Against. It's almost unheard of in my part of Australia.
Posts by penny2
Homeschooling . Are you for or against?
by becca1 injust want to take a poll.
no need for explinations, just for or against.. me- against..
Unbelievable comment in Jan 1 2007 WT
by penny2 inpage 28, paragraph 11 says in part:.
"it seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
" (the 24 elders = "anointed christians in their heavenly positions".).
I found this quote in the Revelation Climax book
Blondie, I've just checked this in my copy of the Revelation book, and sure enough, I've even got it underlined. I can't believe that this didn't set off alarm bells in my head at the time.
the statement in the Jan 1st wt is only a "maybe", and therefore deniable.
Fullofdoubtnow, that makes it even more annoying!
Thanks everyone, for your comments and research.
by Mary ini got a pm from gumby this morning.
as i predicted, he's being love-bombed by the congregation and invited out everywhere.
part of this is because he was very popular before and is a very likeable guy, but part of it is to try and suck him back in so thoroughly, he'll never be able to escape.
Keep in touch won't you, gumby!! And enjoy the time with your family.
Unbelievable comment in Jan 1 2007 WT
by penny2 inpage 28, paragraph 11 says in part:.
"it seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
" (the 24 elders = "anointed christians in their heavenly positions".).
Fred Franz is still bossing them about from beyond the grave.
Maybe Knorr as well. Now that would be a nightmare, going by the Bethel stories lately.
Unbelievable comment in Jan 1 2007 WT
by penny2 inpage 28, paragraph 11 says in part:.
"it seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
" (the 24 elders = "anointed christians in their heavenly positions".).
Notice how they cover their unsure butts "its seems", translation----- We don't know, but......
Exactly, dismembered! When communication takes place, there are usually two parties involved. The one doing the communicating and the one receiving.
When someone receives communication, they know it. There's no "it seems" or "may be". So why don't the
GB/FDSbook publishers know whether they are being communicated with? -
Unbelievable comment in Jan 1 2007 WT
by penny2 inpage 28, paragraph 11 says in part:.
"it seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.
" (the 24 elders = "anointed christians in their heavenly positions".).
Page 28, paragraph 11 says in part:
"It seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today." (The 24 elders = "anointed Christians in their heavenly positions".)
I couldn't believe it! I can only hope that comments such as this will cause more JWs to start questioning who they are putting their faith in.
PS - Sorry if this has already been covered. Blondie will have a field day with this WT!
What will it take for me to stop this?
by sibboleth ini have lurked for over a year.
i keep coming back here - everytime i do - it's like witnessing a car wreck.
the things i don't want to read or believe are right here before my eyes - it's like a drug.
Happy Birthday Sibboleth - and welcome to JWD!!
Taking the p*** out of Aussies
by winnie inmy husband (english) loves this one.. a member of the barmy army, sick of sitting through match after match of cricket with england losing, goes to the doctors and says.
"doctor, i'm sick of being english.
i want to become a kiwi.
that's funny!
Thank you all for your help
by brainfcked inwell, i've been lurking here for a while and decided that today i would introduce myself.
i was raised as a jw from the time i was 5 years old.
i am now 46 and was df'd in 1976 or 1977 i can't remember.
Hi Brainfcked and welcome to JWD! Isn't it a relief to know there's no A about to hit!!
Look forward to hearing more from you.
Growing up JW
by startingover ingrowing up a jw, i was well aware that a lot of people didn't care for my religion, especially growing up in a strong catholic community in the 60's.
my being a jw wasn't something i advertised, especially in my school days.
but that feeling was always there, that i was someone, who because of my religion, was disliked, even hated.. i sit here thinking what it would have been like to have grown up without those feelings.
I don't think people hate JWs. It's more like they can't relate to JWs. The point though is, you felt hated. JWs believe that being hated is a good thing (John 15:19 "...because you are no part of the world...the world hates you"). This increases the isolation that JWs feel and is another factor which prevents them from leaving.