JoinedTopics Started by Danielson
Taking a couple of Days Off
by Danielson inwell, it's finally hit me!today is my one week anniversary on this site(no cakes or anything thanks.
)anyhoo, ive definitely gotta take a break!this is a very addictive site because it confirms all the things i've always suspected about being a dub but could'nt prove it!so being the hollow chocolate jw bunny i am, im takin a few off to get my brain recharged,then back to learn more about my "heritage religion", and make more cool freinds!peace out ya'll
Any other churches call themselves the 'truth'??
by Beck_Melbourne inold habits die hard...and quite often in my comments i will refer to the borg as the 'truth'.
does anyone know of any other churches that refer to their own particular church or religion as the 'truth'??
also, does anyone know how it originated...all my life i have used the term...comments like 'how long have u been in the truth?
I come before you
by Danielson ina prayer in behalf of all on this website to our universal creator.we have all come here in a unity of mind,not to displease you or your supposed arrangments on earth but out of earnest hearts devoted to finding out the truth of our exsistance without the jw slant.if we are wrong in this regard forgive us, if not bless us, either way do not condemn us for the freedom of mind you"ve endowed us with.amen.
(just my opinion, of course.
I need some new friends
by meat pie inhello!
i'm new here and i need some new friends.what happened to my old friends?
well i didn't make them into meat pies, can you guess?
Too much to ask?
by Danielson inis it too much too ask that when one makes a concious decision to leave as one of watchtower's jw "s without pomp or ceremony ie.
(dissassociationg oneself or getting dfd) and trying to live life on ones own terms that you could be left alone?guess not!
my sister left about a year ago has caused no trouble and has no influence on the congregation.not a chance!!
Good Quote!!! (Apr 15, 2002 WT, p.29)
by stevieb1 inthis is taken from the very latest watchtower magazine and should be applied to many who sit in the high places of the watchtower organization.
here is the quote:.
"it is significant that these two waldensian pastors - daniele rivoire and guiseppe bancheti - expressed appreciation for the way russell explained the bible.
Apology from Me
by Danielson inmy apology still stands to these fine people,but maybe i should clarify my position where i believe i am.
i know god exsists, i am conviced christ is god's son soley on biblical merit.
i find i can work with the machinery just tryin not to get caught in it.it may be lame and pathetic but its my reality.
Does God really have a Name?
by Flaming Seraphim ini find the name "jehovah" repugnant.
if i ever hear that name again i will surely throw up!
as if "jehovah" is god's real name anyway.
From The C.O.'s Lips
by Mister Biggs ina talk about love from thurday, january 3rd.
a portion of his talk (which i taped) regarding the 1st century congregation, verbatim:.
"...there would be needs to be met, physical needs.