intersting if the tracts are the "mag size" ones - haven't seen those sice pre- 1975. also - this reminds me a lot of a series of Watchtowers taht came out in late '88- early '89 . The KH was salivating over the expected persecution that the societies attack on religion would bring. Everyone was convinced that this campaign heralded the end of the end. not one thing happened - even with all the baiting the elders/pioneers and realy strong publishers did to the disinterested householders
Posts by sosad
Possible clue to the "Big" Announcement!!
by Lady Liberty inmy husband, the black pearl, had a interesting conversation with his mother today.
she was trying to be all kiss butt nice, for today that is, to tell him about the new tract that is coming out in october.
apparently they don't have it yet.
Elders and MS Meeting that includes Wives
by sosad ini found this interesting.
my mom was over today - she tried to steer the conversation a bit but i didn't take the bait (thanks to this board i knew she was gunning for the new tract "bad religion is bad" discussion.
she had to go home because they were going "out" tonight - of course, i asked where.
to clarify, I asked about the coffee bit and mom said that they would no doubt go out after... and they were called at home by the PO and very specifically told, I mean asked to bring their wives along. She was of course considering it quite a privledge to be asked - it was a Friday night, most likly at 7:30 (isn't that what time all kh meetings start?)
Elders and MS Meeting that includes Wives
by sosad ini found this interesting.
my mom was over today - she tried to steer the conversation a bit but i didn't take the bait (thanks to this board i knew she was gunning for the new tract "bad religion is bad" discussion.
she had to go home because they were going "out" tonight - of course, i asked where.
I found this interesting. My mom was over today - she tried to steer the conversation a bit but i didn't take the bait (thanks to this board I knew she was gunning for the new tract "Bad Religion is Bad" discussion. She had to go home because they were going "out" tonight - of course, I asked where. (dad is notvery social, so I was pleased for her)...she became very evasive but eventually I gathered that per their CO's recomendation there was an "invitation only" meeting for the big guys and there wives to attend at the kh. It sounded like a semi formal meeting to help both husbands and wives participate in meetings, take the lead more etc but she was very vauge. Her vaguness might have been that she didn't want to tell me he was a ms but it I still found it an interesting twist. Since when do they consider you an elder and elderess - or is this something that has always happened and I just never was aware?
Do the dubs know WHY there delivering Kingdom News 37?
by truthseeker ini just got my copy of the sep km.
there's an article, about 6 paragraphs inside about the "false religions end is near" campaign.. i was surprised that the first paragraoh didn't even tell the dubs why they were doing this campaign.
they left the explanation to a couple of vague sentences in the last paragraph about how false religion's end is near.. it seems that the dubs don't know why they're doing this, only that they have to do it and place their 50 copies.. odd..
i remember always having to track tracts (haha) meaning the number placed during a campaign - the big question was, did you count how many you started with and then wait until the end of the day in service to see how many were left, or did you count each one as they were place...then (it was after '75 for sure) we were told that we didn't have to bother reporting how many were placed becasue "they were just panphlets - not mags)
JW Urban legends
by William Penwell ini was reading this on the urban legends web site.
i recall a post and some discussion earlier on this site about the john denver rumor.
the rumor of him at one of his concerts asking all jw's to leave.
i remember the one about the blue smurf doll that walked up the aisle or maybe it was out the door of a KH - smurfs were of course demonized - all that blue, and the wierd little hats....
FS experiences that got you doubting
by greendawn indid things happen eg people told you things that got you doubting about the wts while you were on the field service?
i recall a girl i had never met before who was crying (after we talked for a while) for being shunned by another local congo, and i thought that it was too cruel to shun people and something was not right with the jws.
two things stick in my mind- one of the last times I was out in service a young teen whose father was not a JW said she was so happy because she now realized via another witness that if her dad was destroyed at the big A it wouldn't bother her becasue J wouldn't allow her to remember him. her dad was a very nice man - it sounded horrible and she really was full of glee (and now no longer a jw if i have heard correctly)
another ex-jw referred to a Hospice for families of terminally ill children as the "house that greed built" and I was the only one in the vehicle that did not start shaking their heads and agreeing with her...
way to many sick memories of warped people
Alone With the Opposite Sex
by purplesofa inover the last few months i have been training three different men for backup position of my job.. we are alone in my car all day.. as a jw, i remember one time, needing to go to another congo in a different town to work on a part at an assembly.
i was to ride with the brother doing the part.
he was probably at least 30+ years older than me.
the cong i grew up in read "sex" into everything- they were sick really and truly. one sis wouldn't sit in the front seat of the car with her brother-in-law- with others in the car. the teens were constantly being regarded as sex fiends- pre teens were counselled for walking in a sexy way- no swimming in a pool with the brothers if you were a girl 11 and up - it might "tempt" them.
they raised more sex curious kids than they would have innocence was allowed- everyone had to know what might happen if you were alone with an evil person of the opposite sex....oh, but that's not all my best friend and I were accused of being "way too close"- there are some that still believe we not just having sleep overs to talk about the boys...
the now adults that left agree they had no idea how normal friendships were supposed to be for years. how sad
Disfellowshipping the obese?
by dido inhas anyone posted this, or has anyone heard that you can now be d/f for being obese?
not that i am, (slightly overweight but arent most people?
) but am curious to find out if it is true.
Hi hadenuf - there was a thread on eating disorders that was referenced on this thread. it was re: a new article about relying on the organization for help. The original thread was about Prayer - can it help eating disorders etc
I reiterate - there are many problems that the org will df/counsel/sit in judgment on. There is stupidity that someone like me with an eating disorder that was not readily apparent was threatened with a judicial committee and removed from all privl in the cong when the elders trying to help me were about 100 lbs overweight - very apparently. This thread is about the judgment and the ludicrousness of dfing for this and not for that.
Disfellowshipping the obese?
by dido inhas anyone posted this, or has anyone heard that you can now be d/f for being obese?
not that i am, (slightly overweight but arent most people?
) but am curious to find out if it is true.
I hope it is ok that i re-posted this from an eating disorder thread that died a bit ago -
obesity is also a very serious condition - as is alcoholism - depression - PMS - the list of them is endless. i work in media and know the power of weight loss/fitness/get healthy a former witness I also have seen the effects of kids and adults that do not participate in competitive sports- are bored becasue of not getting involved - watch way too much tv/video games instead of learning how to do stuff
Imagine for a moment an Awake article coming out- or something in the MS (or is it called the Kingdom Service???) telling the RF that not loosing weight- bringing compulsive eating under control - was going to be a JC offense- who are these healthy elders that are going to counsel/throw the first stone- imagine the "Worldly" media picking up on this..... "Pray to Loose Weight now - Ask me How" - how many publishers could go door to door with that one???
I remember seeing an elder - a very very very BIG man - eat like a glutton after a meeting - I was staying over visiting a girlfriend and he emptied almost an entire gallon of ice cream on a Turkey Platter as did his son and they stuffed themselves. i remember telling my mom- I was just in AWE.....this is the same elder that - ah, but that's another story....
I think they are very careful not to make anything too hard to prosecute as a DFing offense- plus who will help- surly not the elders! and it's not like smoking was for some reason I remember one poor "sister" who just couldn't quit- got DFed- (I think she had a year to quit) and the town still talks about it....
Anorexia/Bulimia are easier to pin on the individuals vanity, closeness to worldly activities and association etc.....
my mom just tld me that they sold their kh & moved into a quick build "two hall" assambly hall- it now houses four cong vs three...the $$$ was donated to the societies KH Fund to assist congs where the need is great. Their cong watched a slide presentation about how dfficult it is for congs in other countries to get the funds to build. I changed the subject at this point (the clock was running I'msure) but i would love to know if the $$$$ is given to those in need as my parents beleive, or if it is loaned by the society, with interest...