JoinedPosts by MissBehave
Did you ever think of Stealing/Using someone else's avatar?
by JH in.
it's just not right, but it's not in the rules to use someone else's avatar.... i kind of like this one i think i'll borrow it for a while.
just kidding simon .
You mean like a newbie who looks an awfully lot like Scully?
Creepy JW Music for Kids!
by limbogirl inmaybe this has already been posted or you're familiar with it but i just discovered this on itunes.
it's being sold on itunes.. the subject matter alone is enough to make you want to barf but get a load of the music and singing talent on this little gem.
a couple of the tracks landed in an imix of the worst music on itunes.
limbogirl, I have to thank you for my favorite thread of the day. I'm not often flabbergasted, but this did it for me and for that you are a star in my book!!!!
I will go to bed tonight dreaming of Gary Alt and Friends as they March Off the Edge of the Earth Into an Abyss Never To Be Heard From Again.
Creepy JW Music for Kids!
by limbogirl inmaybe this has already been posted or you're familiar with it but i just discovered this on itunes.
it's being sold on itunes.. the subject matter alone is enough to make you want to barf but get a load of the music and singing talent on this little gem.
a couple of the tracks landed in an imix of the worst music on itunes.
under_believe, you deserve a medal of honor for your review. You really took one for the team. You are a far better man than I am (which really probably isn't all that difficult since I'm a girl). But you get the point.
I can't believe you suffered through each grueling track....I feel like we owe you big time. Can I possibly send you some money?
Your review was hysterically funny....thank you.
Creepy JW Music for Kids!
by limbogirl inmaybe this has already been posted or you're familiar with it but i just discovered this on itunes.
it's being sold on itunes.. the subject matter alone is enough to make you want to barf but get a load of the music and singing talent on this little gem.
a couple of the tracks landed in an imix of the worst music on itunes.
Okay, sorry I was away penning my very own Sing Along Kingdom Song for Kids.
Alright everybody.....to the tune of My Country Tis of Thee (or for you Brits and Aussies, God Save the Queen)...this is truly international and I'm sure my upcoming CD will be a major hit.
Here we go....key of G....on three......
O Armageddon’s here
The world screams out in fear
Death is everywhere
Billions of people die
Fire reigns down from the sky
My new pet’s a panda bear
by What-A-Coincidence inwhat if we send all the jw pedophile info to the ones who contract coliseums/sports arenas to the jws?
also send it to the ones who supply paper/ink to the wtbts?
the manufacturers of the new presses?
They worship the almighty dollar so they probably won't care. Too bad though.
Do they serve food still at conventions? Health code violations anyone?
Long live Elvis....wait....never mind.
My experience w/ the JW secretary at my office
by looking_glass ini believe i have mentioned before, i works w/ a lunatic jw.
this is the same woman who will not go by a shorter version of her name because as she told me in front of some fellow co-workers once i found the truth, i put on the new personality and the fruitages of the spirit, so i go by my full name now.
alrighty then..
She said that IN FRONT OF YOUR CLIENT???????? She should be fired just for that.
Dance! Learn to Dance!!!
by BlessedStar inlet's learn to dance!!!.
do you have any more dance steps to help those who love dancing?.
check this out.... http://www.mrcomputerservices.com/dancinghippo.htm.
Easy, fall down.
Dance! Learn to Dance!!!
by BlessedStar inlet's learn to dance!!!.
do you have any more dance steps to help those who love dancing?.
check this out.... http://www.mrcomputerservices.com/dancinghippo.htm.
I've got this really great dance move that I created and perfected. I like to call it The Slip on the Banana Peel. It is guaranteed to make people laugh and point.
And just because I've always wanted to say this but it would never be appropriate out loud but somehow typing it makes it less cheesy and since after all this is a thread about dancing.....
"Nobody puts Baby in a corner"
Accepting your mortality sets you free from JWism.
by Spectrum init was a depressing feeling when i realised i was actually going to die like everybody else.
who me, die?
no chance.
Very interesting thread....I've never thought about it quite like that before. But so true.
As a Witness I would have spent my whole life waiting. As a non-Witness I now spend my life living.