This video was released 4 hours ago by NYPrepper on YouTube.
Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPBIj0FthOY
emergency alert!!
ukraine launches more nato missiles into russia .
world war iii is here!!!
what is the purpose of yorww having a creed & the forty (40) basic, fundamental truth requirement?.
many people have wondered about the above question and our stand on the forty (40) basic, fundamental truths, and why we make it a requirement for individual jehovah's witnesses to believe these ideas before...before they can join our five (5) discussion boards.well, its called the yorww congregation, isn't it?its a congregation of like believers and persons of like faith.
(matthew 18:20) so they are supposed to agree on their beliefs, exactly as first century christians agreed upon their beliefs.
Hi All,
It's interesting to me that the price of the book is an issue here.
However, perhaps it would be better to consider how and why a person would get the book.
The book is actually written only for Jehovah's Witnesses, former or current. It is not written to the general public since they know very little about what Jehovah's Witnesses believe or don't believe. It is a doctrinal essay. It was written in the fall of 1994.
That being the case, over the last 30 years we rarely find anyone interested in the book that is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses; occasionally a Catholic priest or a Baptist minister might request a copy of the book.
Over the past 30 years since we've had the book in print, we have found that it is a very effective tool for those among Jehovah's Witnesses to have the book when they agree to take the 90-day online bible study course with us.
For details on the free 90-day online bible study course, see this link:
In other words, a person does not need to buy this book if he is NOT going to take the online 90-day bible study course.
We do not recommend it.
Instead, a curious person who is either one of Jehovah's Witnesse or not, can learn much of the same information found in the book FOR FREE by consulting over 100 full-color blogs complete with numerous scriptures at our "scubadiving" page.
See link:
I hope this clears the air about the work of Donald C. Burney, who founded the YORWW Congregation 33 years ago and personally financed this venture with his own capital. He certainly does not need anybody's money.
Jesus said, "the truth is free". (Matthew 10:8)
. . . Now, can we get on with some real Bible education.
Littleleslie (Eileen Leslie Kiser, formerly of Jenkins Congregation, Jenkins Minnesota)
what is the purpose of yorww having a creed & the forty (40) basic, fundamental truth requirement?.
many people have wondered about the above question and our stand on the forty (40) basic, fundamental truths, and why we make it a requirement for individual jehovah's witnesses to believe these ideas before...before they can join our five (5) discussion boards.well, its called the yorww congregation, isn't it?its a congregation of like believers and persons of like faith.
(matthew 18:20) so they are supposed to agree on their beliefs, exactly as first century christians agreed upon their beliefs.
a huge realization hit me the other day while listening to a podcast that discussed the "lineage of jesus".. according to the bible, "the messiah" was to come through king davids lineage.
but, if you wade through the entire chapter of matthew that lists "son of ...son of...son of...etc", it becomes obvious that jesus did not come through davids line at all!.
in fact, that lineage lists jospeh (mary's husband) as being in davids line.
Hello Stuckinarut2,
This is a very excellent observation that you have made. In fact, I think this line of thought that you have suggested probes into what I believe is the very essence of why people do not understand the bible or bible prophecy. I believe this is actually a sacred secret.
Just as Mad Mary pointed out above, Genesis 3:15 lays at the heart of this discussion because it was promised in that verse that someone from Adam and Eve, a sinful descendant, would be used by God to finally point mankind in the right direction and would bring them to a close relationship with God. (See Zechariah 8:20-23)
However, when we really think about it, most of us would never really think that Jesus would be an actual descendant of Adam and Eve. But that is precisely what the churches and the Jehovah's Witnesses continually imply in their teaching. To that end, I want to direct you to a blog that goes into detail on this very question that you are raising.
Here is the link to that very interesting information:
You will find in this blog many scriptural ideas to show that the promised Davidic heir who is a descendant of Adam and Eve is the one Jehovah would reveal in the last days as being the "servant" of God. (Isaiah 49:1-7) According to prophecy this one will be a light to the entire earth.
Let's continue this conversation, it is of the utmost importance and I think you have raised a great question.
how the heavenly kingdom of jesus differs from the earthly kingdom of david.
had you ever wondered if there was a difference between the rulership of jesus in heaven and the promised davidic kingdom that was to come upon earth?
this earthly kingdom was to be ruled by a descendant of adam and eve as the davidic heir of this kingdom.
How The Heavenly Kingdom Of Jesus Differs From The Earthly Kingdom Of David
Had you ever wondered if there was a difference between the rulership of Jesus in heaven and the promised Davidic Kingdom that was to come upon earth? This earthly kingdom was to be ruled by a descendant of Adam and Eve as the Davidic Heir of this kingdom. Oftentimes, he is referred to in scripture as being “David” who rules. (Ezekiel 34:23; 37:24)
In the past, many bible readers have confused these two kingdoms, particularly the Jehovah’s Witnesses with their 1914 teaching. But, these two kingdoms are not the same. The primary difference between the two kingdom governments is that one is a heavenly rulership that does not last forever but the length of its’ rulership is limited in time, whereas the other kingdom government is an earthly rulership that shall last forever.
The bible does reference both of these kingdom governments, but the prophesies of scripture mostly emphasize the earthly kingdom government and its’ connection to Genesis 3:15. – Psalm 110:1,2; Hebrews 10:13; 1 Corinthians 15:24,25; -please compare with- 2 Samuel 7:12-14; Daniel 2:44; 7:13,14,18,22,27.
By separating these two kingdoms in our mind, it may help us understand what the bible teaches about God’s Kingdom and its’ coming to earth to benefit mankind.
ok, so hot on the heels of the announcement at the agm, we have been told that there are probably only 12 magazines left!.
yes, there will be only 3 wt each year, and 3 awakes.... and that they will do this for two years, then reprint those issues.... so yes, the "abundance of spiritual food" is limited to 12 more magazines..... surely, this is proof of the end coming so soon!?!
Hi Smitty3:
You said:
The Interesting "Locust Letter" ... Written Back In April 12th,1991!It would be more credible if the original letter of the time or a verification of it at that time could be produced to verify its authenticity.Its all very well to quote a 2014 copy of the letter ,how about the original ?just saying.
ok, so hot on the heels of the announcement at the agm, we have been told that there are probably only 12 magazines left!.
yes, there will be only 3 wt each year, and 3 awakes.... and that they will do this for two years, then reprint those issues.... so yes, the "abundance of spiritual food" is limited to 12 more magazines..... surely, this is proof of the end coming so soon!?!
... An Interesting Prediction Was Made About The Fall of the Watchtower Society & Their Writing Staff in Spring of 1991 ... Over Twenty-six years ago!
In part the letter stated:
April 12, 1991
Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
c/o Watchtower Society Inc. New York
Watchtower Society Inc. Pennsylvania
International Bible Students Association
Dear Sirs:
This is to officially notify you that what has been spoken of in Isaiah 22:15-21 has taken place upon you 12 members of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Yes upon you. Jehovah God through his Faithful Son, who cannot deny himself (2 Tim. 2:12, 13) has REPLACED YOU as his official representative and spokeman for the Anointed Remnant EARTH-WIDE.
The Locust Plague spoken of at Revelation 9:1-11 has began upon you. Verse 4 shows that the men under attack claim to have the "seal" in their foreheads, or they are expected to have the "seal of God" but in actuality do not. They are the focal point of the attack of the locust. Christendom along with it's clergy have often been explained to be ones deserving "hurting" or as the footnote in the large print Reference Bible says "to treat unrighteously" (verse 10) in many of the publications of the Watchtower Society. However, from a much closer examination of the facts, we find that YOU are the ones deserving of this attack.
Case in point, let's examine this new RAMADA INN you starting, or better known as Patterson ... How dare you use monies contributed for sacred service, monies contributed to further the Great Name of our God Jehovah being advertised worldwide -- you took that money and are using it to set up a LAKE TAHOE for yourselves and for all of your illustrous leaders -- better known as Bethel elders, somehow separate from the rest of us. It has been reported in newspapers that this facility is "FOR THE LEADERS" of this organization. There is no denying that you are most reprehensible in this regard. And for this there is indignation from the face of Jehovah. See Numbers 16:46.
...And your madness will become plain to all in the near future. 2 Tim. 3:9. Some will scoff and will say, 'it can't be possible. Jehovah wouldn't turn on his own people. Not the Governing Body, not the Watchtower Society!' Listen to what Isaiah 28:20-22 says about you people. Yes you have been prophesied about!
...You men in Service Department, Writing Department: listen carefully ... Bethel Elders:
THE LIE: Notice Isaiah 28:15 -- "... the overflowing flash flood, in case it should pass through, will not come to us."
Again, Isaiah 29:14:
This is what you will be publishing in days to come:
No satisfaction will come from your writing staff. See Amos 4:6-8
End of excerpt from letter. (Letter written by Donald C. Burney)
Link to letter from website: http://crossingeuphrates.com/phpB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=469&p=1041&hilit=Locust#p1041
i just wanted to know, when do the jws begin to study the 2014 publication called: "god's kingdom rule" at the local kingdom halls?
(i heard it was going to be sometime in the month of september of 2016, this month.).
I just wanted to know, when do the JWs begin to study the 2014 publication called: "God's Kingdom Rule" at the local kingdom halls? (I heard it was going to be sometime in the month of September of 2016, this month.)
Does anyone know?
understanding the holy bible.. .
after many years of study of scripture, our bible study group has discovered something very important that needs to be realized or absorbed, before one can come to a correct understanding of the bible.
we call it, the "linchpin" effect... .
Ok, fair enough, so you don't put any value on Jehovah God's Word, you think it is useless. I appreciate your honesty.
I believe that this information could be helpful for anybody who is searching for Jehovah, searching for scriptural answers from God's Word. This is for those who still believe that Jehovah will establish his kingdom, his Earthly kingdom.
"And in the days of these kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever." - Daniel 2:44 NKJV
understanding the holy bible.. .
after many years of study of scripture, our bible study group has discovered something very important that needs to be realized or absorbed, before one can come to a correct understanding of the bible.
we call it, the "linchpin" effect... .
I mentioned at the outset of this thread that there is a "Linchpin" effect to the Bible that needs to be observed, in order to completely understand it.
I asserted in the first post that without this "linchpin," one cannot properly understand the Bible in its entirety.
I also decided to use John 16:13,14 to show Jesus explaining the future role of the coming "Spirit of Truth" in the final days, which with God's help would ultimately lead mankind into "ALL TRUTH" and declare the future for their benefit. In this way, Jesus taught us the "Spirit of Truth" becomes a secondary "messiah" or special "teacher" [a "Linchpin" to understanding the bible] for our day and time, sent by Jehovah God and Jesus Christ ... authorized by them. (See John 14:26; John 15:26.)
Luke 17:30 tells us this modern-day Messiah would need to be "revealed" as it were, for mankind's benefit at the advent of his role as "Spirit of Truth."
So, instead of anyone "joining a club," or something ... all one needs to do is to get his bible out, meditate on the verses in it, and put on his "thinking cap."