ROFLMAO. This website is mostly intended to be serious, from what I read in the "reviews" section. The time and effort that went into it is amazing!!
Thanks for the referral.
it's all pretty funny but check out the stuff on women and slaves (under the epistles), it's a riot!
ROFLMAO. This website is mostly intended to be serious, from what I read in the "reviews" section. The time and effort that went into it is amazing!!
Thanks for the referral.
this otta get the jws knocking on the doors and freaking out thinking the world is gonna end.
from a geological point of view, i find this interesting.. hawk.
BTW, Did you ever hear Floyd Kite's (the CO) "Earthquake Talk"???
witnesses love to use the scripture at matthew 24:9 where jesus says that, "and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.
" as "proof" that since they are disliked by most of the world that they are in fact approved as god's chosen people.. isn't it interesting that people "hate" jehovah's witnesses not on account of jesus' name but on account of jehovah's?
so, technically speaking, jehovah's witnesses do not fulfill this prophecy.. later in verses 23-26 it says this: "then if anyone says to you, ?look!
Isn 't it interesting that people "hate" Jehovah's Witnesses not on account of Jesus' name but on account of Jehovah's? So, technically speaking, Jehovah's Witnesses do not fulfill this prophecy.
Interesting point, UG.
Great post. Thanks for your "study"
i don't know if it's just me but at times i get confused as to who's male or female here.
for the record, i'm a man.
Terri, yah fox you......yer leavin' me breathless with 'tisapation. To be shure, you may cut 'me tail asunder as yea pleez. I be not only pleased at the pass from such as you, bein' gargous' an all, but fear for the safety of the pump in 'me chest, which may fail soon from the poundin' its been doin' at the mere thought of yea. Dear Lord: where's m'heart pills?
An fer the onlookers who may be ah thinkin' that I be a "hijackin" this here thread, I say to yea: "Stuff it, will yah?", I'm but provin' to the lady, m' gender, which was but the question at the start, don't you know?
joseph was 30 when pharo gave him egypt,why because he prefigured jesus, david was 30 when god made him king,why because he prefigured jesus.why was jesus 30 when god gave him his ministry,because thats the age adam was when god gave him eve.. why would god put all of these scriptures in the bible if adam was only 25 or 26 when god made eve.
gen 41:46 num 4:3 num 4:23 2sam 5:4 1chron 23:3 luke 3:23 adam was the first king.
an age god decided a man was of age.because if jesus was 30 and adam was only 25 then the devil has a legal case that god is cheating, that jesus had longer to develop than adam.
FredHall, JR??
just to give you a bit of background: i was diagnosed with uterine cancer a couple of years ago and had to have a hysterectomy.
naturally i got more support from all my worldly friends and co-workers than what i did from people at the hall, but am used to that by now.
anyway, a few days ago, someone from the hall told me that sister x (one of the elders wives who is a nosey, back-stabbing bitch) had been saying things about me like "she shouldn't have had a hysterectomy because that's showing disrespect for the reproductive organs that jehovah gave us" and that i apparently was "lacking in faith" by not "leaving it in jehovah's hand" and didn't i read that article in the botchtower or asleep!
For the record, ANY talk about others is "technically" gossip (eg. even something "harmless", but about others such as: "Susie had her baby yesterday...."), SOME talk about others is harmful, even SLANDEROUS (like what that bozo elder's wife said about you).
Since the talk about you injured your reputation with others, (regardless of whether there is ANY truth to it), it's SLANDER, which can be a "disfellowshipping" offense. In other words, gossip is at the bottom of the "scale", slander at the other end.
Most people think of "gossip" in a negative sense only, but the above is the Witness concept.
just to give you a bit of background: i was diagnosed with uterine cancer a couple of years ago and had to have a hysterectomy.
naturally i got more support from all my worldly friends and co-workers than what i did from people at the hall, but am used to that by now.
anyway, a few days ago, someone from the hall told me that sister x (one of the elders wives who is a nosey, back-stabbing bitch) had been saying things about me like "she shouldn't have had a hysterectomy because that's showing disrespect for the reproductive organs that jehovah gave us" and that i apparently was "lacking in faith" by not "leaving it in jehovah's hand" and didn't i read that article in the botchtower or asleep!
Slander? Absolutely!! Especially so since what this idiot was saying is totally false, and results in harm to the subject of the slander (In the dubbie world, speech doesn't need to be false to be considered slander, BTW)
As I inferred earlier in this thread, slander is an under-prosecuted sin amongst Jehovah's Witnesses.....the "talk" that goes on in most congregations is often slanderous. Elders that will come down hard on "fornication", "adultery", "apostasy" become deaf and dumb about slander.
There's nothing like being the victim of stupid/ignorant/slanderous talk to fully appreciate how rotten it is............
ever wonder what gw bush would look like as a girl?
note: this thing takes a while to load, be patient, it's worth the wait, unless you're an uptight republican
Ever wonder what GW Bush would look like as a girl??
NOTE: This thing takes a while to load, be patient, it's worth the wait, unless you're an uptight Republican
with this link, you can calculate when the 14th of nisan will fall on for every year.. 14 nisan 5764 => monday 5 april 2004.
14 nisan 5765 => saturday 23 april 2005.
14 nisan 5766 => wednesday 12 april 2006.
Witnesses would say that in ancient Israel, the High Priest in Jerusalem would gaze out in the evening at the proper time of the month, and finally "observe" the new moon, in the case here, that would be the first day of Nisan. So, just a matter of counting till the '14th of that lunar month, remembering that the "day" starts in the evening, at local sundown in Jerusalem.
---Dan who remembers some really obscure stuff
with this link, you can calculate when the 14th of nisan will fall on for every year.. 14 nisan 5764 => monday 5 april 2004.
14 nisan 5765 => saturday 23 april 2005.
14 nisan 5766 => wednesday 12 april 2006.
Looks like we posted at almost the same insant...yeah, that was my thought, too.