BluePill2 wrote: ...I have accepted the Cycle as it is - from Beginning to End. It makes Life so much more valuable. Eternal, never-ending, Life makes it cheap and unvaluable. The more scarce something is the more valuable to you. Is that one of the reasons why Jehovahs Witnesses and many other Religions treat Life so cheaply and inconsiderate? As something that you can throw away, waste and use without concern?
Wow. It's late and I read thru your post quickly. But the sentences above caught my attention. You stated so beautifully what I came to believe about 7 years ago. But your presentation makes so much more sense to me than my own attempt.
Thank you for sharing this bit of your story and belief. I understand where you are coming from and agree with you about JWs treating life so cheaply. My life changed drastically when I realized that I will die someday. And when you realize that, everyday becomes so much more precious.
I'm really glad you posted this. Thank you again.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself.)