I'm not sure there's too much worse a feeling than knowing your own mother doesn't want to see you.I reach out to her every day asking how she's doing because she's eighty five, and she makes sure to tell me "The Friends" are taking good care of her. She was hospitalized and didn't even tell me. None of "The Friends" did either. Recently, she was in the hospital again, and didn't bother to tell me she was back home. While I worried, she was having "The Friends" in and out and didn't give me a thought. I'm her only child.
My crime? I don't agree with JW teachings. Never arrested or had legal problems, always had a good job, nice home, responsible, courteous, tax paying, give to charity. But I'm saved and born again as a follower of Jesus so she doesn't need me around. I feel like I keep kissing her butt wanting a relationship with my mother. I sent her a letter asking to clear the air so we could be a real mother and daughter. She ignored the letter.
Honestly, I don't have a handle on how to deal with these people. Reaching out like normal people do doesn't work. They don't seem interested in meeting you half way.
Does anyone know if they're on the warpath again about shunning their family?