JoinedPosts by AudeSapere
The life differences between a good christian and good athiest
by EndofMysteries inlet's compare a christian who goes to a non judgemental / non guilt trip church which focuses really on the gospels, jesus teachings on being non judgemental, anything out of love there is no law against, and they contribute to society.
then an athiest who if you put side by side w/ the above christian, you would not know any difference unless you asked their beliefs.
both are good people, who are able to lead lives doing what they want, enjoying their life, and trying to help their neighbors too.
JWs took off from work in 1975?
by skeeter1 ina friend of mine is an electrician supervisor.
back in 1975, one of his employees was a jw.
the jw was so convinced that 1975 would bring the end of the world, that the jw took off from work (like, the first week in january) and sat on the top of a north carolina mountain waiting for armegheddon.
My parents sold property. There was a monthly 'count-down' from the platform in our KH.
We had a pretty large pantry in our basement in anticipation of the GreatTribulation.
But I have never heard of anyone sitting on a mountain waiting. ... That sounds like someone waiting for rapture - Not a JW thing.
Bethel public relations rep J.R. Brown tells Connie Chung GB are not directed by God nor are JW's better than others
by williamhconley inconnie chung was interviewing j.r. brown wt public relations head regarding the pedophile manuel cano (50 yr old bethel elder) in 2006.. during the interview she asks j.r. brown if the wt considers themselves spirit directed or inspired.
she also asks him if the jw's believe if they're the only true religion or channel to god.. the answer given by the public relations head will turn your head.
what amazing liars they all are.
@williamhconley - I completely agree with you that this was a very, very eye-opening and important disclosure. Not doubt about it. And I would like to see it get more coverage, so I'm glad you re-kindled it.
But we also have to be careful to get our facts straight. 'Close enough' is not really good enough when we have the attention of even one JW. We know that the WT often mis-quotes and misrepresents what people say. Most of us were not taught how to properly verify information and the importance of correct referencing.
Why say it was Connie Chung in the first place? Was that to get people to pay attention more? It had the opposite effect and derailed your thread.
But the original thread that I cited above has been re-activated and over 500 more views in the past 16 days. So that's great.
DA'd then what to expect.
by Crazyguy inso the impending doom of the end is coming and i will not be df'd so they can tell others i sinned or something else.
i will da, but not sure what to expect next and what they will say to my family and children.
i have 5 kids one baptised and ofcourse a wife, so what should i prepare for??
I have not been following your story, but with family still in, why even *consider* DA'g.
As far as the announcement and the cong treatment after the announcement, it is all the same thing. Although DA may be worse because they consider DA even more willful and apostacy is usually assumed to be the motivation.
Why do you think you should DA?
For anybody who is going to dissassociate.......
by EndofMysteries ini haven't officially because of family.
but i see many times on this board those who do it it and write a letter to send a message.
(hoping it gets the elders reading it to think).
If you are interested, here is the link to the "Going Out With a Bang" tread:
For anybody who is going to dissassociate.......
by EndofMysteries ini haven't officially because of family.
but i see many times on this board those who do it it and write a letter to send a message.
(hoping it gets the elders reading it to think).
JWN poster 'Littletoe' went out with a bang. He DA'd whilst delivering the public talk one Sunday.
However, a few years later he said it maybe wasn't the best way to go.
I sent my DA letter in yesterday.
by quellycatface infeel like i've been in a car accident and i'm on the road to recovery....i wonder what will happen next??
my husband, (non jw) says he would'nt be surprised if they df'd me as one or two elders are quite spiteful.
can they can't fire me cos i quit, surely??.
DF or DA is sort of just semantics. The official announcement is the same and the shunning treatment is the same.
Actually, DA is often considered worse as they assume apostacy, and therefore (almost) unforgiveable.
A DA letter is not right for everyone. But for some, it is incredibly cathartic.
I hope the letter gives *you* the closure and result that *you* want.
Interview with an Apostate: Dazed but not confused
by dazed but not confused intell us a little about yourself and your family.. my wife and i are born ins.
we have 2 beautiful children.
whenever i run into jws i knew, they usually give me a hug and tell me they miss me.. how long have you now been out?.
You made his Halloween costume out of his meeting clothes! Brilliant~!! I bet you had more fun than he did with that project.
by cofty ini am really enoying the many interviews that have been posted over the past few days, hopefully there will be lots more to come.. would it be possible to collect them all in a new sub-forum for future reference?
it would be a shame if they disappeared down the topics list never to be seen again..
I'm enjoying them, too.
Until the 'new & improved' forum is complete, I think putting them under 'Personal Experiences' is an easy way to keep track of these great posts.
No longer a former JW, I am now a Human Being
by AllTimeJeff inlurkers, debaters, haters, lovers, the lost, the found, and the misplaced.
it's been a while, and i wanted to pop in.
the point isn't to agree.
ATJ wrote: I would say one thing that is very important; Get it out. Bleed a bit. (But dress and heal the wound, lest it get infected) Get angry, get pissed, empathize, sympathize, love, help, and support. But don't forget to live outside this forum. I can say one thing with certainty: If all you have is this forum right now, please know, I, along with many others, have been there. Just don't stay there. If this forum is all you have, understand that this is a way station, a place to take a break, reorganize, and learn what you want to take with you on the rest of your journey.
Thanks for popping in!