"Battlefield Earth" wins by a landslide for me......the only thing dumber than this movie is me for staying until the end......and then the image of John Travolta comes to mind, with the spaghetti noodles flowing out of his nose......
here's my movies that suck list.
battlefield earth .
mission to mars .
"Battlefield Earth" wins by a landslide for me......the only thing dumber than this movie is me for staying until the end......and then the image of John Travolta comes to mind, with the spaghetti noodles flowing out of his nose......
is the watchtower predicting the end for 2034 ad?
someone sent me scans of this dec 2003 wt and so i put together a little page on it.
Very interesting.
Thanks for posting this....
BTW, Keep up the good work!!!!!
to all of you who responded with heartfelt condolences when my father passed away in march.
i printed out all of the posts and the personal messages and gave them to my mom who is not computer oriented.
she really appreciated them.
The billboard idea is GREAT!! Sorry about the situation that has lead to the billboard idea.
So very sad. My heart goes out to you and your mom.
Wishing you both the very best, and hoping that your daughter will eventually "come around".....
well, it's time.
monday morning the 17th at 6 am i go in for ye ol' hernia operation.
i asked to be put "out" as i had the option for staying partially awake.
Glad you made it through, Gumby.
around 18 months ago or so i thought i heard about one (body of elders letter) that counseled elders that if they had committed fonication, and it had been awhile, and if they felt that god had forgiven them, that it was not necessarily a mandate that they confess to their fellow elders nor step down.
or, something to that effect.
does anyone remember that one or where i can get a copy?.
For what it's worth, my recollection of policy in this area is the same as HS's...
Indeed, I recall specifically that fornication/adultery sins were the exception to the "rule(s)" set forth in the KM. I think this was communicated through either the Circuit Overseer during his meeting with the body, or through the meeting held at the Circuit Assembly with the CO and DO.....a favorite method of the Society for communicating "policy" of this sort.
As Blondie relates, more recently the issue of child molestation was brought to the foreground in the late 1990s....which kind of adjusts the above policy a bit in that it doesn't REQUIRE a confession of such abominations in the past, but focuses instead on KNOWN situations.....which has been compared to the well-known "don't ask don't tell" US Military "gay" policies........[At the time, being VERY uninformed about how many Witness's lives had been/were being impacted by this issue, I distinctly recall sitting around with my fellow elders and wondering "....Why on earth would the Society take the time to write this letter about elders/MS and child molestation...we must be out of the loop on this...."]
My how things change.
My two cents,
i have a new page at the quotes site: .
russell grave: http://quotes.watchtower.ca/russell_grave.htm.
i realize this is not a new item, however i felt it was important to add it to the quotes archive.
Nice going, Quotes.
To JW lurkers: You owe it to yourself to check out the Quotes website ( quotes.watchtower.ca ) . It's well presented, informative, and basically lets the published word of the Watchtower Society speak for itself. Powerful, thought-provoking.
Keep up the good work, Quotes.
edited to correct URL - Scully
this is a typed copy of a new boe letter i recently received from one of my sources: .
dear brothers, .
you will soon make several changes to our current literature arrangement.
Good one, Farkel
i'll bet that most could not explain why jws believe that 1914 was a marked year, the watchtower definition of the faithful & discreet slave, not accepting blood transfusions, the differences between porneia, loose conduct and uncleanness, etc..........
At the time, I could explain the "party line" if you will, quite well, I did a lot of personal study, and prided myself on being up to date on everything, etc. Yessiree, bought the whole program hook, line and sinker. Thought at the time I was very discreet, objective, etc.
I was "raised in the truth", and hence was indoctrinated from an early age.....looking back, I feel a combination of guilt and anger over what I believed and was convinced of. Many many wasted years.
It took a particularly difficult situation/circumstance very close to me to shock me to my senses as it were, for me to "get it"....to have the scales fall from my eyes to borrow a Scriptural anecdote.......I have enormous respect for those who have a smiliar background and yet maintained an objectivity that escaped me, and who were able to "cut through" the Watchtower baloney just by using their thinking faculties.....
So, yes I thought I could REALLY explain ALL the beliefs of Witnesses at the time.
My two cents.
how much does a persons avatar affect how you view them?
i mean, don't you picture the avatar when you think of the person, if that's all you have to go by?
i know i do, at least if the avy is a photo of a human.
I almost never wear my coonskin cap anymore, but still use the flintlock rifle....
excuse me if i ramble...this is hard.
i have even avoided threads in the past where others have had to go thru this because i didn't want to face it.
guess i'm a wuss.
SpecialK wrote:
I find it amazing that after being with the J.W. for all those years your Dad Disassociated from them. What a good example for us all.
That is a very, very good point. And now, because of no longer viewing the Witnesses as "inspired", etc. Bonezz and his mom, who should be receiving the care and succor of friends of longstanding, are much more out on their own. Most of us can guess that there will be literally no care from the congregation they were a part of for many, many years. And it sounds like some family members are remaining aloof, and untouched here. How sad, how very very sad.
Talk about "faithfulness".....well here Bonezz' mom and dad are as SpecialK points out, are of extraordinary fortitude and courage, and I too wish to express that same feeling for what they've done, and to wish Bonezz and his mom every best thing. I, too, hope his daughter will come to see things in a better light.
Best wishes to you Bonezz, and to your Mother.
Sincerely, Dan