If I was asked this 5yrs ago I would've said yes. But now? No. When you're dead, BOOM it's over, but in the JW world IF you survive, you still have to jump through hoops to stay alive.Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
we're all gonna go someday.
for witnesses, they don't even have to worry about eternal hell----so what's the big deal?
If I was asked this 5yrs ago I would've said yes. But now? No. When you're dead, BOOM it's over, but in the JW world IF you survive, you still have to jump through hoops to stay alive.Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
as a jw, i never thought that i was in a cult.
i thought that other religions were a cult, but not us.. what made you realize that the jw's is a cult?
When I could'nt have a free thought without being afraid. So many other things pass through my mind right now. Like when I went to bethel and took the tour and saw the underground commisary(pls forgive the spelling)it did seem a little strange.Also the fact that the blood issue is still in effect; to a point, now that is a matter of concience. The feelings of being socially stunted from the outside, ect.
so strange, especially when they put labels on people that don't belive what you believe. How families are apart because of differences with the cult. I finally realised that it was a cult when I just looked around me at this past assembly and noticed the prozac laden faces of those that were sick and afraid of the real world and wanted hope, even if it cost them their free will. That's when I knew I needed to hurry up and escape. True Freedom? In a world where you are an ant in an ant farm? Not hardly freedom, they can have it all back from me, I'm not a wt lamb; I'm human in everyway.
jojochan...the prisioner
i personally know of two cases where the witness being disfellowshipped was asked to provide excruciating details about the exact nature of the "sex crime" that they had committed.. having read the secret elders manual "pay attention to yourselves and all the flock" i know this is standard operating procedure for a judicial hearing.
for those that were disfellowshipped for a "sex crime"
Oh yes, with my little bro's friends' j.c he just simply told them that he had sex which he did., but It was THEM that proceeded to pry into how many times did he "engage in pornea", did he fondle her breasts and the one that got me as *&^*()& stupid was aking him "Was she tight?" (was she a virgin?) and "Where did he deposited his semen".
That got him wondering about those j.c commities, they really made him feel like dirt after that. Then he came to me, vented his frustrations, then I had no choice but to tell him the real deal, hopefully he got the picture. But might I add that since my dad's an elder I wonder if he also asked those kind of perverted questions.
On second thought....I don't want to know.
hi, i just got registered and am looking forward to getting to know others who have escaped from the controlled environment that i was so faithful to for so long.
i hope to meet others with similar backgrounds.
i've been out about 4yrs and love the feel of it, but to be honest, as much as a definiate decision it was on my part, there was still a long time of adjustment.
And.... welcome to the forum.
i live in los angeles area.
i'm currently self employed and always on the road going from customer, to customer, etc.
anyways, on pacific coast highway in redondo beach, there is a building and it's address is 1914,, though 1914 has zero meaning for me, i always get this .
Several times... When I see the nuber 607 I get the creeps and 1914 of course. Even certain key words that the collective would uss, when I hear it the t.v. or certain songs, it would get to me. It used to get to me a lot when I was first awakened 2yrs ago. Now I still get a little "prick" now and then, especially when I walk out into the lobby at my job and see an awake rag on the waiting table !
at hebrews 10: 26,27 the bible warns those who would consider leaving christianity: "for if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgement and a fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
" is the bible trustworthy in saying that those who leave christianity are certain to experience a dread of judgement by god?
hello all, the last 24+ hours, i've been at the hospital.
i took my husband in because he was having chest pains.
come to find out his cardiac enzymes were elevated and his ekg was abnormal.
(((((MS mcducket))))) My prayers are with you.
p.s thanks for the kind words, it helped; believe me
the sercuit overseer gave the expierence about an interested one who would come to the meetings every sunday but admitted he would always fall asleep because he worked a double shift at work the night before.
the s.o said: "and sure enough he fell asleep during my talk.
" but he said that it was so encouraging because even though he worked the night before he still tried to get what little he could of the talk and the guy related afterwards: "i would not want to be caught falling asleep anywhere else but at the hall.
Every time that I went I fell asleep. Come to think of it, I think the whole audience is sleep in some form or anither, one example of this is when my brother once read the paragraphs for the sunday w.t study , towards the end he skipped by accident paragraph 18. I was so stunned that no one not even the conductor noticed. That also got me to think," If this soooo true, why would we be falling asleep?"
To this day I still bug him for it and says he is part of the "evil slave class". But thanked him for doing that.lol..
out in field service you would meet an extremely 'interested person' and make arrangements for a return visit.
when the appointed time arrived and you went back to make your rv the 'interested person' would thank you for visiting again and then tell you that they had started attending the church down the street.
then everyone in the car group would groan when you returned to the vehicle and related what happened.
That happened to me once too often. When I met an older man whose wife had suffered a stroke he was emotionally at the point where he was open for anything. All I did was place a book and, I just listened to him, and at that time I thought that was what he needed from me, he did'nt know me from adam but he was pouring his heart out to me. I arranged to go back in the next two days. But then he ended up attending another church as well. I was'nt mad at him for that, but that puzzeled me, when I asked my pops about it he just said," Well son, it's a seperation from the weeds from the wheat".
i would be here speaking my mind as a normal human being.
i was thinking about that a second ago and wanted to share that thought.
ten years ago i was confronting a close freind of mine about why he was parting from the collective, of course he had valid reasons to be agnostic at the time.
AA: Yeah that would be nice. I know that he would be surprised about it, considering how I was back in the day.
Thanks everyone, it's funny as well that right now I would feel the way that I feel. So many questions; I guess that who would've thought that in ten years I would have the nerve to ask....why?