A guy gets to heaven and St. Peter is showing him around. The two of them began walking down a long hallway, and they came to a door. Peter opened the door and they heard all of these people singing hymns, and Peter said to the guy, "Oh, here are all the Methodists." Then they walked on a little further, and came to another door, and opened it, and saw a bunch of people dressed up and the strong smell of incense, and Peter said, "Oh, here are all the Episcopalians." They walked on, and came to another door, and opened it, and saw a bunch of people shouting and jumping up and down, and Peter said, "Oh, here are all the Pentecostals." But then they walked near another door, only this time, instead of opening it, Peter said to the guy, "Ssshhhh, we have to be quiet. There are 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses in there, and they think they're the only ones up here!"