Although often ignored by buyers, the cars I've been acquainted with recommend at least some sort of break-in period.
Speaking of BMW: Here's a quote from a 2006 BMW manual: "Up to 1,250 miles: Attempt to vary both engine and vehicle speeds, but refrain from exceeding an engine speed of 4,500 RPM or a driving speed of 100 MPH. Avoid full-throttle operation and use of the transmission's kick-down mode. Once you have driven 1,250 miles the engine and vehicle speeds can be gradually increased."
The vehicle's brakes and even tires also need to "wear-in" to reach their maximum performance.
The vehicle's over-all efficiency and performance will be maximized by proper break-in procedures.
My two cents
JoinedPosts by dannyboy
New car "motor" break in period...?
by JH in.
often i heard that with a brand new car, you can't drive at a constant speed for a long period of time, because it isn't good for a brand new motor.
they recommend driving at varaiable speeds and variable rpm for the first 1000 miles atleast.. just wondering if anyone here knows about this, and how many miles does it take for a new motor to be able to drive very long distances at constant highway speed without any problem.
Anti-Witnessesing: Passive Agressive Style Effective for Quotes
by Quotes inwell, they came magazine selling door-knocking ingathering and judgeing witnessing today.
but first, a quick background.... my wife and i have a investment property 90 minutes away from our home (a mistake btw; always invest closer to your home!
) and we've been there (here) full time for the past several days doing some renovations.
Nice job, Quotes!!
It's inspiring to me, actually.....the few times they've come to my door I've taken the "not interested" tack...but I think I'll try this sort of approach next time.
Keep up the good work.
---Dan -
What Do You Think About The New S82 Form's Use???
by minimus inthe june km mentions an announcement that you might find interesting.
there's a form s82 which is to be submitted to the building committee when a person desires to volunteer as a worker at different projects.
the regional com.
I have a different take on why the boys in Brooklyn INSIST on this policy of carefully screening those who volunteer for QB work...
The thought occurs to me that this is yet another example of making some activity "special" and therefore a "ring" to be sought after, if you will. In other words, making it something that not all qualify for, makes those who DO make the grade, work harder to "keep the privilege" with the resulting larger pool of unpaid workers to build the Watchtower Society's empire.
Sort of a "reverse psychology" admonishing a child *not* to eat any more cookies from the table....
Much the same as making the Elder's Flock book restricted circulation, same concept. The Flock book really is nothing all that special, just the restrictions on it make it seem "special"...the book that Pioneers who graduate from Pioneer school has the same purpose in my mind.
What do you think?
---Dan -
just created a site
by jwfacts ini just put together a site that tries to logically show the witnesses are not the true religion.
just wondering how to get the information out to people that most need it.
also any ideas on how to get the site found by search engines.
As far as the "comments" made about the various Watchtower teachings, I think this is a good thing, as it stands in contrast (and not competing with) the Quotes website, which intentionally does not have additional explanatory comments.
In my own search and examination of the teachings I had held dear for so long, I only *gradually* came to accept the fact that I had been duped and that so many of the Watchtower teachings are utterly wrong. Like a person going for a swim in cold water, I at first only "dipped my toe" into the seemingly cold water of other views, then gradually looked into/read more and more. So I think there's a place for this newest website, alongside Quotes and all of Randy's websites, and of course this place.
The point I'm trying to make is that the JWFACTS.COM website looks to be a great place for a soul-searching Witness to come to grips with the REAL TRUTH, that Jehovah's Witnesses do not have "the truth".
---Dan -
Society to become only ISP for Witnesses?
by dannyboy injanuary 4, 2004
to: all congregations and traveling overseers
dear brothers,
Holy Thread Resurrection Batman!!!!!!!!! Edited to add: For those too young to remember, TV's Batman's sidekick "Robin" often used the following sentence to utter his amazement at something: "Holy __________, Batman!!!!", where the blank was filled with whatever it was he was amazed by...... ----Dan
New Quotes page: "Millions Now Living Will Never Die!"
by Quotes insome of you may be aware that a high-quality reprint of the "timely", "startling", "important", "historic", and "epoch-making" book millions now living will never die!
is available for purchase from an online print-on-demand web site (
i highly recommend the quality and accuracy of this reprint.
Yet another "home run" on the Quotes website.
Best wishes to Quotes and Keep Up the Good Work.
Interesting title change/timing.
---Dan -
Traitors and heroes.
by Norm inthe whitewashed history of the watchtower society in nazi germany.. the man who became leader of the german branch of the watchtower society after the war is without exception portrayed as a beacon of virtue and faith, standing fearless against the nazis:.
*** w89 5/1 12 jehovah has sustained me as a friend ***.
many of the loyal ones, among them erich frost and konrad franke, who suffered much for the lords sake and later became branch overseers in germany, returned alive from the fiery furnace of persecution.. .
I'd like to add my thanks to OT [official troll] "Dennis" for bringing this thread from *2001* back up to the top.
And proper, sarcasm-free thanks to Norm for the info.
---Dan -
Four Years Ago Today, May 28, 2001
by blondie ini made my first post on jwd and was ignored.. .
i was so afraid.
i was still attending meetings and my husband had no idea i was posting on an apostate site.. much has changed; we are both inactive faders and much happier.. thanks to all of you along the way that shed light on the darkness in my life.. love, blondie
Congratulations to Blondie, whose posts are always worth reading.
From Dan, who joined up here about the same time, but who posts about 1/38th of the amount Blondie does LOL.
---Dan -
WTS Bills US JWs $8.4 million for Traveling Overseers
by ezekiel3 inbeing announced at service meetings this week at all us congregations:.
a letter read during the announcements states that due to increased costs of health insurance and vehicles provided for traveling overseers (circuit and district overseers) the watchtower bible and tract society has determined the need to ask for a specific "contribution" for the "traveling overseer assistance arrangement".. .
until this date expenses of this sort were paid from the worldwide work or general fund of contributions.. .
Up to the time of my fade, such a letter requesting a per head "contribution" for such CO expenses was read annually.
The amount per head with this latest is much higher, though, if memory serves.
---Dan -
How about an "The Onion" type version of the Watchtower?
by Check_Your_Premises ini got the idea from a post i made on another thread.sorry.
i just took my meds.
i suffer from rutheford-russel syndrome.
Robert Stock:
You don't have the copy still, by any chance???