Hi Caupon -
I don't recall your story so sorry that I'm not up-to-speed on your details. But did want to give a quick comment...
You wrote: Or am I just overthinking this?
I wasn't there, but my opinion is that you are overthinking it. It sounds like you are fairly well-balanced and working to keep yourself well-informed. As long as you stay respectful, don't get into too much trouble and keep your humor about you, the KH should not be horrific for you at this stage. Boring as hell, maybe, but not necessarily horrific.
There are sucky things about growing up a JW. But there are some good times, too.
JW elders are not paid. Neither are they very well trained. Most work very difficult and strenuous secular jobs. Meeting times can become more stressful. I would not dwell much on the harsh response. I doubt it was personal. You just caught them off guard and they wanted their privacy back - for whatever reason.
That said, my best suggestion for teenage JWs is to lay low in the congregation. Focus on school/formal education and get a job. Save money and learn to budget yourself. Learn to cook and care for yourself. Help around the house and help neighbors. Don't get baptized. Follow Jesus example - he did not get baptized until he was 30. Avoid discussions about doctrine, websites, WT history. Casual mention is probably OK but there is nothing to gain from full-blown hysteria over things the WTS did 70 years ago. They did it. You know they did it. I know they did it. They know they did it. But they say they've changed. And all they (elders and your parents) will do is blame you and try to correct your thinking.
Just lay low. Take care of the business of setting yourself up for a good life that is supported by a good career. You can pick a religion after you have explored life a little. There is absolutely no rush and no sense in fretting about it.
I hope this makes sense and helps just a little. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
btw - Welcome to JWN~!! It's nice to have you join us.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)