Actually the type of education and publications you mention already exist. They are the mainstay of basic Bible education in Roman Catholicism, mainstream Protestantism, and branches of Judaism such as Conservative and Reform.
The problem lies in the fact that the religion of the JW sometimes carries over into the lives of those who exit, and therefore ex-JWs live primarily in ignorance of the fact that the critical approach to Scripture is now the popular and generally accepted methodology to Bible study and exegesis. It can seem differently if we pay attention to Fundamentalist voices, but these are now in the minority and viewed even as too extreme to be a part of nominal academia.
The footnote apparatus of most new translations of Scripture since the 1960s has employed a critical approach. This is so of all current Catholic versions, most notably the Jerusalem and New Jerusalem Bibles, and the official Catholic translation in the USA, the NABRE. The study editions of the NRSV employ this approach as does the recently released ecumenical CEB study edition. Commentaries also have left behind the literal approach of Fundamentalists and the Watchtower. Collegeville commentaries for Catholicism are but one example.
Outside of Orthodox Judaism, the historical-critical method generally reigns, especially in Conservative and Reform approaches. It has been generations, in fact, since the Scriptures have been approached as literal among many Jews.
A visit to your neighborhood bookstore, signing up for a Bible study class at your nearby URJ temple or Catholic parish or a visit to Amazon.com to purchase one of the volumes mentioned above will suffice to show how dramatic the gap and difference exists between what the common Bible reader is exposed to and what the Watchtower often leaves JWs and some ex-JWs believing about the current state of Biblical study.