JoinedTopics Started by Jeepthing
Did you leave for more than ONE major reason ?
by JH ini hear people say they left the org.
for this or that reason.. in your case, was there more than one reason why you left ?.
i left because there was a lack of true love towards me.
Hi Snake in the Tower
by Jeepthing inhi snake in the tower.
it wa nice meeting you.
wish we had more time to visit.
Hi Choosing Life and Sankinthetower
by Jeepthing injust to let you both know that i pm you guys but it is not working right.
choosing life, i just pm you and let me know if you got it or not.
sankinthetower-------yes, i did pm you too and please let me if it is working.
Rene Portell
by Jeepthing inanyone here recognize this name?
she just passed away last night.
she was battling with cancer.
Question for JWS and EXJWS
by Fisherman in1 do you now reject all of the wts teachings and doctrines?
2 what doctrines do you still believe in?
3 what doctrines have you stopped believing in?
Ethical Society
by Jeepthing inis anybody here familiar with ethical society group?
especially one in st. louis, mo.
would like to hear any information about this group.
What Are Proofs That JWs REALLY Don't Believe Their Own Rhetoric?
by minimus injehovah's witnesses talk a big game but in reality they are filled with hot air.
they say a lot of things but don't always back it up.
for example, jws are told that meeting attendance is of paramount importance but the truth is anytime a meeting might be called off due to inclement weather, jws would anxiously wait by the phone from their elders saying the meetings were being canceled.. jws tell everyone that their preaching work is a "life-saving" work but the truth is they don't utilize the most effective modern ways of getting this "life-saving" message out.
What Religion Are You?
by choosing life ini know a lot of posters are not religious and others feel no need to attend a church.
but, for those that do attend somewhere, i was curious as to what type of church they chose after leaving the jws and what attracted them to that particular church or religion?
if you were not raised as a jw, did you return to the church you were raised in?
Reposting: St. Louis exjw-meetup meeting
by Jeepthing ini still want to know if anyone here knows anything about st. louis, mo exjw-meetup meetings.
anyone here willing to meet, let me know and pm me.
i have at least 5 people who are willing to meet and like to have more.
Jw scholar Rolf Furuli of Oslo University
by Jeepthing inanyone here heard of jw scholar rolf furuli of oslo university?
found him in www.jehovah'
interesting site on 607 bce.