Posts by penny2
What really matters now?
by nvrgnbk ini'm just getting back from the toronto fest.. more beautiful people one could not wish to find.. thanks to all, and in particular bumble bee and memario, for hosting.. while i was away, i see that trev lost linda.. my heart is broken.. and i see some stuff about dannyh hurting some elderly brothers?.
this board is so important to us supporting one another.. i think it's about love.. may we never allow ourselves to be consumed with hate or dedicate our lives to destroying something.. it's not hard to do if we dwell on what we lost.
but we win in so many ways when we celebrate the life we have now and new beginnings instead of hanging on to the past.. that's the best "revenge".. we all need to vent.. it's a critical part of deprogramming.. but i'm thankful to the good friends on here that gave me a heads-up when they saw me heading towards bitterness.
Kindness is all that matters in the end
Wet Season Is Starting Up!
by brinjen injust thought i'd share that with you.
we're in the middle of a storm right now, .
i love this time of the year!
I wish you could send some of that rain down to us in Adelaide! It's pitifully dry here. We've just been allowed to use drippers or a garden hose once a week on a Saturday or Sunday - before that it was buckets.
Canberra Australia
by kelpie in.
hi all,.
would love to talk to any exjw's in the canberra region
Hi Khepri, welcome to JWD!
There are lots of Aussie posters - I think sass_my_frass might be near you.
penny (from South Australia)
Heart broken yet again
by 4mylove inmy husband asked me this morning, "did your parents not want to do something with you yesterday since it was your birthday?
my birthday is monday.. i told him this and he said he thought he had forgotten.
i guess i should let it go because i know who i married, but it still hurts.
Happy birthday for tomorrow, 4mylove.
Make the day really special for yourself!! Don't let the reaction (or non-reaction) of others get you down.
greetings fellow apostates!
by SethMo ini should introduce myself, since this is my first post.
i'm actually not an ex-jw, but rather someone who has just lost his faith in a different church, the mormon church.
i've long suspected that in terms of the organizational aspects of our two churches, how they hook you mentally, how they condition you, how they socialize you and make it very hard to leave, from an abstract level there's really not a dime's worth of difference.
Hi SethMo, welcome to JWD. I was very interested to read your posts.
I know a mormon family quite well - they think my parents must be very unintelligent to believe JW teachings. This mormon family thinks they are just so right and it should be so obvious to anyone who takes the time to investigate. Makes me smile but I try not to get into any religious discussions with them.
Our Friend Linda
by iamfreenow injulie and i have both known linda for over 25 years, from when she first became a jw, so we decided to write this tribute to her.. we first met linda in january 1981, when she attended her first ever meeting at our kingdom hall.
she had been taking the magazines for a few months, since just after she finished university, and had started studying a few weeks before, but this was the first time she had plucked up the courage to attend a meeting.
julie was having many doubts herself by then, and once again linda was supportive, as was trev.
Marion and Julie, thank you for the beautiful tribute. Glad you're there for Trev and I'm thinking of you all.
Send prayers ,good vibes for TRev.Linda's gone
by mouthy into a better place he needs out love more than ever now
I got so much strength from Linda when I joined JWD. She always seemed to know the right and kind thing to say.
((((Trev)))) I am so sorry. I'm glad you have loving friends around you. We're all thinking of you, and crying with you too.
(((Crumpet))) Good to hear from you but sorry that you are suffering so. I hope they do sort out those meds pretty soon.
Does Fading from the Borg Lead to Deceit in Other Walks of Life?
by ThomasCovenant inplease, please remember i am asking a question, not stating a fact.. .
there appears to be many advantages to fading out of the 'truth' as opposed to a full blown "i don't believe it and i'm out of here regardless of consequences'' policy.. reading others postings and experiences here and my own local experiences i can truly see why many do so.
i remember during the later stages of my still attending meetings talking to a couple who had stopped going to meetings a few years before.
As a long term fader, I would say yes, fading can lead to "deceit" in other aspects of life.
The longer you are into your fade, the more you are leading a double life and the divide becomes greater over time.
For example, at work you may celebrate your birthday. But you don't tell your workmates that in your private life, you won't get a single gift or even a card. Your workmates give you a gift. You take it home - so what do you tell your JW family? That you bought it yourself?
In both areas of your life, you are not being truthful. You can't be free and open about your situation. This is a minor example, but lots of little incidents like this wear you down after a while.
Then you get the big issues like relationships, blood transfusion, voting.
Choosing life, I really appreciate your comments.