Here is a tale of two classmates, graduating high school in 1977. One girl followed her interests and went to law school.
Girl #2, me, was told she could not go to law school, even though my worldly grandfather offered to pay for my college and I really, really wanted to go.
So now, in 2018, girl #1 got her juris doctor years ago and is nearing retirement from her law practice. She's got a nice life and a nice family, law abiding daughters in college now. What in the world is wrong with that?
I was lucky to have a good career making a similar amount of salary as girl #1, my classmate. The difference is, she got to fulfill her dreams, doing what she loved, while I just had a career that paid the bills but didn't intrigue me or use the brain God gave me to help others. Why? Because of that vile magazine and the vicious spiteful men who sold it to our parents as what was best for us. No apologies have been made by the magazine writers, or by my parents, who won't even talk about it.
Robbing a child of their interests, a chance use their talents, and snuffing out that sparkle in their eyes is a terrible thing. Who knows what we could've done, or what we could've been if encouraged and supported like normal parents do?
No, I'm turning sixty next month, and I am far from over this.