under believer,
thanks for the reply to my post.
I understand your situation and wish you the very best.
I'm angry too.
i stopped going out in service about a year ago.
just couldn't take it anymore.
after that, i still continued "studying" with my kids and "counting the time" for that.
under believer,
thanks for the reply to my post.
I understand your situation and wish you the very best.
I'm angry too.
i was directed to this site by a very kind ex-witness who runs a christian ministry in california.
there are no words to express how thankful i am to be here.. here is what i hope (key word) will be an abbreviated version of my story: i am 35 years old, single, the only child of jw parents who had already spent over ten years in various watchtower capacities (two of those years as gilead missionaries in guatemala) before i was born.
my father was diagnosed with brain cancer when i was 11 and finally succumbed, after a valiant fight, when i was 14. among the first doubts or questions i remember having was how a god of 'love' could just passively ignore the persecution (malawi!!!
I was in prison for draft evasion on Mt. Lemon at the Federal Youth Camp in the Catalina Mountains. I also lived not far from you in Gila Bend when I was growing up.
but, that was a long time ago in a Galaxy far far away.
I am glad you're here. I hope the healing that I have felt here also helps you.
I live a long ways from you in Kansas, but hope you are able to find local friends and help.
i wonder if the limey liberals are as hypocritical as our home=grown american ones?
these guys change positions more than the watchtower writing staff!
the hypocrisy of democrats .
Shining One,
Loved your post. Liberals really bother me.
Any party that bases its entire platform on a mother's RIGHT to kill a fetus, offspring, baby, whatever, is a sick party.
They are almost as bad as the leadership of the WT Society.
Brant Jones
i've been working at the same hospital since 1991. a jw chick is hired this past january.
the hospital friends have been and are my support system as well as my 'team'.. a nurse friend played stupid last week and talked to the jw girl.
the jw asked her what religion she was.
You were incredible! Would you like to represent me in a lawsuit against the WT? (little humor)
this is was very hard swallow.
i know of a family who has suffered tremendously when their son (15) came down with a mental illness - he cuts himself, has intended suicide 5 times.
he hard a hard time dealing with so many issues that he at one point told the elders i don't want to have anything to do with the jehovah's.
You did a kind thing. I support your efforts to dull their knives.
Can you imagine how detestable it is to even call or refer to them as elders? Sh*theads, maybe. Bastards maybe. Assholes, maybe. Elders?
soon (if they haven't already) local congregations of jws will welcome newly disillusioned former members of the bethel family.
the most potentially dangerous have been paid off already (but what do you mean?
weren't we all given severances equally proportionate to our years of devoted service?
SOT, welcome!
I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope your are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right.
I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope your are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right.
I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope your are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right.
I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope your are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right.
I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope your are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right.
I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope your are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right.
I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope your are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right.
I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope your are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right. I hope you are right.
And so on.
when someone asks about the jws, i usually find myself talking about disfellowshipping, the blood issue, the child-molestation problem.
but looking back i think, although those are the easily explained and perhaps somewhat sensational bad things about being a jw, they're not the only things that have left their marks.
in fact, only the disfellowshipping issue has personally affected me (although i'm not officially df'd, but of course you don't have to be to lose your friends/family).
Your post is so sad but true.
This religion knows how to knock people's feet out from under them and they think they are the only ones we can hold on to to keep our life straight.
I am a lot older than you, but I agree that leaving the org really bashes your personal confidence. Just keep fighting for the right to be yourself.
I wish I could say something that would really help, but I can't. Struggling myself.
i stopped going out in service about a year ago.
just couldn't take it anymore.
after that, i still continued "studying" with my kids and "counting the time" for that.
I think if you go inactive, not reporting time for 6 months in a row, they will get the idea and leave you alone. I personally find it distasteful to turn in fake reports. However, there are a lot of people on this board that are just trying to cope the best way they can.
I do encourage you to read the Bible with your kids and develop a spiritual relationship with them based on truth, rather than on the WT. Your kids are growing up in a very hostile environment, and if you can, help them to know the saving power of Jehovah through Jesus.
Sorry I got religious, and no harm meant. Not being a WT-ite doesn't mean you shouldn't be spiritual.
in your experience, at what point will a jw bible student become a convert?
what is the tipping point?
for example, is it the number of studies?
Garybuss hit the nail on the head, at least in my own personal case.
I was a witness long before I ever came to the organization. I had studied the books on my own and loved the hope of a beautiful paradise restored on earth.
In fact, I never had a study conducted with me and went out in service the first week that I met for the first time at the Kingdom Hall.
I remember it well. Went out in service with a Circuit "servant" back in those days named R.C. Benson.
I think studying with a person is important, but going golfing or hunting or fishing with a student is a deal closer. I used to get lots of folks going by doing that.
Also had studies for 3 years that attended only Memorial.
finally i am free.
i wandered outside the convention around mid-afternoon, returning for the concluding song, so i didn't get to hear "summary of the botchtower" nor the final talk (which gets all the seals clapping).. .
know that the kingdom of god is near .
Thank you for the xlent report. I especially enjoyed your comments at the end re the internet.
May it please overtake and defeat them.