Stay alive til' 75
Stay alive til' 2075
..................yep thats what my sister said to me today.
apparently after the dc, it was said that there may not be a convention next year and that its obvious the society knows something.
she said the whole congregation are really excited and people are making plans to pioneer this year.
Stay alive til' 75
Stay alive til' 2075
i can only picture what we can expect to hear from our witness family.....any thoughts?
The Mongol hordes under Ghengis Khan... now THAT was terrorism.
Yes, this is a good point. Also consider the murderous rampages of the Vikings, the bloody slaughters that went on in Europe during the Middle Ages, and all of the tribal invasions and violence that has occured in Africa over the ages. Believe it or not, we in the Western World are considerably more safer than the people of Europe were throughout the Dark ages. Think about this: the modern media has created a brand new sense of instant awareness of everything that happens all over the world. Think about this: just 50 years ago, a farmer in Nebraska would have probably never heard about a bombing in Cairo, or Istanbul. 24-hour cable news coverage has made us aware of every single significant act of violence all over the world. So, even if we are safe in the area where we live, we feel incredibly insecure and unsafe. But, this spread of terrorism is indeed a very serious threat. I think that it is history repeating itself. I think that the current swell of Islamic Fascism is the modern day equivelant of the Nazi uprising of the 1930s.
Every time I went out in service:
Householder (through the door): "Who is it?"
Arthur: "I'm one of your neighbors"
Householder (now with door open): "What do you want?"
Arthur: "We just want to share a positive message with you from the Bible"
Householder: "We have our own church"
Arthur: "That's okay, all we are doing is encouraging people to read their Bibles".
By the time I left their door, my nose was about 18 inches long.
i always wondered how they had the balls to do it.
and especially if they seemed happy with no remorse, and were able to celebrate holidays and live "normal" lives.
i remember wishing, in my early twenties, that i had the strength to do that.
No, because every single Witness that I knew who got DFd or DAd had their life spiral downward. All I ever heard about was how they got into drugs, went to jail, and were having a hard life. Yet, despite that, very few of them ever came back.
today i became 49. its good to be alive.
had chinese food and the fortune had a lesson on how to say a chinese word.
guess which one?
Great, now I'm going to be a frontiersman.
You don't mean like in a Brokeback Mountain kind of way do you?
face it, there is one very true statement that can be said about the bible.
that is, that there are two completely different gods described.
the old testament, is talking about a angry, vengeful and wrathful god.
As far as children being killed are concerned, remember that all remembrance of their gross ways had to be removed, if children were allowed to live and grow up then the Idol worship and Human sacrifices would be recalled. Also, I believe God will resurrect them all.
This is the same sociopathic justification that Al Qaeda and Hamas uses as justification for killing "infidels". It is this ideology that justifies blowing up bus loads full of innocent Israely children for what Hamas calls their "Zionist" idolatry.
Isn't it funny how a supposedly omnipotent God had such a lack of intellect that the best idea he can come up with to deal with Canaanite children, is to have them hacked to death with swords. (why not kill them in their sleep like the Assyrian soldiers?)
I'm sorry, but ethnic cleansing and genocide is not the calling card of an all-wise, all-powerful, and all-loving God. It is the stock and trade of sick human beings who need to justify their hedonistic actions within themselves and within their own political arenas.
"God told us to do it" is the oldest excuse in human history. Just a casual glance at any encyclopedia will make this obvious.
face it, there is one very true statement that can be said about the bible.
that is, that there are two completely different gods described.
the old testament, is talking about a angry, vengeful and wrathful god.
When I've brought up this question, various Witnesses have always said: "Well, what about what the book of Psalms says? Psalms talks about all of God's love and mercy!"
My response is: "Yeah, but who wrote the Psalms? It was a member of the Jewish nation. In the Old Testament, the God Yahweh favored the Jews, sanctioned their bloody escapades, and gave them permission to steal land and pillage cities. So, if you are a Jew, God is of course going to be loving and benevolent. But, not so charitable if you are a three year old child living inside Jericho".
Remember: even Osama Bin Laden pays lip service to worshipping a God who is "all merciful".
And of course, they go through their usual recycled cliches, platitudes, and talking points as to why I am naive and why "Jehovah put these accounts into the Bible for our benefit".
I just don't give a damn about trying to have these conversations with JWs anymore. It's like trying to converse with a tree stump.
the watchtower society's 1914 chronology hinges on a dicey chain of claims.
if any of these claims is wrong, then the chain is broken and watchtower chronology collapses.
along with it goes the entire belief structure built on it, including most importantly the claim of the leaders of jehovah's witnesses to have been specially appointed in 1919 by god over "all christ's belongings" on earth.
Alan, thanks for posting this info.
I am printing it out right now and adding it to my files.
p.s. you may want to put on an apron for all of the manure that will be slung your way.
how many xjws are there out there?
how many xjws know the truth about the troof?
are there now more xjws than there are active witnesses?
I have a different take on this subject. I actually believe that the more ex-JWs there are, the more this will galvanize devout JWs. Obviously, the more ex-JWs there are, the more opposition they will face to their preaching work. This will only feed into the persecution complex that JWs have. We know that the biggest enemy for JWs; next to Satan is the "evil slave". Even though the growth rate my slow down considerably, the GB will have a wonderful "straw man" to rally the "troops" against.
I think the more opposition this kind of group gets, the more emboldened they become. Even if the Watchtower Society were to get sued to the point of bankruptcy, the devout members would "circle the wagons" and find a way to keep going. As long as there are humans on earth; there will always be totalitarian pseudo-Christian cults which attract people through demagoguery. JWs just happen to be one of those groups.
personally, i'm grateful to hear the latest.
Yes, hearing the latest news is a major reason why I come here. This site is a great resource.
A case in point: The letter to all congreations regarding preparing for disasters. Recently, I got a call from a member of my family who was all excited about this "latest development". I just chuckled inside because I had known about it for about a month already . . . . thanks to this site.