Yes, I used Awakes and other publications for assignments, projects, talks and debates (including cutting out pictures and using them in the projects).
Reading Awake! was as good as a college degree - wasn't it??
before the introduction of the largest library on the planet...the internet...did you young jws use the awake magazines as a source for doing your homework and trust the contents to be accurate for reports?
i remember reading letters from readers just drooling with thanks for giving their kids the edge over those poor worldly kids who had to trapse to the library to do their research.
Yes, I used Awakes and other publications for assignments, projects, talks and debates (including cutting out pictures and using them in the projects).
Reading Awake! was as good as a college degree - wasn't it??
her jehovah's witness parents refused blood transfusions for her.
his jehovah's witness parents refused blood transfusions for him.
her jehovah's witness parents refused blood transfusions for her.
Heretic, the problem is that JWs think all these people will receive a resurrection and the opportunity to live forever. You, on the other hand, have only a few short years left at most, before suffering eternal destruction in Armageddon.
It's hard to argue with them when they are so brainwashed.
Good that they are still talking to you though! Maybe there is hope for your brother if he's a cool, funny guy - there's not much fun to be had in the org.
hello all...i've been searching for some sort of comfort in my situation.
i found a story written by "iamfreenow" aka marion.
i found some comfort to know that i am not alone in my challenging of my faith.
Many have found comfort here, Mals. You are not alone!
i think it's a deserving act of love to make the sacrifice to rejoin a cult in order to stay connected to your family.
it's putting your love of your family over so so many things.
what could we call it so we could easily understand someone's actions who also does this?
The bottom line is that we miss gumby, we can imagine what he's going through and we respect him. He has a great sense of humour and I think he would like this thread.
(km 6/03 p. 1 par.
9 building for an eternal future, w87 2/1 p. 15 par.
(km 11/88 p. 4 par.
The Service Dept. will read it and file it after first sending it to every cong. they can think of in order to get a local BOE to talk to you
That would be good (sending it to every cong). It's a great letter. Personally, I think they'll just file it.
the other day i visited some jw relatives and they were busy studying the reasoning book in preparation for a meeting.
does anyone know whether they are going through that book in the tms or service meeting?.
Thanks Blondie for your research. I had assumed that this 1985 publication would by now be relegated to the redundant part of the library. I guess it's good - every now and then a zealous young JW may come across the old generation reasoning and wonder.
Ticker, I never thought 607 was confusing - in fact I could have explained it to you and had you convinced.
Justice-One, I think it would be best if you left the smokes alone. Drink and cuss all you like but cigarettes give you lung cancer and now you know you're not going to live forever, you should make the most of your current life. That's just what I think anyway.
the other day i visited some jw relatives and they were busy studying the reasoning book in preparation for a meeting.
does anyone know whether they are going through that book in the tms or service meeting?.
Thanks Alligator Wisdom. Does this mean they are systematically going through the whole book from start to finish?
This would surprise me because the Reasoning Book contains the old thinking on the "generation" (pages 97, 200, 234, 239).
It also includes dishonest reasoning about earthquakes (page 236), referring to data obtained from the National Geophysical Data Center in Boulder, Colorado to try and prove that earthquakes have increased since 1914. The website of this Data Center contains a Caveat, part of which states:
".... using the data in Catalog of Significant Earthquakes, 2150 B.C. to the present to suggest that there has been an increase in worldwide earthquake activity is misleading and erroneous."
the other day i visited some jw relatives and they were busy studying the reasoning book in preparation for a meeting.
does anyone know whether they are going through that book in the tms or service meeting?.
The other day I visited some JW relatives and they were busy studying the Reasoning Book in preparation for a meeting. Does anyone know whether they are going through that book in the TMS or Service Meeting?
elder............ minimus, .
sister............buttlight, brooke, blondie, scully, .
RichieRich and all the other young ones who have been disfellowshipped so they can all get to know each other and have a "group" hug.
i think it's a deserving act of love to make the sacrifice to rejoin a cult in order to stay connected to your family.
it's putting your love of your family over so so many things.
what could we call it so we could easily understand someone's actions who also does this?
"Doing a gumby"