Aren't you glad that you were there just to partake in all the fun rather than maintain 'the stance', like a good little .org-er?
my girlfriend and i took the train through to edinburgh to soak in the atmosphere and catch a few free comedy shows at the fringe festival.. almost immediately i spotted them; witnesses.. how did i know it was them?.
well, the middle-aged, tall man wearing the suit, shirt and tie was a big clue.
that and the fact that he was holding the hand of a similarly tall, middle-aged woman, dressed in the jw uniform of long skirt, blouse and light summer jacket.
Aren't you glad that you were there just to partake in all the fun rather than maintain 'the stance', like a good little .org-er?
i've been having some medical issues recently and had to check into the emgerceny hospital.
when they admitted me the registar asked my mother my religion.
she told them jehovah's witness.
Let the hospital know that you want the JW information removed. Then check back in a week or so to make sure that it really *is* removed.
I had a related situation - and surprise visit - myself that I wrote about here:
I hope you are well on the mend...!
Sir82 wrote: "8.2.2014
The world found out....and still doesn't give a $#!+"
... and made me laugh! Thank you.
(And we both know that an ellipsis has *3* dots, not 2. As already noted by Kudra...)
a loud get well grace from all of us to you.
everyone, grace has been in and out of the hospital and i'm sure she would love to read your get wells.
we miss you grace:) wish i could post pictures.
Nice to 'see' you , Grace.
our last midweek meeting was going along as planed, then after the last talk, an elder was called up to say: member x is no longer a jw, please sing.... after the song it was silent (compared to todays were people started talk right away) and the father had his head down with someones hand on his back.
i didn't catch what they were saying, but the pose said: i'm sorry for your loss.. it was a weird night thinking how leaving a religion could couse such sadnness..
The longer I'm out, the more cold and heartless this sounds.
It should be criminal.
here is one... my mil told me according to a co talk that she heard jehovah could strike you dead when he is executing judgement based on the clothing you are wearing.
she was mad at the moment of skirts that were above the knee on me and her friend.. i said to her two things:.
1) i hope i am not in the tub during this predicament.. 2) i thought jehovah read hearts?.
As I recall (but it could have changed in the past 15 years...), Jehovah is not the one who does the execution. The angels do that job. And since angels cannot read hearts (only Jehovah can), the angels rely more on appearances (ie: clothing, speach, activities, location, associations, etc).
UUGGHH! I can't tell you how this one little concept affected my life for 25-30 years.
What a waste.
-Aude. (Dare to Know; Dare to Think for Yourself)
her suffering is finally over.
marilyn has been battling cancer for about three years and at times it looked like she would win.
but in the last few months the cancer spread.
My heart goes out to Jim.
ok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
some interesting comments:.
a bunch of birthday cardsthis store really hit me hard.
this world is just full of suffering but let's try to make this little boy's dream come true.
and for any lurking active jw,please note that apostes are not cruel and evil monsters.. .
Here is a link to the article from their local paper:
Carley Nickerson and her son, Danny, 5, sit on the family porch. (Photo by Martin Gavin) |
Published: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:03 AM EDT
Carley Nickerson says all her son wants for his sixth birthday are some birthday cards.
A birthday card, she says, is a thoughtful gesture to let Danny know that someone is thinking of him on his special day and will make him feel important and loved.
But July 25 is no ordinary birthday for Danny Nickerson, and his mom wants the community to help him celebrate.
Danny was diagnosed last October with an inoperable brain tumor called DIPG, formally known as diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, for which there is currently no cure. According to, DIPG is one of the most resistant forms of all cancers to chemotherapy treatments. Less than 10 percent of DIPG children will live longer than 18 months from diagnosis, and survival is even more rare.
Yet, the Nickersons remain hopeful.
"Every day is a blessing to us," Carley says.
Though she admits that at times it is hard to remain so positive, the family does its best to ensure that Danny gets to experience as many fun things as possible, including beach trips, visits to the zoo, ice cream dates and family movie nights.
Carley says that the main goal is to bring Danny happiness during this difficult time and is reaching out to the people of her hometown of Foxboro, as well as people from surrounding communities, to help do just that by sending Danny birthday cards to help him celebrate his sixth birthday.
"Danny's birthday means so much to us this year ... He loves going to the mailbox and finding mail with his name on it," she says.
Danny's birthday is next Friday, July 25, and all cards can be sent to the Nickerson's home addressed to Danny himself: Danny Nickerson, P.O. Box 212, Foxboro, MA 02035.