Nosferatu (sp?) wrote: What really amazes me is how members of this forum have helped out others (Mario Baletta aka Utopian_Reformist, Vicki Boer aka needs_lots, and Simon) without question. Why, all of a sudden is helping Lawrence Hughes aka Shunned Father such a problem?
Utopian_Reformist never, ever requested funds. He was also a contributing member of the forum long before his situation turned so dire. He even asked people to not send money. He was concerned about how to pay back what was sent.
Vicki - I cannot comment on. needs_lots I don't anything about.
Simon. Are you serious?? We're on his site that he maintains at his expense and to some degree the expense of his family. He does not plead for money. He badgers noone for contributions. He merely has a button at the top that we can click only if we choose. I rarely notice it.
So just what is it about Shunned Father? There's alot to be said about his delivery and methods. Things just don't feel right to me.
He talks about his children shunning him. Then he appeals to our sympathies by stating that he only has $5 in his account because he is a single father.
I believe he is a grieving father. I believe he is facing financial difficulties. I think believe that he will use the funds to help with legal expenses.
His requests feel like demands.
His posts are in all caps. I feel like he is shouting everytime he posts.
When he doesn't get the response he hopes for, he badgers and insults.
I am acutely aware that these are petty, petty things. Something just doesn't sit well with me.
I wish him peace. I know he believes that this court case will bring him peace. I hope it does but I have my doubts.