Very interesting Narkissos, thanks for those links. Those are two I had not come across.
And merfi, that was what I tried to say at the very beginning (and wow did this thread lead WAY OVER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THERE) if there are books thatdidn't make the cut...what did they say? How do we know they weren't more important? And like you said, what if there is stuff in there that shouldn't be? Can I say in my heart anymore that I think it's inspired or accurate? Unfortunately, no. I just don't feel it.
And whether it was Constantine (no one slap me down for bringing him up again) or some other guy or group of guys, who says they were inspired by god. This wasn't done by Jesus or his apostles. It was many many years later, right?
And another thing I mentioned in the first post, is what the JW take on the actual compilation of the bible. I haven't had access to WT literature in many years, so I'm curious...they say the men that wrote the bible were inspired by god if I remember do they also think that the dudes who pulled it together into one tidy little book inspired too?