Several years ago poster 'outnfree' mentioned my family's name in one of her posts. My parents conducted a study with her sister back in the 70's. She and my mom (devout JW) were living in the same cong territory in a completely different state (35 years later.) I have not seen outnfree here on JWN for several years. I hope she is doing well.
Another JWN poster wrote something here that was a dead-giveaway to his former congregation. The same as mine in the 80's. We pm'd and are facebook friends, but, as yet, have not met up in person. I used to attend book study at his house and was friends with his now-ex-wife.
Yet another JWN poster found JWN because of a careless post I made in which I cited his real name in a public (not private) section. His name is not very common but he has become well-regarded in his field to the point where he was telling people to just google his name to find information about his business projects. Apparently some of his customers asked him if he was a JW. He said 'yes, how did you know that'? So he googled himself, clicked the link to my post on this site and eventually joined the site. We have caught up on each other's lives thru pm, email and some phone conversations. Have not caught up in person, but plan to. [And a mod graciously removed my careless, errant post. It eventually faded from the google hit list. And I have apologized to my friend for my careless error. I am usually so very cautious about other's anonimity, this was fluke. But an innocuous one with, I believe, I very good outcome.]
There are some others who have pm'd me that they know people from my old congs. And MANY others who I first met on JWN and *then* met in reallife.
I think it's fun. I hope to meet up with many more of my former JW friends. Soon.