I know some who were reinstated for family and never went back to meetings. Family members were free to associate but love-bombing from the congregation cooled off in no time. A win-win, as far as I can see!
i got a pm from gumby this morning.
as i predicted, he's being love-bombed by the congregation and invited out everywhere.
part of this is because he was very popular before and is a very likeable guy, but part of it is to try and suck him back in so thoroughly, he'll never be able to escape.
I know some who were reinstated for family and never went back to meetings. Family members were free to associate but love-bombing from the congregation cooled off in no time. A win-win, as far as I can see!
oh noez how will we survive?!?!.
more details later, but it's a case of a congo that split not growing and the congo it split from losing 50% of its publishers in two years.. i'm tickled pink!.
(((Orangefatcat))) Very sad!
hi everyone, i have only posted here a few times.
i come here once in a while to see whats going on.
anyways, i was was wondering if prince was still a jehovahs witness.
I haven't heard anything to the contrary so presume Prince is still a JW. Hard to believe, isn't it!
its a long story that starts with panic attacks going door to door and ended with a 2 month vacation in the cornwall on.
psych floor for two months.
i was stalked by the elders for 3 years after i stopped going to meetings.
Hi Messy and welcome to JWD. We look forward to hearing lots more from you.
a bit long, but i really need to vent, and i really need your replies.. my uncle is a jw, his wife and son and daughter-in-law are jw's, too.. they all moved away from family over 15 years ago, serving where the need was greater.. they went out west to new mexico, then other places.
they all broke off all contact with their .
parents (my uncles parents who are my grandparents, and my aunt's parents who i don't know well).
Hi OTWO, glad your efforts were rewarded. Sounds to me like your uncle might be ill - caused by stress from being a JW.
we had a newly married couple visit door to door ,new to the area and did'nt know us ,so i thought i would use the same wts tactic of trying to keep the converstion from straying .. the topic i chose was pedophilia in the wts and how the mishandling of that issue by them was the reason we left and why my wife is da'd.. i commended them for trying to be christian in their youth but then began my points on the different ways the society handles pedophilia and the different ways that people are damaged within by their cruel perpetrators and then the way the society rejects these broken people.. first response "well it's a problem but how many of these so-called victims are lying when actually nothing happened?!!!".
my response " do have hard evidence to back up what you are suggesting?
did you know it is actually rare that this happens according to experts medical testimony?".
Well done, wozadummy! It will make them think. They will be repeating the conversation to others and that will make them think too. And during the CO's visit - that's wonderful!!
yep my fade has come to a stop, got the phone call off my dad today he asked me if i celebrate christmas and birthdays and i said yes, and so he said they are going to go ahead with the disassociation letter i sent over two years ago!!!!..
he said that after today the only phone calls i will get are if there is an emergency, but nothing social my response to that was well you havnt seen or spoken to me for over a year im used to it.. he also said there was no bad feelings and that i should never doubt there love for me, and that the stupid thing of it is they can associate with mike and the kids just not me.. im really happy and calm about it, ive had my initial cry over it, and now i feel good that i dont have to lie and hide things anymore.. its such a relief.. luv ya all.
Sorry to hear that this has happened Es. Your father could have turned a blind eye instead of asking the direct question!! I'm sure he'll regret this. It must be difficult to explain to your grandmother. Hopefully she will point out to your father how pathetic the whole situation is.
a very happy birthday!
(sorry, i meant to post this yesterday).
Happy birthday moggy lover, hope you celebrated well!
i know its been posted before but i did a search and cant find it..does anyone have it linked or have it saved?.
i searched and looked under the " best of" section but have yet to find it .. thanks.
it's shameful for someone to live over 90 years and get only his "statistics" read at his service.
Particularly as this person lived through 90 birthdays, perhaps none of which were celebrated, because the day of ones death is supposed to be better than the day of ones birth (that's one of the reasons my family gives for not celebrating birthdays). And then the funeral is just another meeting? Not good enough!!
as a publisher, still buying the wt line that they were god's sole channel and any problems, doubts, etc... i had were all a product of my own lack of.
wisdom and or humility or failure of application, i would be shocked and puzzled at how long-time elders would resign and then fade away.
i would wonder: what could have happened.
I know an elder who wanted to step down recently but they wouldn't accept his resignation. He still believes it's the truth but he was overworked. He is one of the loving ones (visits the sick, always has an encouraging word for everyone). My heart goes out to those ones.