I wonder if C.T Russell was scared of death and punishment and perhaps wanted to believe so much that he would go to heaven that he swallowed his own lies. He objected to the idea of Hell, He claimed the end was imminent and that he and other faithful ones would go to heaven. I know he did some bad things, but part of me wonders if this man was also a big girls blouse...
Posts by KW13
C.T Russell Scared of death
by KW13 ini wonder if c.t russell was scared of death and punishment and perhaps wanted to believe so much that he would go to heaven that he swallowed his own lies.
he objected to the idea of hell, he claimed the end was imminent and that he and other faithful ones would go to heaven.
i know he did some bad things, but part of me wonders if this man was also a big girls blouse....
JW woman dies in car accident out in the "work"--where was the holy spirit?
by blondie inhttp://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/traffic/mazda-crushed-by-truck-friday-carried-four-women-938492.html.
mazda crushed by truck friday carried four women headed out to share word as jehovah's witnesses; one diedbysonja isgerpalm beach post staff writer.
updated: 6:57 p.m. sunday, sept. 26, 2010. posted: 1:33 p.m. sunday, sept. 26, 2010. .
R.I.P to this woman. Its a tragedy that she died a captive of sorts.
MadJW. What is the truth?
by KW13 inmadjw.
the society claim they are god's chosen organization, hand selected by christ himself in 1919. they teach that god uses them only to communicate his 'truths' and that by means of his holy spirit the his faithful and discreet slave (the annointed) provide us with food at the proper time.. there have been countless predictions, including the return of the prophets of old.
for them the house beth-sarim was built.
MadJW. The Society claim they are God's chosen organization, hand selected by Christ himself in 1919. They teach that God uses them only to communicate his 'truths' and that by means of his Holy Spirit the his faithful and discreet slave (the annointed) provide us with food at the proper time.
There have been countless predictions, including the return of the prophets of old. For them the house beth-sarim was built. Several dates were given for the 'end' prior and even after 1914. This did not happen.
Many have given their lives to an organization to be cast out, cut off from families, sometimes dieing before they can reconcile.
The date used to get 1914 uses a false date for the destruction of Jerusalem. Even the Societies own literature, if you look and read carefully proves this date as incorrect as do Babylonian records.
The teaching that if a rape victim didn't scream, she/he was therefore to blame. That has since changed but think of the phsycological damage this could possibly have done to some.
There is evidence to show that abuse victims have recieved little or no protection while the molesters (frequently in positions of prominence) are allowed to continue visiting the congregation where there are children present.
If you genuinely seek the truth then i implore you to see reason. God either uses this organization or he does not. By the Bibles own terms, the Watchtower Society is a false prophet and a bloody bad one at that because they never openly admit the truth extent of their errors.
Deuteronomy 18:20-22 (New International Version)
20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death."
21 You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD ?" 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.---
You cannot sit on the fence. That is one thing the Society had right. It is pretty black and white. You either believe they are the only source of truth or or you do not. If you pick the former, you go down a very dangerous road. You yourself admit they make serious errors of judgment. My opinion is this is not a mistake but instead, they act according to their own agenda. It is a cult that has claimed lives, caused heartache and irreparable damage.
You say the truth still stands, society or not. If you claim to be a Christian, i would hope you know that the truth is not at all complicated. The truth is quite simply one thing, that Christ died for you, and for me and for us all. That there is a hope and nothing more. Have you ever heard that from the platform? All i ever heard is that we need to do more and more. The yolk of the Society is not light, it is a back breaking load that many crumble beneath. There is one mediator between God and Man and that is Christ himself, not a group of old men who sit in a room, deciding the fate of millions. That is not found anywhere in the Bible.
Share something funny
by KW13 ina joke, a video...a story..whatever .
haha these are class!!
love the joke too
Share something funny
by KW13 ina joke, a video...a story..whatever .
I think rose petal that the depictions of 'jehovah's great day' found in your literature will do the children more harm than the above video.
Share something funny
by KW13 ina joke, a video...a story..whatever .
crazy japs!!?!!? wtf lol
haha that black woman is pawning his ass!
Share something funny
by KW13 ina joke, a video...a story..whatever .
A joke, a video...a story..whatever
A possible 'break' from the rank and file witnesses and WTBTS?? In the near future?
by Joliette indoes anyone see this happening: the jw's breaking off from the wtbts, when they realize that a lot of the teachings arent true?.
I think the Watchtower has done extremely well to survive, but i think thats down to cutting costs and taking advantage of 1) free workers and 2) their status as a charity
I expect that they will continue to reform (in much the same way as any corporation does) and look for ways to make some more investments, all the while extracting maximum donations from the dubs to pay for it.
Had a wicked fall this morning
by Lady Lee inomg i got up and tripped over some cases i had on the floor.
i landed on my forehead, left knee and left fist.. my glasses moved up and dug into my forehead so i have some pretty interesting marks there.. i have a doctor who lives two doors down from me and he came over and checked me out.. i didn't lose consciousness or have other signs of concussion.
no broken bones.. but i am sore all over.. my doctor friend said if i have any problems to call him.
Hope you get better soon Lady Lee. Have to be extra cautious soon with the Winter months!!
Wife may have Breastcancer, not sure.
by KW13 inshe has had strange coloured discharge from one breast for a while now.
the doctor didn't really seem to take it seriously.
yesterday she shouts me screaming and she shows me blood coming from her nipple, like you would expect milk to.
i'll drink to that bro