A good burger in Australia includes beetroot and a fried egg with the yoke still runny.
As well as the meat, tomato, onion slices, lettuce, pickle and tomato sauce.
On a toasted sesame bun.
mine is a hamburger cooked medium well with fresh home grown tomato, lettuce, purple onion, mustard and mayo...no ketchup...kosher pickle on the side.. the bun must be toasted and preferably either sesame seed or poppy seed.
A good burger in Australia includes beetroot and a fried egg with the yoke still runny.
As well as the meat, tomato, onion slices, lettuce, pickle and tomato sauce.
On a toasted sesame bun.
a year ago in my cong, an elder who must be hitler's love child, gets up and tells us how some brothers are planning a fancy dress party, a large social gathering.
sounds fun i though!
"brothers a sincere christian would not attend such a gathering, we are warning you not to go near it.
Years ago some local JW families started going ice skating on Sunday nights. This caught on and before long, quite a few families were going.
Then it was mentioned at a DC as unsuitable entertainment because it involved large groups. This put an immediate stop to it and for years, no-one went ice skating.
here's a couple of mine;.
"eleanor rigby, waits at the window wearing a face she keeps in a jar by the door" eleanor rigby - thebeatles.. "there's a hole in my soul, you can see it im my face it's a real big place" feel - robbie williams.
The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.
(from The Sunscreen Song)
was yesterday.
it went reasonably ok, i didnt make any effort to speak to my parents instead i went and chatted to other family members i havnt seen in years.
i also had hubby's mum and dad there too for support.
Es, my thoughts are with you. If only your mum could see through the cult, she sounds like a loving person at heart.
i receieved an sms of my mum saying nan was slipping away i literally called as soon as i got the msg, and she had already passed away.
things were looking up for a bit, we were managing to get some water and food into her and she had accepted to have a tube put in her, they tried last night but it was unsuccessful.. when i saw her on saturday it was the most alert she was, sunday she had very laboured breathing and tonight when my mum go into the hosp, my nan was no responsive, it was like she just waited for my mum to come in and then she passed away.. im in shock, even tho i knew it was coming it was looking hopeful for a bit there.. thanks for your support.
(((Es))) so sorry to hear about your nana. Hope you sleep a bit better tonight. You still need your sleep.
Change is scary, but can lead to better things.
everyone always talks about the elders and people in the congregation coming around to see why you aren't at meetings...but i've never experienced this.
i've been away from the meetings for months, and not one single elder has called me.
my friends occasionally call me but never bring up my lackluster attendance.
I find it amazing that the elders get busy when the co comes.
How true!
Welcome to JWD, brokenperfection.
hey all,.
i recently posted a topic on loosing it with my father, so some of you would know my nan isnt doing well.
they finally got rid of the infection on monday we were all relieved.
Sorry to hear about your nan. Hope you're OK, Es.
as a jw, alot of us lead double lives.
i know i did.. in talking about our situations with my sister in law, realized that i now lead a double life as a "fader"!!!
my husband and i are "out" of the religion (my brother, sister in law and the kids too) but for the sake of family, they think we are still "in" although they know we are not active.
I did - for many years. Sometimes it seems the only way. But it's not very satisfying.
Hey zanex, good to hear from you. I don't know how to do those pretty bear-hug pictures yet, but here's another hug from me anyway.