These buffoons have ZERO interest in knowing anything about the accuser. They had opportunity to read her testimony and/or watch the hearings but boldly admit that they did no such thing.
An utter embarrassment to all reasonable people.,-july-2015,-sydney.
These buffoons have ZERO interest in knowing anything about the accuser. They had opportunity to read her testimony and/or watch the hearings but boldly admit that they did no such thing.
An utter embarrassment to all reasonable people.,-july-2015,-sydney.,-july-2015,-sydney.
So the only 'follow-up' that Ali can recall is NOT about support, but, rather, to admonish her to not speak about the sex abuse that her father (friend of the JC members).
Rather than console and encourage her to build her up, the 'follow-up' was to make sure she kept her mouth shut.
Sadly, this is not surprising to us here as we've heard it over and over again.
It is shocking to hear it outside of the JW org community. The Commission is highlighting this aspect so well.
Ali's testimony is completed.
hi folks.
new here, and growing weary of finding an e-text version of one of the earlier releases of the new world translation.
i have searched high and low, and for some reason, it is as if it does not exist.. i'm catholic, but for research purposes and as a courtesy to jws, i've put the 1984 and the 2013 versions in a database format for e-sword (
hi folks.
new here, and growing weary of finding an e-text version of one of the earlier releases of the new world translation.
i have searched high and low, and for some reason, it is as if it does not exist.. i'm catholic, but for research purposes and as a courtesy to jws, i've put the 1984 and the 2013 versions in a database format for e-sword (
@FastJehu - Yes! That is the thread I was referring to.
You saved me so much time trying to search. I still have trouble with the search function on this new site. Thank you!
Hopefully this information correlates what the OP has offered.
lies and more lies.
a question was asked by the court on having someone in the room for moral support with a minor child or frightened girl when being questioned by the elders over allegations of child abuse.
the elders book makes it clear no one else is allowed.
Does policy of allowing 'support' to be present differ if the (young) woman (or man) is in the JC to present evidence of having been victimized vs if she is there to confess to her own personal sin??
@Mephis - Thank you for citing Ali's comment about that his idea of support was the same 3 men probing for details allowed the accuser to 'take a break' when she needed.
I was gobsmacked that he would even consider this to be ANY type of 'support'. LOL. A break?? WTF kind of support is that for loving shephards of the flock of god to provide to one who has been violated? A potty break? Seriously? I think the commission was pretty galled to hear that response, too. I wanted to post that comment last night but Ali just kept talking and I just couldn't type and listen closely enough to his follow-up comments.
(let me know if anyone thinks my assumptions are way out of line, or if i've forgotten anything).
basic facts:.
the australian royal commission has 1000+ documented cases of child abuse over 65 years.
On page 2 of this post: There are 400K registered sex offenders in the USA and 320M inhabitants that is 0.13% of the population
That is just the *registered* offenders. I know for a fact there are MANY more offenders than are on the list. Some are just plain not even reported. Others avoid getting on the list by having a good attorney who works the system for their client to prevent this 'stigma' from being placed on their wealthy, prominent community member.
Edit to add: Regarding extrapolating the data to show a huger potential, I don't see how that is even necessary. The documented numbers are bad enough. Simply noting that many, MANY cases are not even reported to ANYONE, that these 1006 are in Australia alone, and that it is 1006 *offenders*, not the number of victims. Most offenders assault multiple victims.
I think those numbers are solid -- and SCARY enough -- to get the attention of most decent people. No need to risk being considered an over-the-top alarmist.
The situation as it is presented, is bad enough. VERY bad, indeed.
just about to start on next segment ...
oppostate wrote: the photo chosen for the CNN news feature on the Australian Royal Commission's looking into the JW pedophile affair is that of a young man looking at a WT article entitled: "WHO REALLY IS THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE?"
LOL!! Nice catch~!! irony-much? LOL
hi folks.
new here, and growing weary of finding an e-text version of one of the earlier releases of the new world translation.
i have searched high and low, and for some reason, it is as if it does not exist.. i'm catholic, but for research purposes and as a courtesy to jws, i've put the 1984 and the 2013 versions in a database format for e-sword (
Wow. Just a few days ago I read an OLD thread on this site were some posters were trying to get a project like this started.
Trying to remember who those posters were or how to find that thread so it can be linked to here...
Welcome to JWN! A first post - and a 'gift' - all in one. Nice.
-AudeSapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
you can refer to me as a still in mole.
anyway, i've been getting texts from jw's about the australia news.
the general census is that the jw's are very, very confused.
OrphanCrow's link worked.
Would it help if we all clicked on the link to keep it tending well?