was crazy cause, i saw all these people i went to high school with and most of them were crying, even the "jocks".
When I see people I knew in my years of schooling, some as far back as grammar school, I always apologize for being a stuck-up arrogant holier-than-thou SOB Jehovah's Witness. I usually hear "Oh you weren't that bad" but I know in my heart how I felt, and how I feel now. I even had a dream not long ago which reflected reality too much so, of a kid I befriended in 5th grade. He drew away from me, one day saying "All you do is call people 'loser' and other names." He was right, although I didn't care at the time or right through graduation. It likely explains why so few signed my senior yearbook, or why nobody kept in contact with me after school was over, and why I have dreams of my old schoolmates all the time. I'm very lucky to have 2 very close friends I knew in high school who would do anything for me today, but that's only because a) they're great people and b) I humbled myself and asked for their friendship. Of course when they first heard my JW-exit story they felt sorry for me. But they are the greatest friends a person could have and I count myself extremely fortunate to have them.
That said, I don't even want to consider their reaction at my funeral, or vice versa. I've only had one close friend die, a JW girl everybody absolutely loved who was murdered 14 1/2 years ago. Off topic, but interestingly, 3 JW guys and myself made a pact that if we ever found her killer we'd torture and kill him Joshua of the Bible style, and let Jehovah sort it all out.
"Science has proven that God doesn't exist"
by AlmostAtheist ina quote from a poster on another thread that i promised myself i wouldn't hijack:a portion of [posters on jwd are] antitheists which means they hold the view that science has already proved that god doesn't exist.
may i ask, who are these posters?
i don't read every post on jwd, i could buy that i just missed it.. atheists by and large have come to that point by realizing that things that can't be proven shouldn't be believed outright.
This is why I prefer my position: the question of any gods' existences is absurd. Very few people actually live their day to day lives as if any god(s) were watching or might have any interference in the near or distant future. I am an agnostic in the sense that it matters not to me whether any gods exist.
by juni inwe lost our loving golden retriever, coach, this week.
he has been very sick and we did everything we could for him, but our last show of love for him was to have him put to sleep.
he was only 6 1/2 yrs.
George Carlin is an animal lover, but he rightly admits it is like purchasing eventual heartbreak.
Caty's and my precious Marly was killed not long ago and I miss her so much.
Bible study turns tragic two dead
by DannyHaszard in2 kids drown in qc pool
tempo, philippines - 18 minutes ago .
a bible study turned tragic for two children after they drowned while swimming in a pool at the watchtower compound of the jehovahs witness in roosevelt ...
You'd think Jehovah could have sent two angelic lifeguards to at least perform CPR in time.
OK cheap joke at a terrible news story, I'm sorry.
What's the first thought that comes to mind when wordly people think of JWs
by JH in.
i'll start........ saturday morning door knockers
yeah I'd say you're right JH. I go by the number of people who'd come into the now-defunct JW room on yahoo and their first thing said was "STOP KNOCKING ON MY DOOR AT 7 O'CLOCK SATURDAY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!"
Not celebrating birthdays and holidays is second judged by similar people coming into the room and saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Third would be not accepting blood transfusions, again by people coming into the room and saying "I WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT I NEED BLOOD HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Among religious types, I'd say that JWs rejecting the trinity is tops, followed by the 144,000 thingamajigger.
Is Jesus Christ God?
by UnDisfellowshipped inissue of august 22nd, 1976, pages 23-26, says this: .
about this, the watchtower issue of april 4, 1976 said this: .
"christ jesus, the only one who "fully knows" the father" .
Oh yuck, I'm sorry for jumping into this thread. Please allow me to back away as this issue has been discussed ad nauseam and the Watchtower gas given tons of reasons and answers in their literature to clarify their position. If people still have questions about it then they can look up the pertinent WT articles. You seem to have access to such, UnDF'd, so I'll let them speak for themselves and if you disagree, that's ok with me. Also, I'm sorry if you didn't copy and paste your original post in this thread, and I do apologize if you were the author of the post, but I've seen the exact same arguments and questions word-for-word in many places.
edited to add: John's prologue says the Logos was made flesh, not the Son. Jn 1:1 is also grammatically unclear. As others have said, if John or the Johannine community really wanted to say Jesus = Logos = eternal personal preexistence = 2nd person of the trinity, it could have been said a lot easier. Instead, Jn 1:18 says the unbegotten THEOS (god) has made God known as nobody has otherwise seen God. No wonder it took several hundred years to formulate a creed that says Jesus and the Father are equal in power and substance/essence and then many centuries later several million people disagreed.
Defeating the Atheist/Agnostics (an evolving post)
by JasonSea ini am new here and i have a special gift for you that i have been developing through heated debated with atheist/agnostics in a number of forums of this nature.
i feel i am supposed to share this special gift primarily with jehovahs witnesses for, through my prayers, i have been extremely inspired by you.. before i enter the post i would like to experiment and get to know how this forum works.
special edit: okay, i'm getting the hang of this very different format than i am used to.
Satanic scum? Why that's the greatest compliment I've had all day.