I agree with skeptic1914. Whether or not such new treatment methods can be used by Witnesses will all depend upon what "ruling" comes down from the organization. Where the Scriptures are silent, the Watchtower Talmud fills in the gaps. When I think upon the sheer complexity of the convoluted Watchtower blood policies, I can't help but think of the Pharisees classifying the killing of a flee as hunting; or the picking of a few grains of wheat as harvesting.
Posts by Arthur
Is this a lead in to Jw's accepting 'Hemo' products freely?
by AK - Jeff inhttp://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/index.php?feed=science&article=upi-1-20070725-16163500-bc-canada-sicklecell.xml.
red blood cell substitute shows promisetoronto, july 25 (upi) -- canadian researchers said a mouse study suggested a red blood cell substitute based on human hemoglobin might lead to new sickle cell disease treatments.. the scientists -- led by dr. mark crawford of the hospital for sick children at the university of toronto -- said a newly developed hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier called hrc 101 dramatically improved survival in mice with "sickled" red blood cells exposed to low-oxygen conditions.. patients with sickle cell disease need frequent blood transfusions to treat anemia and other complications, the researchers noted.
although such transfusions are beneficial, they have several short- and long-term risks.. "hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers are red cell substitutes that can be used to increase oxygen-carrying capacity and intravascular volume," the researchers wrote.
36,350 of Jehovah's angels could bring an end to the old system
by Gopher inthe world's population at this moment is approximately 6,731,780,000. http://www.ibiblio.org/lunarbin/worldpop.
one angel can execute at least 185,000 humans overnight, according to the bible's account of jehovah wiping out the assyrian army in ancient times.. so take the total 6,731,780,000 and subtract 7 million faithful watchtower adherents, and you are left with 6,724,780,000 non witnesses worthy of everlasting destruction.
divide those 6,724,780,000 humans by 185,000 that 1 angel could take out, and you get 36,350 - the number of angels necessary for complete annihilation.. since there are, as per the bible account, 100 million angels -- less than one-tenth of one percent of all the angels would be needed for this merciful judgment of jehovah's execution.
Jaracz will be able to boss angels around. He could even make heaven hellish.
I say if the average Joe-Witness has to turn in his time each month, so should the angels.
Comment by Greg Stafford to a Question
by Gordy inthe following is a comment from greg stafford.
if anyone has already posted this i apologise.
did do a search but couldn't find it.. http://www.elihubooks.com/lampstand/watchtower.htm.
There is nothing more wearisome to the soul than to hear the soap box speeches of a Watchtower semi-apologist-critic.
36,350 of Jehovah's angels could bring an end to the old system
by Gopher inthe world's population at this moment is approximately 6,731,780,000. http://www.ibiblio.org/lunarbin/worldpop.
one angel can execute at least 185,000 humans overnight, according to the bible's account of jehovah wiping out the assyrian army in ancient times.. so take the total 6,731,780,000 and subtract 7 million faithful watchtower adherents, and you are left with 6,724,780,000 non witnesses worthy of everlasting destruction.
divide those 6,724,780,000 humans by 185,000 that 1 angel could take out, and you get 36,350 - the number of angels necessary for complete annihilation.. since there are, as per the bible account, 100 million angels -- less than one-tenth of one percent of all the angels would be needed for this merciful judgment of jehovah's execution.
It will take three angels to kill me. I'm going to be armed with my squirt gun.
"Jehovah ALWAYS has worked through ONE organization!"
by Dagney inhow many times have we heard this?.
i would like to know if any of you have any good arguements refuting this.
my brain is fried from two weeks of "fencing" with jw's.
Bull !
The OT Biblical record shows that Jehovah always worked through individuals. (i.e. Abraham, Joseph, Jonah, Job, Enoch, Jeremiah, etc.) The record shows that the "organized" worship in Israel was most often corrupt and wayward. It was very often the individuals in the Biblical record who were faithful inspite of the organized arrangement. These faithful ones (such as Jeremiah) were often at odds with the organized priesthood and were considered renegades and outcasts.
The WTS will continuously point to the fact that Jehovah used Moses to lead his people, and then had his instituted priesthood and organized worship. However, their use of this Old Covenant analogy of Moses leading his people - thereby applying that to the modern Brooklyn-based organization simply doesn't fly.
The New Covenant was a break from the old arrangement, and brought about sweeping changes. Jesus Christ is described as the Greater Moses (or mediator to mankind), with no one else serving in that capacity. There is no basis in Scripture for any earthly arrangement or group of people (i.e. "slave" class) serving in a mediatorship along with Christ Jesus.
Scripture is very clear and unambiguous in stating that Jesus is the one and only mediator; no one else. If Jesus is mediator to only 144,000, who is mediator to the "other sheep"? If the WTS claims that no person can attain salvation independent of the "Slave Class", or the "Organization", this means that the Slave Class and the Organization are attempting to place themselves in a co-mediatorship with Jesus. As Jesus said that no one can come to the Father except through me; the WTS basically states that no one can come to Christ except through them.
The Scriptures are also very clear that salvation comes through Jesus Christ, and no other. The Christian congregation was instituted to serve the purposes of building up Christians; for mutual upbuilding and serving each other. There was never any suggestion in Scripture that salvation was predicated upon a membership in any one congregation or (ekklesia). Remember, that the JW organization refers to itself as the "Christian Congregation" of Jehovah's Witnesses. For them to claim that salvation is predicated upon membership in the organization is to go beyond Scripture and teach that salvation does come through a congregation - whereby the congregation is serving in a mediator-like role to individual Christians instead of Christ Jesus.
Baptism was into the name of the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit. There was never any suggestion that a Christian had to acknowledge being baptized into a congregation or (ekklesia). The WTS however, in it's revised baptismal questions states that a person must acknowledge being baptized into "Jehovah's spirit-directed organization" for them to have the "right heart condition" for water immersion. Not once do the Scriptures indicate any kind of prerequisite of a person acknowledging being baptized into any earthly arrangement.
The WTS aargues against the trinity by stating that the word is never mentioned in the Bible; while the very concept never appears in Scripture either. Okay, fine. However, the Scriptures also do not contain the word organization, the concept of an organizaiton, or the concept of organizational salvation either.
There are many more points that could tack on, but I'll leave you with those for now.
by What-A-Coincidence inany photoshop experts???
doesn't he look like yoda???.
... this is how he looks like when he meets with the governing body ... mofo... i'd kick his ass if i was a crazy as him..
LMAO at Leolaia's rendering, using Applewhite ! Perfect.
I don't believe that "scholar" is really a scholar.
Theodore Jaracz was the keynote speaker at my convention...
by under_believer inwe just had our convention at the memorial colosseum in portland, or.
good old teddyj was our keynote speaker.
i can tell you right now that the ol' boy's still alive and kicking.
Oh, how I do miss those invigorating, refreshing pep-talks which inspire mental numbness and a robotic allegiance to an organization and it's leadership. It sort of reminds me of . . . .
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Oklahoma (weekend photo thread)
by Sparkplug inso...it started out something like this .
and fast turned into something like this.
just our luck.
Great pictures sparkplug. I went to Oklahoma myself; about six years ago to visit my cousin. The small towns and townsfolk are an interesting experience for someone like me, who has lived in the LA area his whole life.
by Core88 ini think of you all allot for the helpful thoughts, and comments that you sent my way this past week.
i think one of my problems is that now that i don't have the routine of going to the meetings and feeling my head with the watchtower and awake, i seem to have little faith in anything now....i don't feel like i "know" god anymore.
every time i have gone to another church i just don't seem to fit in and feel "at home" like i used to at my old kingdom hall.
i said i'd be pretty pissed off if that was the situation, pissed that god would kill my friends and co-workers for no other reason than that they didn't buy into an arrogant organization. even in my worst mood, at people who have done horrid things to me, i don't even wish them dead...and i'm an imperfect human, so why would a perfect god be that psychotic?
Nice comeback mono. What was their reaction? Was their reaction the same pap about "Jehovah bringing this destruction out of his love for righteous mankind"?