Another good idea: give them back, what they give to us.
"Proper meat at proper time" !!! HA ! HA ! HA !
Deposit the same magazines back in the " Voluntary Extortions/ I mean donations Boxes" !!!
Fill the boxes in KH with the Awake magazines !!!
it may never happen, i believe the best that can be hoped for is to pull some people out of it.
no matter what is found out, no matter how big the screw up or lawsuit or lie that is uncovered, there will always be some who believe.
selling hope is a big business, and some people want hope way more than they want truth.. the blood expose', however, is great in that it gets more information out there to a large audience, which will eventually cause the wts to go into damage control mode, changing policies again.
Another good idea: give them back, what they give to us.
"Proper meat at proper time" !!! HA ! HA ! HA !
Deposit the same magazines back in the " Voluntary Extortions/ I mean donations Boxes" !!!
Fill the boxes in KH with the Awake magazines !!!
it may never happen, i believe the best that can be hoped for is to pull some people out of it.
no matter what is found out, no matter how big the screw up or lawsuit or lie that is uncovered, there will always be some who believe.
selling hope is a big business, and some people want hope way more than they want truth.. the blood expose', however, is great in that it gets more information out there to a large audience, which will eventually cause the wts to go into damage control mode, changing policies again.
Vote with your wallet: Donate ZERO ! NOTHING ! 0000000 !
If God is with them, then they can turn stones into money.
as a jw, i never thought that i was in a cult.
i thought that other religions were a cult, but not us.. what made you realize that the jw's is a cult?
After learning about children rape cases and covers up, and learning about others cults mind control crap, like Waco/Koresz , Heaven/ Gate Applewhite, Jones/Suicide, I was in shock and did not believed in the begining, that so much rape on innocent children can hapen in JW "HOLY ORG". So I started to pray to God for the truth. I have to say that I was not looking for any faults, discovered everything by accident. Prayed more for the truth, regardles how painfull the truth was.
Then the light come very clearly, that for the EvilEmpireTower to keep false IMAGE about the worldwide Empire is more important that the raped children and the TRUTH. My heart was broken. The feeling of betrayal of the smallest ones was the last strow. I lost any trust in them. God is not with them.
i don't know if you have been following the story about james frey, author of a million little pieces, how the book was inducted into oprah's book club last fall, with him making an appearance on the show, proclaiming the "memoir" as completely true and unaltered.
she even delayed announcing her next book club selection by six weeks to give this book more publicity.. some investigation by the smoking gun revealed that many of the accounts in the book were embellished beyond any recognition of truth.
for example, the incident where frey claims to have been in jail for 3 months, was actually only a matter of hours.
1 corinthians 5:11 (nwt) ~ but now i am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man..
from extort.
one entry found for extort.
The oldest salesman trick in the book. Or, you may say, " If you don't buy OUR insurance, "BAD things will happen to YOU ! Sound like " Don Corleone" ofert, you can't refuse.
In another words: " Buy our crap, or.... if you don't you will die"
what will happen when the gang mebers, murderers and others prisoners become jw, and then sooner or later will learn that this is man made religion, false prophets lies and make ups?
will they take revange on the wt leaders, or will they slaughter all cult members in anger?
Thank You, jwfacts... my story is same as almost everybody else.
Evil Barons scam con artists resided at Evil EmpireTower cheated me out of everything !!!
They are the sons of the one , who pretend to be the " Angel of Light" , satan the devil himself. They quote the bible so often, and they think that this will make them holy. They always keep on learning, but NEVER come to know the God and the Truth.
Do they prophecy that " Don Corleone " will take over finance at HQ in
Empire tower ???
hi guys.
my brother told me that his friends grandfather died and that the jw family members are upset that he left his house to his grandson who is df'd.
for the last few years the grandson took him to all his doctor appointments and took him grocery shopping.
The "paychek" for them , is in the mail , for all the "HOLY WORK" they did all the time !!! AMEN !
because of their shunning policy how many family members or good friends did the watchtower take away from you?.
in my case, i'd say 4 good friends were lost because of the watchtower shunning policy.
luckily, i had no family members there
TO MANY TO COUNT !!! I have the "privilege" to observe them in many different life situations. I was so shocked so many times, that my heart almost stopped. Where is the Love, the compasion, the understanding, mercy what I was deceived to believe in the "HOLY Borg" ???
Too many of them are cold, heartles, ruthles, greedy, no mercy, not helping each other, legalistic, lunatic, mental cases, severe depresion, violent, explding with anger for no reason, commiting suicides, losing faith in everything, constantly on pain killers, drug alcohol abuse, crazy mood swings, paranoia and so on, and on, and on. I ask myself the question: how this can be, why, we study the bible 5 times a week???
Is there anything good about devil ? What can be good about evilempiretower? Because they quote bible? Devil quote the bible also.
Most of the people in the rapetower are blinded, so I feel sorry for them. They are good people and they believe from all the heart, that they do what God want them to do. They are so close to the devil , that they forget , that the Satan himself pretend to be the angel of light.
How can "holy org" rape their own children by their own elders fathers for decades for ten on thousand of them, and then cover up everything, and protect the rapists, and then d/s the children and the parents if they dare to defend their own children from the wolfes in sheep skin ????