babylon the great is the world empire of false religion,it would be easier for to understand which scripture in daniel you are taking about,she has weilded great influence over the kings of the earth,that is why she is depicted as riding the wild beast,but she has fallen and she does not weild so much influence today,
Posts by ezra
Who really is Babylon the Great?
by sinis ini know the wts says it is false religion, but if you read daniel, jeremiah, and revelation it shows that babylon the great is actually ruling over the ten kings.
how can "false religion" rule over the kings of the earth?
it seems that babylon the great might actually portray a real government.
Did I Miss Something?
by MerryMagdalene inare there any of you who actually experienced this?
(from awake 5/22/94 young people ask--what if i fall for an unbeliever?).
think of how much your religious values have shaped your emotionsthe joy you experience at christian meetings, the thrill of sharing the bibles message with a receptive person, the pleasure of studying the bible itself.
if you study for the sake of studying it will never mean anything to you,you have to want to understand his word,you have to have a sincere desire to help others,these things can not come from study but motivation to want something better than satans world
Is the Watchtower Society guilty of this?
by Honesty indoes the watchtower society go beyond what is written in the bible with their doctrines?.
i have doubts that any of the following watchtower doctrinal issues are specifically mentioned as 'do's" or "don'ts" in god's word:.
no we do not go beyond the written word
Is The watchtower Dishonest When It comes to the Trinity?
by RevFrank inin 1989 the watchtower society published a 32-page booklet entitled "should you believe in the trinity?
" the aim of this publication was to discredit the christian doctrine of the triune nature of god.
the method that the society used to accomplish this goal was to quote from a plethora of resources, both secular and religious, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, books and historical literature written by individual authors.
no ,it is not a bible based teaching ,i have refuted it with tthe scriptures so many times i am tired of it
what Do I Write In An Appeal Letter?
by Diogenes inmy friend has just been disfellowshipped today.... they want to appeal?.
what are the kinds of things that should be written in an appeal letter?.
i really appreciate any swift responses, as time is of the essence, due to the pesky 1 week rule!.
you should not be asking for advice because they are getting mean in this forum at night ,i usually post during the day.look just ask the brothers they wont not give you an answer ,but dont look for one here ,these people are not interested in helping your friend get reinstated,baptized since 1995
Questions for JW in Bible studies
by Shazard inhere was thread which gave me this idea .
is there some good "compilation" of good questions (not too much) to ask jw in bible studies with potential new jw to expose their "truth".
i know there are hundreds of questions, dozens of sites with different questions for jw, but i am thinking about specific questions to ask in presence of new student and their "teacher" to plant seeds of doubt in the student that there is something wrong with studies!
invisibly enthroned easy.
May a JW mail carrier deliver mail to a church?
by Bonnie_Clyde inwe've already discussed the 3-15-06 wt about a self-employed contractor not being able to paint one of the churches of christendom.
well read on.
paragraph 13 asks, "what about performing a legitimate service, such as delivering mail everywhere in a community, including places that promote wrong practices?
it is a conscience decision,but if he delivered only to churches then it would not be allowed
Wonder their reaction
by FallenOne ini am moving soon to pennsylvania and no one will know i live there.
i've always had a great desire to play some tricks on the poor jabba's witnesses stuck out in street work and liven up thier drab routine.
here are some thoughts, what would your reaction be.. .
we are used to the bad treatment
Were you ever ashamed of another JW?
by JH in.
in the field service, i was going door to door with an elder, and he couldn't stop spitting on the ground every now and then..... .
once at a ball park, i saw a 75 year old ms watching a ball game, and he took napkins to wipe his bench because it rained and it was wet, so he wipped his bench and threw all the napkins on the grass instead of walking to the garbage can about 30 feet away...
yes i am ashamed at those who left the faith then proceed to treat us like the scum of the earth,i can not believe the posts i have seen recently,you guys are starting to sound like those on yahoo christian chat,check it out you will see what i mean
Watchtower / Awake mags at home...
by defective light indid you ever display yours in the room...bathroom?
seems like every j-dubs house i've ever been in had some kind of jw literature laying around (most of them had dust on them or were not current!
) was this to impress other dubs?
then i am supposed to be a dub also?i guess at nighttime you guys show up,the daytime crew is much more polite.wasnt very nice.i am on here regularly.not a decent way to treat a member is it