From Page2 of the article linked in the OP: ... However, the appeals court disagreed with the judge’s order for Losch’s deposition, saying Lopez’s lawyers did not prove that he was key to the case as a leader in the governing body...
It's like a shell game - trying to find a responsible person within that organization.
First it's tough to know which of the many legal entities of the WT org to go after. THEN you have to try to pin down the responsible person(s). Nearly impossible as each one says "not my department", "not my area of oversight", "I was just doing what I was told on the phone by the (anonymous) rep at WT HQ Legal".
Watching the Australian Commission hearings was infuriating, yet so insightful. It allowed us to clearly see the shell game perpetrated by the men in charge within the organization. The local elders, the WT Legal Counselor for Australian Branch, Geoffrey Jackson - a GB from HQ. They all just came across as weasels.
The prosecuting lawyers in these cases are going to have to go after Jehovah himself to find the party responsible for the abhorrent practices relating to child sex abuse. Either that, or the local elders.
It's likely that the most damning documents are shredder-bound. Or have already gone missing.
So HAPPY to be out of that organization. Some of just seems so incredibly criminal. All masquerading as an odd but docile religion.
-Aude Sapere. (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself.)