Frannie: YEAH!! Bob Seeger and the Silver Bullet Band!
Also: CCR...yeah I can dance to 'em, you bet.
But then the mere youth hanging around here will have to strain to recall who CCR is I bet (taunting)
here's mine:.
soul limbo / booker t & mgs.
dreadlock holiday / 10cc.
Frannie: YEAH!! Bob Seeger and the Silver Bullet Band!
Also: CCR...yeah I can dance to 'em, you bet.
But then the mere youth hanging around here will have to strain to recall who CCR is I bet (taunting)
i was baptized in '73.
i also reg.
pioneered for 3 years.
RE: "Publisher's Record Card"
Well, this is a bit off topic, but:
I recall the "organizational" thinking on the cards was that they were the property of the congregation/organization and not personal property, so they feel free to handle them accordingly. Seems to me this was one of those myriad things passed along at the CO's meeting with the elders, or maybe at a Circuit Assembly DO/CO/Elders pow-wow......they had/have so many many of these little "policy" type things........
according to the march 1, 2004 wt., the 2 parables "shed light on events in 1919 or thereabouts, they apply in principle to all true christians throughout the last days.
in this way, while the exhortation that jesus gave at the end of the parable of the ten virgins applies in the first place to anointed christians before 1919, in principle, it still appliesc to every christian.
".......i capitalized that quote to show that the watchtower is eroding the fds and the parables that have always applied to them by including the "great crowd".
RE: Domestics...
Last I knew, the "domestics" were considered by the WTBTS to be the individual members of the "remnant" of the annointed....
Like Min, I never heard of this applying to the GC....
hi guys!
this is my first posting and my question is:
does anyone remember the movie (i believe the name was) "heritage" the borg presented on tv around 68-71?
Welcome Gespro.
Yeah, I recall seeing "Heritage", it seems to me it was played on a local TV station (sort of a "public service" type thing), and I think it was played at the Kingdom Hall much later as well.
What I remember most about it was that the production values were way down the scale, i.e. it was a bit overdone and corny. But then, it was a long time ago, and some broadcast TV stuff was sometimes like that as well.
One scene sticks in my mind: Teenagers out cruising in a convertible, with at least one of them showing an outstretched arm, holding a beer (well, that's my memory of it anyway)
everybody's gottem.
i know i can remember a few.
once there this guy who came to the door who looked like a muscle man, very big and tough-guy looking and it put me off a bit.
Looking back, this is funny now, but wasn't at the time and it's not precisely door-to-door.
On a weekday (I was aux pioneering), I went along with someone who had a Bible Study that was held REALLY EARLY in the morning (due to shift work), like 6:00 AM or something like that. Anyway, as we arrive at the householder's door, what do we see next door??? Huh, what do you think we saw???
Give up?? An elder sneaking out of the house next door, turns out he'd been having an affair with the neighbor! Well, I don't condone adultery, but looking back, this was both weird and funny.....
Yes, of course, we reported it.
recently i had occasion to speak with an elder i hadn't seen in a while.
(although i've been out for twenty years now, my wife and some of my children are still locked within the org's tender embrace, which led to my happening to encounter him and our resultant conversation.
) he's someone i consider a really good guy at heart, truly caring and sincerely working at being a good shepherd as he sees it.
We're on the same page, (I think). I'm certainly not "justifying" ANYTHING, just passing along heartfelt observations about how the actions/attitudes of many (perhaps most) elders are overwhelmingly influenced by their "training" and "conditioning", not the result of some internal wickedness. There exceptions, to be sure, as I mentioned.
I feel like a lightweight around here discussing some of this stuff, so if I'm missing your point, please excuse me. I'm always amazed at the depth of many of the posters around here, who express themselves so well, and who always seem to me to be much better, faster, deeper thinkers than me.
have you ever attented meetings at a kh where they locked the doors once the meeting began?
i've attended a few in my life.. if you're late you have to knock on the door and be recognized through the peep-hole before they will unlock the door.. they usually joke that it's like noah's ark... once the doors close you're screwed.. .
yup... by their fruits you will know them.
Er, ahem....looking back on my life as a witness (and reflecting on how I view life now), I kinda wish they'd locked the door on me, whenever they saw me drive into the parking lot..........
--- Dan
g?day all and greetings from downunder!
how?s your weekend been going?
here in oz we?re enjoying the summer heat with blue skies and light breezes.
Well, #7: not really.
My own #12: Wondering what new baseless criticisms the CO could find of the work of the elders, however picky or outrageous, and harrange us during his meeting with the elders.
part 6 ?
exposing the broken foundation of russell-ism
a core foundation claim asserted by the watchtower society from its inception in the 1870s to this very day, is that they are god's chosen channel of truth for all humankind.
Thank you for this series (and for your other series, for that matter) and for your efforts to organize it and set it forth so well.
I always find your comments thought-provoking and interesting. Can't wait for the next installment..........:)
Thanks, Dan
february 3, 2004
to: all bodies of elders, circuit and district overseers
dear brothers,
[Shameless plug]